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At 22:25 Mario was happily brushing his teeth when he heard the call of the Tree of Temptation, now in the form of a brushed pine set of chest-of-drawers.

Just minutes earlier housemates recieved all of their weekly shopping, and poor Mario has ben ordered by the Tree to  throw all of the housemate's vegetables into the pool. A helpless Mario replied "That's not fair. They'll know it's me". But this Tree wasn't fooled and told Mario he would have to pass the sabbotage off as though it was somebody else.

Mario protests to the challenge and the Tree is quick to add that Mario 'has no friends', to which Mario replies,'well, you're not being a nice one!'. And because of Mario's cheekiness, the Tree demands he throw in all the bread as well.

Stay tuned to see how Mario fares!

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He had a plan and made a valiant effort.
He stripped to his underwear and went to the kitchen on the pretext of having a drink of water.
UNFORTUNATELY Caoimhe and Ife were there, so Mario couldn't go through with it.
Minutes later they went to bed and Mario had to return to his hole waiting for another opportunity. He is now struggling between sleeping and waking and doesn't want to miss another chance.
I would think most people are full of sympathy for Mario at this moment.
If - just if - he is a real mole (say a member of the production team or a hired professional)
then he has done well.
If he is not, then he has done even better.
A real BB highlight of all BB series I would say.
There is just something about the smoothness and design of the whole operation which makes me think perhaps...insider knowledge... oh well perhaps my imagination at work.
Good stuff.
Last edited by brisket
I like Mario I hope he gets to stay. But if BB ask the HMs "Who is the mole?" of course they are all going to say him and he's gone.
Ah now I was thinking about this in bed last night (I know, what a saddo I am lol) but....

He could really say to the HM's who accuse him that off course he's the obvious choice for them to point the finger at after all he's wearing a Mole's outfit etc etc but he could say to them that maybe BB have chosen another mole to do their work and they need to look at everyone... Just because he's a mole doesn't make him the mole - they may not believe him but I really don't want him to go. He's by far the best of a bad bunch!

I did think of something else which he could do or say but I've forgotten it now duh!

I don't have LF so I don't know how he's coming across when the food etc has been found in the pool... Is he convincing?
Lazybug he's already planted the seed in their heads that perhaps there is a mole in the house and that BB is playing with them. But we all know BB HMs can be pretty thick when it comes to stuff like this.
Thanks Longcat. Yes BB HM's can be very thick and easily swayed when it comes to any conspiracy theories but also there have been some very astute HM's in the past too (I haven't seen any potential astute HM's this year but like I said I don't have LF) They may just go for Mario if they can't decide on anyone else and then it's bye bye Mario which would be a shame. I like Mario

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