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I'm hearing lots of the following this weekend;

Men don't know what they're doing this weekend until the wife tells them

Men who would like their hair different but don't dare upset the wife by doing so

Men who are waiting to find out what jobs their wife assigns them before they are allowed to go this afternoon

what the flipping flapjack wronging on?! Are they 12, or are they grown men?! What a bunch of wet lilies!

Mr summer would not be attractive to me if he were a doormat! He makes he own choices and he does bits & bobs around  the house & garden of his own accord.. a MAN!

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Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Mr Blizz has done some hoovering and then chopped up some wood in the garden.

At some point, he will need to do a food shop.

I don't need to give him lists, or ask him. He can see what needs doing, eventually.


I have made him several cups of tea and done three washes. 

You've got a good un Bliz. Last time my OH did the shoping I think the weeks bill came to about three pounds nineteen shillings and sixpence. He's staggered at the cost of living today 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

You've got a good un Bliz. Last time my OH did the shoping I think the weeks bill came to about three pounds nineteen shillings and sixpence. He's staggered at the cost of living today 

 He sounds like me!


Mr Blizz likes doing it.

If I ever go, he despairs at my ability to go out for bread and milk, and come back with just bread and milk. 


Mr Lori does all the cooking and shopping. I clean up after the cooking (rarely a small task!), and I do the laundry, but I have to race him to it.


I hate grocery shopping--I invariably come home with the wrong thing.


Of course, I SHOULD add that Mr Lori works from home, and considers himself to be "semi-retired".

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I was just talking too my mum about my neighbour, her husband does all the cooking and food shopping, he also has hold of the purse strings, she has no choice in what meal they have or what food is bought, i can think of nothing worse TBH

Agreed - I love planning the dinners - and doing all the shopping etc. A bit of help around the place wouldn't go amiss but OH does work exceptionally hard.

Soozy Woo

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