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Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Saint:

I can't see any need to gurn in order to be understood

Have you ever watched deaf people signing to each other, out of interest?

Some do it, so it must be natural for them?


Honestly Saint.... waaaaay dumb thing to say, and quite offensive. 



Yeah Rog, he's gone over the top there 

Oh give over

Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Saint:

I can't see any need to gurn in order to be understood

Have you ever watched deaf people signing to each other, out of interest?

Some do it, so it must be natural for them?


Honestly Saint.... waaaaay dumb thing to say, and quite offensive. 



Yeah Rog, he's gone over the top there 

Oh give over

No, I agree with other peeps/other peeps agree with me. You're out of order 

Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Saint:

I can't see any need to gurn in order to be understood

Have you ever watched deaf people signing to each other, out of interest?

Some do it, so it must be natural for them?


Honestly Saint.... waaaaay dumb thing to say, and quite offensive. 



Yeah Rog, he's gone over the top there 

Oh give over

If you find deaf people signing aesthetically displeasing... that's not nice 


You put my blood pressure up!!!  I'm off! Give yourself a slap !


Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Moin! XX sorry if you thought we were all ganging up on you St. Renton.

No - there's nothing wrong with passionately held views.

So long as we can all hold them without fear of being silenced

Your remarks verged very close to discrimination Saint, and there is something wrong with that. If someone deaf, or with a deaf child, read your comments they might well feel hurt, embarassed or belittled. They face enough stigma from society as it is.


Nifty trick turning yourself into the victim 



I believe the exaggerated facial expressions used by signers is meant to aid comprehension - mine artists do the same thing. Perhaps it might be a good idea to introduce basic sign language in schools, which would not only encourage more contact between hearing people and Deaf people, but might also stir some empathy and understanding.

Originally Posted by Saint:

I guess its cos a lot of my work involves breaking down barriers and looking towards acceptance of disability and when I see something that just looks so, well ... silly - I wonder how it is necessary and wish it could change.

Sorry, I haven't replied sooner I've been off, doing real life.


So you think it's about breaking down barriers. Can I be honest I think the beauty of disabled people is that they just get on with it, they don't care what they look like. The only time their appearance is a problem is when idiots either let it bother them, or idiots point out that it's bothering them. 


Renton, have you ever worked with the Deaf, or even better, expanded your knowledge to learn sign language?


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