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Pirate, the crowds seem to be wearing those Guido masks - associated with Guy Fawkes and the 5th Nov.

Heres wot I found on t'net:


The Guy Fawkes masks used in the movie V for Vendetta by the rebels, has since been adopted by a diverse set of groups.  It emerged lately in Asia  used by anti-Thaksin Shinawatra protesters in Thailand who presumably wear it without realising the 1605 revolution was against the English king of yore in England.

It has also been used by the international hackers collectivist movement called Anonymous.

The masks were also used in Western countries by protesters in the Occupy movement on Wall Street in the United States.


Some sort of protest but who knows what?

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

The Russki's are disempowering the squatters in Belgravia.


Tbh I see their point.

The march is apparently against corruption around the world. Russia is right up there  Flippin oligarchs - wish an even bigger horde of squatters would move into their their gaffs!!! 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

and still not sure

i thought mayday riot things were about this sort of stuff?

Umm yes thats a good point...  its a different type of protester maybe? More modern and umm... nope I haven't a clue  


Thanks for making me look up those Guido masks though... I learned what they stood for tonight 


It's in response in part to what the government have done lately - bedroom tax, JSA sanctions, withdrawal of legal aid, no right to appeal if you're denied ESA - you have to go to reconsideration and that is now in the hands of the DWP who can string it out for years if necessary while the person has no money - all because too many people were winning appeals.


It's also about the lack of jobs, those that are about are minimum not living wage, zero contract hours or part time work - just general discontentment at the way this coalition government have targeted certain sections of society by turning others on them


Energy companies screwing us over, MPs and their expenses screwing us over even though we're all in it together!!!!!!!!!


I'm in no way political of course



Originally Posted by Pengy:

It's in response in part to what the government have done lately - bedroom tax, JSA sanctions, withdrawal of legal aid, no right to appeal if you're denied ESA - you have to go to reconsideration and that is now in the hands of the DWP who can string it out for years if necessary while the person has no money - all because too many people were winning appeals.


It's also about the lack of jobs, those that are about are minimum not living wage, zero contract hours or part time work - just general discontentment at the way this coalition government have targeted certain sections of society by turning others on them


Energy companies screwing us over, MPs and their expenses screwing us over even though we're all in it together!!!!!!!!!


I'm in no way political of course



Good summary Pengy . Yes theres a lot of discontent, understandably so. I think we could do with a new political party [ not UKIP - a nice one].

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

Thanks for the link Jen  from the slideshow it looked a well behaved, quite small protest.

the law was changed recently to curb how many people can congregate and police were given more powers and action to disperse 


I suspect the government know a tipping point is coming god help everyone when it falls 


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