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Ok, so a few days ago his Son (who lives with him), who's 19 got a laptop delivered from T Mobile, one of those you have to sign up on a 24 month contract for, apparently T Mobile had phoned him when he'd had a few drinks and he said they could send it to him...

Anyways, once sober he decided he didn't want it, so, my OH  packed it up last night ready to take to the Post Office today..

i got a call at lunchtime from the OH, he said the Man behind the counter at the PO said it would cost ÂĢ22 to post, he was  fuming, effing & jeffing and generally ready to explode

I told him to re-read the returns instructions, or, get his Son to ring T Mobile (as it is his contract), and see what the score on returns was, and to see whether he could drop it back into the T Mobile shop.....easy or what....

The OH was going on, and on and on about it, so I said to him, let A (his Son) deal with it, he's a big boy now and he should learn to deal with stuff....the OH put the phone down on me and I've not spoke to him since... 

WTF! Big baby...

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thats the trouble - your OH is allowed to moan about his kids to you - but if YOU say anything, missiles fly! lol same in our house
That is so true...his Son can manages to go out and get smashed every weekend and all the rest of it, but, if i say anything (which I rarely do)....wham! 

Thing is, he spends most of his time moaning about his Son and if I dare to agree....
The Devil In Diamante
Aww, sounds like he just wanted to let off steam.
He's been letting off steam for the last 2 weeks, and to be frank, he's been bloody hard work

I have problems too, we all do I just leave most of them at work, they'll still be there tomorrow, he doesn't..... **sigh**

If he thinks he can throw a tantrum, he ain't seen nothing yet...
The Devil In Diamante
MInes the same about his mother.   He can call her mad, manipulating, bizarre and cuckoo....

... but the minute I so much as nod (and believe me, inside I have been going "oh yes... you're not wrong... yep, total nutter" the whole time he has been ranting)... the minute I show the slightest bit of agreement... he goes all mother defensive.

I just try not to make eye contact or move a facial muscle now when he starts!   I just freeze!
Oooooh.... defcon level 4!!!      I say exactly the same thing.... sometimes you just have to throw a right hissy fit!
I also have this knack of being able to keep my face completely straight (or in a sulk) for ever, and not laugh at anything, even though I'm laughing inside...

Once I put 'the face' on, there's no moving it, it's stuck until i decide otherwise...
The Devil In Diamante
Reference:  Ditty
MInes the same about his mother. He can call her mad, manipulating, bizarre and cuckoo.... ... but the minute I so much as nod (and believe me, inside I have been going "oh yes... you're not wrong... yep, total nutter" the whole time he has been ranting)... the minute I show the slightest bit of agreement... he goes all mother defensive. I just try not to make eye contact or move a facial muscle now when he starts! I just freeze!

OMG, we're just the same.   It's happened so often now that we've kind of reached a point where we both agree that our respective relatives are nutters.
Reference: Fabienne
OMG, we're just the same.   It's happened so often now that we've kind of reached a point where we both agree that our respective relatives are nutters.
I wish we had reached that point.... I will quite openly admit my families insanity!   Its hard to deny it.

But he has this deep rooted twisted thing going on where his mother is concerned.   Didn't help that when I last saw her I got completely and utterly horribly drunk on Polish vodka... and kinda filled her in on a few issues!
My 3 yr old and 7 yr old are easier to deal with than my boyfriend.  Huffy ain't the word for it! 

Although I'm like most peoples OHs in the thread   I can moan about my family but if he dares say a word about them then I don;t like it   He can be the same aswell though.  I know he's right but just don't to hear it from him!

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