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Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Amazon reviews! 


I've been buying stuff based on them... turns out lots of them are fake! 



What sort of stuff Roger?

For years I've bought most of my gifts on on Amazon due to ease of delivery/range etc. But the reviews can't be believed now, after I found out about the comedy spoof reviews for certain products:


Some of the "customers who viewed this item also viewed" products on that page also got spoof reviews too.

Originally Posted by Saint:

Why do people doing sign language pull such ridiculous expressions?


I was once told its to be more expressive


It doesn't matter what its for - it looks terrible.

Why would anyone need to pull a silly face to get a message across?

Isn't it the same as saying something in a different tone of voice though?

Originally Posted by Saint:

Oh I agree


A frown - a smile - a scowl - raised eyebrows ... all help


But I'm talking about expressions that make the signer look plain ridiculous.


If the expressions used 'are' needed then please please modify them

Renton, you really flabbergast me. Why on earh would that bother you? If a person is singing and making facial gestures, why would it bother you? 


Originally Posted by Saint:

Oh I agree


A frown - a smile - a scowl - raised eyebrows ... all help


But I'm talking about expressions that make the signer look plain ridiculous.


If the expressions used 'are' needed then please please modify them

In your eyes!   It helps get the message across though, and a good thing! 

Originally Posted by Saint:

I guess its cos a lot of my work involves breaking down barriers and looking towards acceptance of disability and when I see something that just looks so, well ... silly - I wonder how it is necessary and wish it could change.

It's not silly though!   Think about it!   Some people just don't have the same abilities as you! 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Saint:

I can't see any need to gurn in order to be understood

Have you ever watched deaf people signing to each other, out of interest?

Some do it, so it must be natural for them?


Honestly Saint.... waaaaay dumb thing to say, and quite offensive. 



Yeah Rog, he's gone over the top there 


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