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Reference: Karma
Well, quite! I think it's a lot more common than we think, and most of us either know someone who is or has been affected or have been through some form of illness in the past, though not everyone admits it. I used to be really ignorant towards it and laugh about it. But I don't anymore cos I went through it myself and am not ashamed of it. Saying that though, I have it in black and white that I am in complete remission from depression and have a complete clean bill of mental health And I'd thoroughly recommend counselling (as long as it's the right counselling for the individual)
Good for you!
They say one in three of us will have some kind mental issue at some stage in life. My family has a history of depressive behaviour, but like you, I'm free of it now. Or rather, I'm good at recognising when a dark mood is looming, and handle it better by not beating myself up over it.
Gosh, I didn't find that remotely funny, however it did bring out violent thoughts though, I wanted to slap Mario around the ears. Beyond weird
I didn't like it either. Mario has a deep layer of malice inside him, and I thought he made himself look bad rather than Ben. Controlling little gnome has never forgiven Ben for not returning his advances.
Reference: I don't think Mario is a nutjob just because he stared at Ben and tried to unnerve him

Gosh, I didn't find that remotely funny, however it did bring out violent thoughts though, I wanted to slap Mario around the ears. Beyond weird
I didn't say I found the event funny at all, don't get me wrong.

I thought Karma was laughing at the way I posted my opinion.
Having been in a mental hospital, but now fully recovered from a depressive breakdown, gave me thought when I saw this thread. I only take a passing interest in BB so can't pass any comment on any of the contestants. But as with a mental hospital, in the BB house we have a group of very different people thrown together for weeks on end, and under constant observation from others. Many of the patients in a hospital are living in what is reality to them, but is in fact a distorted reality. I think the same can be said for the contestants in BB - it may be called reality television, but much of it is far from realistic. Living in such an environment as the house is likely to mean that the contestants are affected and therefore compensate in personality changes which may not reflect theie personalities in the real world. So it is easy to see how some of these contestants may show signs of mental distress, but I doubt if amy of them are actually mentally ill, in the sense of needing treatment. That's not to say that some could benefit from some counselling.

But then I have been told that around one third of the population suffer from some form of mental illness at some point in time in their life. And only the other day I heard on the radio that the the standard diagnostic book for mental illnesses is currently being revised, and that there is some concern that the definitions are so wide that virtually everyone could be diagnosed with a mental condition. For those who are interested, this is a link to the BBC article on this.
El Loro
Reference: Deman
Good for you! They say one in three of us will have some kind mental issue at some stage in life. My family has a history of depressive behaviour, but like you, I'm free of it now. Or rather, I'm good at recognising when a dark mood is looming, and handle it better by not beating myself up over it.
Cheers Deman xx It isn't hereditary in my family (well not on my mother's side - don't know about my father's), mine was cos I hadn't addressed loads of stuff in the past, just kinda picked myself up and carried on and swept stuff under the carpet, which would probably get to most of us in the end, so in a lot of ways it was my own fault cos I didn't address things years ago. Not a nice thing to experience though, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Glad you came out the other side of it too, and you're so right about the moods and recognising them xxxxx
Very interesting link, El Loro and respect to you for sharing your experiences aswell. Also, well bloody done for coming through it x

Re BB, I'm sure the HM's are mentally assessed prior to going in and I would imagine that (now) the checks are quite thorough, but your insight into the house and how it can affect the HM's is interesting stuff.
Reference: Karma
Very interesting link, El Loro and respect to you for sharing your experiences aswell. Also, well bloody done for coming through it x
And my respect to you as well for being open about your own experiences. I think it is part of the healing process to be able to be open about mental illness. There is no doubt that by being open I found that many people have had similar experiences or have known others who have. I think that the people who bottle up their feelings are the ones more likely to have slower recoveries or to have recurring problems.

Also the more people who open up about their experiences, not only do they help themselves, they can help others in various ways.
El Loro

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