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Michele Bachmann, a member of the Tea Party, announced herself as a contender for the Republican presidential candidate. Unfortunately for her...


“But what I want them to know is just like John Wayne, who is from Waterloo, Iowa – that’s the kind of spirit that I have too.”

-Michele Bachmann

Oh dear. Michele Bachmann invoked the name of spirit-BFF John Wayne yesterday in an interview with Fox News. The only problem? The John Wayne from Waterloo, Iowa is John Wayne Gacy, a serial killer responsible for the deaths of 33 teenage boys and young men.


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Originally Posted by PeterCat:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Move over Sarah Palin, there's a new foot-in-gob republican glamourpuss in town

And it's not the first time either

Just read some Bachmannisms.. she's barking!


From what I've read about her, she's not just a nutter, she's a liar too.

Complains about farming subsidies - but her folks' farm got them.

Says she never took a penny from federal grants - no, she took thousands of dollars.

Normal, rational Americans CAN NOT be stupid enough to vote for this woman, surely?


Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Tom Petty's taken legal action to stop her using " American Girl" at rallies and events

He should dedicate one of the other tracks from Full Moon Fever to her.............

'Feel a Whole Lot Better When You're Gone'


Or possibly Zombie Zoo to describe her party!!

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Tom Petty's taken legal action to stop her using " American Girl" at rallies and events

He should dedicate one of the other tracks from Full Moon Fever to her.............

'Feel a Whole Lot Better When You're Gone'


Or possibly Zombie Zoo to describe her party!!

Don't Come Around Here No More maybe


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