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Great idea this thread Shizzle

Ben I am so glad you decided to take part in BB.  I found you by far the most entertaining and I think the show will be much duller without you in it.  I hope to see you in many other programmes and wish you all the luck in the future. I hope if you get a chance you will pop into your support thread on Facebook and for those of us who have a Facebook account we can keep up to date with all your news. Take care
You always get people who do that Fairfax. 
Fairfax offline 4,295 Forum Posts Today at 1:32 PM Last Edited: Reference: You're better off out of there Absolutely, and I'm better out of here too. What's with the spiteful nasty contributions in a thread that is obviously aimed at Ben and his fans.
Lord knows Fairfax, people do it all the time. Best to ignore it
Disingenuous. Much
again I say eh?

I can't see any really horrid comments at the time of writing.. I even said he was a great HM.

but as for Ben as a person I am not keen on users portraying themselves as 'gentlemen'  and am entitled to my opinion just as all you supporters are.. and am also entitled to post in a non fan thread, or indeed in a fan thread if the fancy took me but it doesn't,  whatever I want to without being called out... .I find that rude to say the least... 

as a fan of the show, not the wannabee;s that go on it, I've moved on...

 was just saying tara and adding a bit of my own thoughts about him too ..

it's allowed you know...
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Fairfax is not too keen on the 'where you like' bit or she wouldn't have got the hump unless I am misunderstanding her post
Olly that is harsh,  I do not have the 'hump' at all, and it was certainly not with you so yes you did misunderstand me. I certainly am no forum dictator and absolutely agree that one can post anywhere one likes, however in the interest of sensitivity I wouldn't post in any of the other hm's fan threads because I can't stand most of them and don't want to rattle peoples cages,anymore than I already do in other threads. I'm certainly no saint and would never claim to be.
Please re-read the thread and you will see there were horrid things said.
You responded about the thread not coming with a 'codicil', I feel it didn't need one. A quick read of Shizzles post would have indicated that it was a fan type thingy.
Anyhow, apologies if I offended you, perhaps I misunderstood you.
Never was a Ben defender, but the way the other housemates ganged up on him, was disgusting.   However, he's gone now and they're still talking about him, so he's well out of it, because they'll have to find another whipping boy.    Seems Sam is easy prey, since the house king and queen don't like him much!    
Fairfax I am sorry if I misunderstood you and apologise

Like you I won't post in any fan thread. . non at all... am a BB fan not a HM fan...  well apart form the shack very occasionally, but not cos it's a fan thread as such but more cos I like the graphics in there...

there is obviously a misunderstanding tho cos as far as I have ever know in all my BB forum life a Message thread for a departed HM is open to all, fans and non fansalike, unless it actually states for fans only. .  so I think that was why I was surprised at your reaction. .  and to be then called disingenuous on top ..

anyway seems there were misunderstandings all around and I apologise for my part in it ..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Please re-read the thread and you will see there were horrid things said.
Only after horrid things were said to Zaph though Fairfax.

The HM fan threads are open house..... they always have been. The best way to cope with it is with humour. If you look in the Shack the list of members is up to 64. Do you know how many of those are actual JJ fans? I could probably count them on my fingers.

So just work out how many of those 64 came in to diss JJ instead! But you know what, not one cross word have we had with anyone because other peoples opinions were accepted and welcomed.

We have had people come in and post pictures at us too. It's amusing if people can take it in the spirit it is intended.
If you look in the Shack the list of members is up to 64. Do you know how many of those are actual JJ fans? I could probably count them on my fingers.
Yes I believe someone has taken my name in vain in there and as far as I know I have never posted in there and I cannot stand the guy

other peoples opinions were accepted and welcomed.

Works both ways though, Z's humour at that time (although I am sure he is a very funny guy) was not appreciated by all.

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