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Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Roxi:
Its the day after the memorial and i just still feel so sad and upset Frowner. I cant believe Michael Jackson the king of pop has gone Frowner. It feels so wrong he went to soon. It will take ages for me to get over this. The memorial just keeps going round in my head when i watched it. The world has lost something so special and great. Anyone else feel the way i do???

roxi, don't be so sad. Michael has left a legacy for us all to enjoy in his music, his videos, and his unrivalled innovative style.

Roxi, here's the way i look at it, I hope this makes you feel a little better....

....he has been my favourite artist since I can remember, and I am almost 36....I am deeply saddened and I confess to bawling my eyes out over his passing away, and watching the service last night....I simply adored him... a strange kind of way, I am glad he went KNOWING that millions of people here in the UK (and indeed the World) wanted to see him perform....he had created a media explosion, the kind only Michael Jackson can do...from all accounts he was looking forward to doing the Concerts, imagine that for him after all the shit over the last few years, MILLIONS wanting HIM!!!!!

I am sorry his Children have lost their Father and his siblings their Brother. I am also sorry that future generations will never actually truly understand the impact he had on Music, Dance & what a wonderful Humanitarian he was.....but I am not sorry to tell people how special he was to me, and I'm very, very lucky to have had him and his Music throughout my life....

As someone said in an earlier post, there will NEVER be , a GLOBAL SUPERSTAR as big as him ever again, most kids now will never know what it is to grow up with an Icon like him....we are lucky in that respect! Nod

He went in a Blaze Of Glory and had the World at his feet....I'd bet my last Buck that he was overwhelmed at the support he had!!! Thumbs Up

I have to look at it in a positive way, he has gone, but his Music & Legacy will never go! He IS and always will be the King of Pop, and I thank him! Valentine

What a brilliant tribute xx Clapping
Twee Surgeon
Twee Surgeon yeah he did leave his great music behind which is something ill listen to everyday as its something i can enjoy as a reminder of him and what he achieved in life

The Devil In Diamante i understand what you are saying i guess he it is some comfort that he knew he still had fans as his shows in London sold out quickly and he even said he was looking forward to performing for the fans again. There will never be a guy like him ever again who achieved so much in his life and broke down barriers that werent possible before he came along. His music will live on even though he isnt around no more. I do feel sorry for his children, siblings, parents, friends and i hope they get through this difficult time

Yellow Rose thank you for thinking of me Hug. It will take time for me to get back to normal after something like this. Sorry to hear about your dad dying and your mum being ill i hope your ok. Must be awful seeing your parents being ill. I am listening to Michael's music to comfort me. I can imagine theres more people around the world feeling the way i do right now. My thoughts are also with his family, friends
Twee Surgeon yeah he did leave his great music behind which is something ill listen to everyday as its something i can enjoy as a reminder of him and what he achieved in life

roxi, one of my biggest regrets is that I didn't go to see Michael when he performed live. Now I will not get the chance. The ticket sales for the O2 proved to him and everyone that he was the top superstar, and he knew it before he died. That is the thing we should take comfort from with his passing. He knew, and we knew, that he was the best performer in the world.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Hey Roxi, Twee and pigeon wavey

Feel so much better today Hug

Evening. wavey
Yes I know what you mean I feel a calm around me now. Have listened to some great MJ music today, and watching this tribute show on 4music is really celebrating his achievments, and they're speeches are light-hearted and full of respect. Nod
Originally posted by pigeonpie:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Hey Roxi, Twee and pigeon wavey

Feel so much better today Hug

Evening. wavey
Yes I know what you mean I feel a calm around me now. Have listened to some great MJ music today, and watching this tribute show on 4music is really celebrating his achievments, and they're speeches are light-hearted and full of respect. Nod
Yes its the calm after a storm.... The speeches were great, Im glad they all spoke because someone had to put things straight.....
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Hey Roxi, Twee and pigeon wavey

Feel so much better today Hug

hiya pce xx Yes, it is a bit easier today. Glad you are ok. Everyone who posted on the thread yesterday was overcome with emotion. I watched his daughter's little speech on utube and it was very moving.
Hello hun... The speech was really moving and it broke my heart also it was pretty obvious she wanted to talk and let people know her daddy was a good man....
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Twee Surgeon yeah he did leave his great music behind which is something ill listen to everyday as its something i can enjoy as a reminder of him and what he achieved in life

roxi, one of my biggest regrets is that I didn't go to see Michael when he performed live. Now I will not get the chance. The ticket sales for the O2 proved to him and everyone that he was the top superstar, and he knew it before he died. That is the thing we should take comfort from with his passing. He knew, and we knew, that he was the best performer in the world.

