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Is she treated this way all across the UK, or just here?
What do you mean 'treated'? Anyone would think she is being burned at the steak Ok, simpleton story is: I made a comment about her neck (cos I cant see it). People make comments about nearly everyone in the public eye (some examples I have already given). My neighbour makes comments about me, I make comments about the bin men....this kinda stuff happens

And if she wasn't so different she wouldn't have had the overnight success she did.


Aaaaaaaand breathe.

Evening Dave!
Why yes I am.  If it wasn't for the blasted pc, maybe I'd be doing real life things in the real life world, and not mocking a lady without a neck. This pc has turned me into a wicked, evil person.  Susan's house is a few miles away, I shall take a brisk walk to her door and leave her a bouquet of flowers as an apology, although I think the millions she is earning will help her to cope.

Karma, if you found my post funny that's fine with me, humour's good for everyone.  Believe it or not, either you or others here, I love humour and often find the strangest of things funny which those who know me well are aware of.

There wasn't any humour in my post to you because although I've never personally had anything said to me in a negative way about my appearance - what's said behind my back isn't my business but for others to have an opinion on if they wish. What I do know about though are those I know who've had judgemental remarks made to them and it hurts them, it affects them, affects their feelings of self worth and their life.

You say my post made you think of detention and being naughty, that really wasn't the point I was trying to make so apologise if I made you feel that way, I just couldn't make myself feel it was funny as it reminded me of those I know and have known

Yellow Rose
Karma, if you found my post funny that's fine with me, humour's good for everyone.
I didn't find it funny. I found my post funny.

I think nearly everyone has been the subject of ridicule for whatever reason at some point in their lives. One thing I do know, no-one is perfect, no matter how prissy, great or superior they claim to be. I laugh at myself all the time. Others do too. You're entitled to your opinion of course, but my opinion is this is an internet forum, and there are thousands of these around talking about people every day of the week. Not worth getting so upset about.
Reference: Dave
Is she treated this way all across the UK, or just here?
We like to keep our celebrities on their toes.  There's a whole industry here based on whether one of our stick-thin celebrities has put on a couple of pounds or someone normally glamourous at public events has been photographed popping to the papershop in hair rollers.  We're nice, really, and it's very bad form to be rude to normal people in everyday life.  However, celebrities are different.  It comes with the territory.
i tend to think that if people crave to  be a celebrity and in the public eye,then they make themselves fair game for those members of the great unwashed who don't wish to see these celebs in the public eye.
it's not our fault they put themselves there it's theirs,most celebrities will divide opinion,although many of us just won't ever care one way or the other. 

they are not holy cows to be beatified, they are just people with and often without talent who desire fame ,recognition etc.

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