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Mitt Romney:


The Quote "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."




^^^ I've seen the video of him saying that at a private function. When the vid was released into the public domain and he realised he'd upset a lot of people he changed his view/tactics...yet again, as he's done on so many issues.... and said he wants to help 100% of the people, no wonder Obama has fun with "Romnesia" Oh and maybe he should change his name to Rmoney

Yellow Rose

LOL Yellow


He can backpedal all he likes but those words express his true feelings. In that 47% (most of whom pay a higher percentage of tax than he does) are veterans, retired workers, the "middle class" he claims to care about.


And this 20% tax cut he keeps promising and refuses to explain, other than saying he will close loop holes and get rid of deductions. I dont understand why Obama isn't pushing this issue more - WHAT DEDUCTIONS? That's a huge red flag to me.



Daft twonk Donald Trump wading in again demanding to see Obama's college acceptance and transcripts. If Obama obliges then Trump will donate $5 Million to a charity of the President's choice. Must be lovely having a spare 5 million in between bankruptcies and alimony payments, and even more charming holding a charity to ransom to win some manufactured point.

I don't recall Trump ever doubting the credibility that a dunderhead like GW Bush could get places at both Yale and Harvard Business School entirely on merit and intellectual capability. 

They should all be honest with themselves and admit that they just can't accept an 'uppity n***er' like Obama in the White House with all his fancy talk of social conscience and welfare. 

I like Obama. I was in Washington 4 years ago and left the day before the polls opened. I could sense the buzz, excitement and feeling of change. He may not have fulfilled all that initial promise, but he's done as much as is possible being neutered by a suspicious and extremely conservative Republican majority in Congress. Whatever needed sorting from the Bush legacy in the USA was always going to need at least two terms. I hope Obama get a chance.

Originally Posted by suzybean:

Daft twonk Donald Trump wading in again demanding to see Obama's college acceptance and transcripts. If Obama obliges then Trump will donate $5 Million to a charity of the President's choice. Must be lovely having a spare 5 million in between bankruptcies and alimony payments, and even more charming holding a charity to ransom to win some manufactured point.

I don't recall Trump ever doubting the credibility that a dunderhead like GW Bush could get places at both Yale and Harvard Business School entirely on merit and intellectual capability. 

They should all be honest with themselves and admit that they just can't accept an 'uppity n***er' like Obama in the White House with all his fancy talk of social conscience and welfare. 

I like Obama. I was in Washington 4 years ago and left the day before the polls opened. I could sense the buzz, excitement and feeling of change. He may not have fulfilled all that initial promise, but he's done as much as is possible being neutered by a suspicious and extremely conservative Republican majority in Congress. Whatever needed sorting from the Bush legacy in the USA was always going to need at least two terms. I hope Obama get a chance.

I agree that he is hampered, but he seems to um and ah all the time. Also, he promised to close Guantanamo Bay. I wish he had informed himself better before he made that promise. I don't think he is strong enough to keep Israel at bay. Bin Laden was caught, but that wasn't down to him, that's intel and supreme soldiers. He managed to get his health bill through despite the majority in Congress. I wonder sometimes if he had any other policies. He blames Bush for the economic deficit, Tories blame Labour. Diametrically opposed policies, how does that work? He behaved like a plonker during the oil spill. He will have to pull his socks up very seriously to get my respect again. 4 years ago he was in on a wave of jubilation that a coloured person could make it into the Whitehouse, now let's see what he's made of. TBH, I'd rather have his wife in the job.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by suzybean:

Daft twonk Donald Trump wading in again demanding to see Obama's college acceptance and transcripts. If Obama obliges then Trump will donate $5 Million to a charity of the President's choice. Must be lovely having a spare 5 million in between bankruptcies and alimony payments, and even more charming holding a charity to ransom to win some manufactured point.

I don't recall Trump ever doubting the credibility that a dunderhead like GW Bush could get places at both Yale and Harvard Business School entirely on merit and intellectual capability. 

They should all be honest with themselves and admit that they just can't accept an 'uppity n***er' like Obama in the White House with all his fancy talk of social conscience and welfare. 

I like Obama. I was in Washington 4 years ago and left the day before the polls opened. I could sense the buzz, excitement and feeling of change. He may not have fulfilled all that initial promise, but he's done as much as is possible being neutered by a suspicious and extremely conservative Republican majority in Congress. Whatever needed sorting from the Bush legacy in the USA was always going to need at least two terms. I hope Obama get a chance.