Clapping I'm exactly the same Roxi, TS & PCE...he is, and always will be my Icon. I have been also been finding comfort in his Music over the last 13 days (well, most of my life really) Are not Alone! Valentine

As for the folks thinking it was wrong for Paris to speak on stage, I don't. She clearly wanted to do it! Nod Also, imagine knowing all that was for YOUR DADDY!!! They must be so overwhelmed and equally proud....I'm sure the love & adulation from his fans are helping them massively while they come to terms with their loss.....

...the thing is, he will NEVER truly die. His Music will live on, and I am proud to call myself a fan, I am also NOT in the slightest bit ashamed of how much his death has affected me...he IS The Greatest! Valentine
The Devil In Diamante
PCE and Devil in Diamante ..

the tribute by Paris was fitting. Children tell the truth and so therefore I believe what she said to be true. Prince Michael was beside Janet cuddling her too, and he was distraught. Those poor children are suffering. Paris will remember her beloved father forever without any prompting from the media, or otherwise. She was entitled to be there, Michael was her father and she loved him.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
PCE and Devil in Diamante ..

the tribute by Paris was fitting. Children tell the truth and so therefore I believe what she said to be true. Prince Michael was beside Janet cuddling her too, and he was distraught. Those poor children are suffering. Paris will remember her beloved father forever without any prompting from the media, or otherwise. She was entitled to be there, Michael was her father and she loved him.

Valentine Thumbs Up Goodnight for now TS, I'll see you Tomorrow Valentine
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by Roxi:
Twee Surgeon yeah he did leave his great music behind which is something ill listen to everyday as its something i can enjoy as a reminder of him and what he achieved in life

The Devil In Diamante i understand what you are saying i guess he it is some comfort that he knew he still had fans as his shows in London sold out quickly and he even said he was looking forward to performing for the fans again. There will never be a guy like him ever again who achieved so much in his life and broke down barriers that werent possible before he came along. His music will live on even though he isnt around no more. I do feel sorry for his children, siblings, parents, friends and i hope they get through this difficult time

Yellow Rose thank you for thinking of me Hug. It will take time for me to get back to normal after something like this. Sorry to hear about your dad dying and your mum being ill i hope your ok. Must be awful seeing your parents being ill. I am listening to Michael's music to comfort me. I can imagine theres more people around the world feeling the way i do right now. My thoughts are also with his family, friends

Thank you for your thoughts Roxi Valentine my Mum passed last year but because of her illness on one level I was prepared. On another level I wasn't because whether she had passed suddenly like my Dad, or in the circumstances that she did the end result is the same, grief, but I'm doing pretty ok, some days are easier than others.

I'm glad you're finding his music comforting, I think music can be healing at times as well as other benefits it has. I was listening to some music on utube earlier and had the thought that thanks to them we're in a time when we can play what's available if we can't buy all the cd's we'd like, of whichever artist. In the past fans of Lennon, Elvis and others didn't have this opportunity, so thank goodness for utube eh? Thumbs Up I found an MJ song I've never heard before, Butterflies, slightly different from his other styles but I love it Smiler Take care Hug
Yellow Rose
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Thank you for all your replys Smiler. I agree with you all to Paris was right to say her speech which showed how much she loved her dad and what a good dad he was to her, Prince Michael 1, Prince Michael 2. It was also very sad to watch to i really felt sorry for her Frowner. I really hope those kids get through life ok without the media hassling them.

Michael will live on in his music he left behind, what he did for childrens charities, he will live on in spirit and in peoples hearts and memories. And he knew he was still loved by the fans by his London shows selling out. Thats a great comfort to him, me and everyone else. I will try my hardest to move on in life now but i wont forget Michael or his music and will still listen to his music

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