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Originally posted by mozart:
she prays 5 times a day, so maybe its her prayer time

Funny isn't it how she can dress the way she does and still be a practising muslim. It is possible.

Me, I work in a primary school, I wear more clothes than Hira...but yet I get questioned by 7-8 yr olds if am a muslim and do I pray 5 times a day in a mosque! I was feckin fuming!
Originally posted by queenshaks:
I've always been a liberal muslim, it's the way we were brought up. I work in a school where it's predominantly pakistani children and they are forever questioning me.

But this recent questioning was by yr 3 (7-8 yr olds)...I answered them in my most serious voice but in my head I was saying feck dare you question me!

Laugh i know that feeling well, i also work with kids.
Originally posted by mozart:

no one can question your thoughts they are entirely personal, as long as a person is outwardly professional all is good, teachers and the likes are also human and do have thoughts and feelings just like you and me, doesnt mean to say we dislike children or working with children.

Absolutely Mozart. Nod
Just last week, I was on lunchtime duty and as it was raining it wa classroom lunches.

This lad in yr 4 (my son's year)...put his hand up and asked 'miss are you a muslim?' I thought where did this come you ask all your teachers/teacher assistants this!

I simply replied (remember I had already spoken to assistant head the week before about the yr 3s)...'do not ask a member of staff a personal question!' He promptly shut up.

My son has been badgered for the last 2 yrs about it, and he has been at the school since early years!

I get fed up!
Originally posted by Lazybug:
Kids will always be blunt and in your face with their questions and behaviour.

I worked in a school after I'd had a baby who had sadly died and one of the school mums had told their child Roll Eyes and it went round the school like wild fire...

In the playground I was getting kids coming up to me saying things like 'Is your baby dead?' and 'What did she look like when she was dead?' etc, etc I wanted to cry and dissolve but had to put on a front answer as best I could and when I had time to myself sobbed in the loo.

Kids will be kids with no real thought for feelings or right or wrongs but sometimes you do just wanna say 'What the bloody hell does it have to do with you?'!!!

Just because you 'think' some things doesn't make you a bad person.

Oh Lazybug that must have been so tough. This situation is so different to the one experienced by Mozart because I am sure the kids meant no harm, they just have horribly enquiring minds Hug

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