I agree that he is hampered, but he seems to um and ah all the time. Also, he promised to close Guantanamo Bay. I wish he had informed himself better before he made that promise. I don't think he is strong enough to keep Israel at bay. Bin Laden was caught, but that wasn't down to him, that's intel and supreme soldiers. He managed to get his health bill through despite the majority in Congress. I wonder sometimes if he had any other policies. He blames Bush for the economic deficit, Tories blame Labour. Diametrically opposed policies, how does that work? He behaved like a plonker during the oil spill. He will have to pull his socks up very seriously to get my respect again. 4 years ago he was in on a wave of jubilation that a coloured person could make it into the Whitehouse, now let's see what he's made of. TBH, I'd rather have his wife in the job.

Fair points Col, but he's not been given an easy ride or allowed to show leadership without the distractions of having to prove his worth as an American the whole time. How many other Presidents have been ambushed by a group like the 'birthers' and hounded to prove their place of birth, lineage and allegiances even before they've caught their breath and started the business of policy making? Yeah, his foreign and domestic policies have fallen short and failed to deliver at times, but the question of Israel is not going to be sorted out any time soon but at least leviathans like Netanyahu have been kept in check by his administration, especially Hillary Clinton as Sec. of State who doesn't pander to a bunch of Neo-Cons with Zionist leanings.

The economy too is something that can be entirely blamed on the Bush administration. The access to credit, supply side mechanisms and deregulation made the mortgage crisis and foreclosures inevitable. If a giant in the financial world like Lehman's crashes, the whole world feels it and it did. 

I believe his colour is a fundamental issue in a country that has particular  dynamics with race issue. (By the way, he's either black or mixed-raced...the word coloured is loaded with all kinds of politically incorrect meaning). His wife would have faired no better imo, she'd probably have to deal daily with accusations of being that stereotypical 'angry black woman'.


I think his uhmming and arring would be lessened by winning a second term, and getting a mandate for more widespread change and determination. The thought of President Romney makes me shudder....and he was the best the Republicans could offer.


Largest Utah Newspaper Endorses Obama

As a Mormon I wonder how Romney feels about not being endorsed by this Newspaper.


Romney's father was born in Mexico, Romney's brother still lives there, in an interview I saw recently his brother said he disagrees with his policy re the Mexican border issue should he get into Office. Having learnt a lot about him this year, watched all the debates, I'm still puzzled as to why he's around level in the Polls with Obama. With a recession it's easy for Romney to quote figures of how many are out of work etc etc in debates or while canvassing...does he even know the recession isn't just happening in the US? has he heard what's happening in Europe? Obama didn't cause the problem, we all know the cause of the problem, financial greed, caused by those who had more than most anyway and ordinary day to day folk trying to get by are paying the price. All the financial wizards haven't been able to find a solution to the problem, but apparently Romney can!

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I really hope he gets a second term. It sounds like I don't like him. I like him a lot and he has moments of brilliant inspiration. I just want to see him a bit more agressive and pro active.

No it didn't. You were clear about wanting him to have some vooom 

I understand why he needed to be more steady and measured. Partly because he acknowledged the problems he inherited would probably take 2 terms to resolve, and partly to not scare the masses with revolutionary measures and give himself a better chance of re-election. He's got one final stab now, if he wins, and then hopefully Hillary can take over and continue.

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I hope it's Obama, but if he wins, he'll have to show some leadership. He's been wishy washy for 4 years. I'm disappointed, but 4 years of Mit doesn't bear thinking about.

Have no fear, even if Romney gets into power he wont last for 4 years, the world will be over within 4 years, WW3 would have wiped us all out.

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

There is something really weird about Romney. He doesn't look in any way as if he's delivering a serious political sermon/debate/discussion. Rather he comes across as trying to deliver a VERY UNFUNNY stand-up routine, while desperately trying to convince himself, let alone the rest of us, that it really IS funny!

Those 2 words reminded me of a couple of pics an online friend in the US recently sent me of Ryan, one of them was of him posing naked in the centre fold of a well known magazine. How he can be expected to be taken seriously as the possibly new VP is beyond my understanding. As for Romney, he's a jerk.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

There is something really weird about Romney. He doesn't look in any way as if he's delivering a serious political sermon/debate/discussion. Rather he comes across as trying to deliver a VERY UNFUNNY stand-up routine, while desperately trying to convince himself, let alone the rest of us, that it really IS funny!

LOL or more like he's trying to convince himself and us that he's HUMAN!


When the storm hit and campaigning was halted I knew Romney would want to get to Ohio as quick as he could as it's an important swing state. He went yesterday to take part in a fundraiser for those affected...I hope he donated loads of money! Being cynical I just know he wanted to be there mainly to impress the floating voters. Today he's campaigning in Florida, saying the same things he said in the debates, he's desperate to win.



Yellow Rose

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