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Yes it's a .real shame we're not all physically perfect......I know I'm not...oh I can't sing either.

What the hell is wrong with being a bit out of step with the norm.

I know you won't get annoyed with this post, because you seem to like freedom of expression.............I'm expressing that I'm pissed off .
Not with you, or with anyone in general.......Just pissed off , and glad to get it off my chest, instead of secretly SIMMERING
Secret simmering is crap actually, just ends up tangling you in knots and then you turn really bitter (NOT YOU, just saying in general). Better to air your woes with whoever concerned and get to the bottom of it.
I am airing my views for a change, and simmering accidentally came out in capitals (spooky) I usually keep my big trap shut, but tonight for some reason my dander is up.

I'll put up , and shut up henceforth
When Susan Boyle went on X Factor she had the same dream so many do, of whatever age. Before she sang the judges and the audience judged her looks and her age and instantly dismissed the dream she said she had as idle wishful thinking. I'm so glad for her they had to deal with their judgemental attitudes when she sang.

On that first night she created a whirlwind of interest from around the world which created millions of hits on youtube. Then the sudden media focus almost broke her for a while, especially all the negativity which the UK is renowned for, both media and people. I saw many nasty comments on here about her and that was possibly repeated on other Forums. I'm glad she's come through it all and has received a Gold Disc for 1 million sales, even though she's sold 4 million. Sorry Karma but I don't see why it was necessary for you to post that pic and make that comment. Not everyone is beautiful (outwardly) which to me means nothing if people aren't nice, or the perfect size 10 or 8 or whatever it's supposed to be now. I'm happy that Susan is realising her dream.
Yellow Rose
I'm so glad for her they had to deal with their judgemental attitudes when she sang.
On the flip side, Cheryl Cole is a goddess to some but she sounds like a pissed off drain, so they haven't always been fair.

Sorry Karma but I don't see why it was necessary for you to post that pic and make that comment
Oh for gawd's sake. Firstly, I know her life story and how she got there. I don't actually think she's the Messiah that people have made her but to be, sure, she can sing, and yes it was unexpected from her, but she's a long way to go to match Elaine Paige but that's just my opinion.

Equally, Stevie Wonder (very well known blind singer) has been a subject of ridicule for years, does he give a toss? I wouldn't think so, it's helped make him distinctive, but lets not forget he is one of the most talented artists to grace this planet (IMO).

Barry White, hardly an advert for Weighwatchers, but he never went without his women did he? In fact, it only added to his appeal. The Walrus of Love. Why call him a walrus? Not very nice is it, but did he give a stuff? I think not.

Had Susan Boyle looked like Davina McCall or a Newsreader and had led a fairly normal life with a white collar husband and 2.4 children, there is no way in hell she would have had the success she had on such a vast scale. It was her being different that grabbed the attention. She's achieved her dream so good luck to her, and I am (genuinely) pleased for her. If people stopped talking about her (especially negatively) she would fade. She's set to make 10 million though so if I was her I wouldn't really give a toss what someone like me thinks of her neck.
I still haven't bothered to work out how to quote in here and it is hugely limiting my conversational ability.

Anyway, I started wiggling my bum at moonie an hour ago, and it's only just stopped wiggling.

Susan's local pub has had a big makeover.  It seems that the nonnecked one gave them some money.  Which means nonecked people can be nice.  Apparently.
I thought she was very overhyped and overrated, but I did feel sorry for Susan Boyle because all this publicity lead her to a breakdown. Susan seems a nice woman and good for her she's doing and coping well but i'm not taking much interest in what she does.

Glad she finished second and I can't wait to see Diversity on Wednessday for their RVP performance
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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