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But I made an error of judgment in posting this. Sorry folks.
No, no, no Brisket!  Please don't feel that the rest of you can't discuss it, I just meant for me...not for the rest of you.

It's not something I'm comfortable with but I've no desire to stop anyone else discussing it. Sorry if I made you feel that way!

Ditty, I put my finest tiara on and my best sexy face for the piccy
Somebody here mentioned Aspergers when discussing one housemate early on. Can't recall who said it about who tbh but every year Aspergers gets mentioned.
My boy's Aspergers and I can honestly say I have not seen any signs of it in any of them. That's not to say some of them aren't a few shillings short of a pound though 
Out of the HMs left, I`d say Dave was the most dysfunctional. Also Mario.
Apparently, 70% of the world runs on dysfunction.

Aren't all the HM's assessed prior to going in the house? There is such a huge spectrum of symptoms that can come under the term mental illness, from something as 'small' as very mild depression to complete insanity. I can imagine that while not all of them have a complete clean bill of mental health, none would have symptoms that have any cause for alarm otherwise they wouldn't be in there. I think they realised their mistake with Shabaz.
It was clear from the outset that Shabaz wasn't in a position to be in that house, I really don't think C4 (or any professional broadcaster) would risk the backlash for the sake of viewing figures. I think if they were to have tried putting someone like Shabaz in for this show, they would have been met with a lot more negativity than they did before, mainly because mental illness and all that surrounds it has become more widely recognised in recent years and no longer has the huge stigma attached to it. (Although without doubt there still is stigma - just not met with as much negativity as it used to be)
Everyone has personality adaptations in order to survive and socialise. Some become more dysfunctional and extreme than others and find it difficult to cope in the world = mental illness.

According to the Psychological (biological) perspective - Humans (and non-human animals) inherit the Genes coded with; abilities, characteristics or behaviours that enable survival and sociability within their environment - through what's termed as 'Natural Selection'.
This process then leads to 'Adaptations' - an evolved function, which accommodates immediate influences from the environment/culture (chemically and socially).
Personalities clearly differ, by their ascribed traits - i.e reliable or fun-loving to unreliable anti-sociable etc. However, most people suffer from a state of depression - persistent or short-lived and, whether it's relatively mild or extreme - it's deemed as a mental illness.
There is such a huge spectrum of symptoms that can come under the term mental illness, from something as 'small' as very mild depression to complete insanity. I can imagine that while not all of them have a complete clean bill of mental health, none would have symptoms that have any cause for alarm otherwise they wouldn't be in there. I think they realised their mistake with Shabaz.
Indeed. In fact, they breached the British Psychological Society (BPS) rules of Ethics.
But quite a few have problems they might benefit from talking to someone professional about. Then again, don't we all?
Well, quite! I think it's a lot more common than we think, and most of us either know someone who is or has been affected or have been through some form of illness in the past, though not everyone admits it. I used to be really ignorant towards it and laugh about it. But I don't anymore cos I went through it myself and am not ashamed of it. Saying that though, I have it in black and white that I am in complete remission from depression and have a complete clean bill of mental health And I'd thoroughly recommend counselling (as long as it's the right counselling for the individual)
Reference: Ninja
According to the Psychological (biological) perspective - Humans (and non-human animals) inherit the Genes coded with; abilities, characteristics or behaviours that enable survival and sociability within their environment - through what's termed as 'Natural Selection'. This process then leads to 'Adaptations' - an evolved function, which accommodates immediate influences from the environment/culture (chemically and socially). Personalities clearly differ, by their ascribed traits - i.e reliable or fun-loving to unreliable anti-sociable etc. However, most people suffer from a state of depression - persistent or short-lived and, whether it's relatively mild or extreme - it's deemed as a mental illness.
Interesting stuff and it looks like you've studied this in the past as you have a good knowledge of it. Can I ask what it is you studied?

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