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'Fess up you fookers - what the hell is going on? Is Reg Smythe some trap phrase like cross stitch? If not, what is it and why have I been banned when I've never even been there? My head hurts
Vegerrooo! They are all Thatcher lovers and arseholes

Am still waiting for the Iron laydee to be chucked in the burner, then I will dance dance dance nekkid in the streets!
Hootie McBoob1
Hoots I am considering trawling the charideee shops for a ballgown and learning the pasa doble for when the glorious day comes I may find a tux for Clarence and allow him to partner me
Veg, do not panic! I am now proficient in making clothes and i will be making our ball gowns from scratch, as well as a kilt and ruffled shirt for Clarence.

I am thinking we should be in shocking pink polyester with orange netting...
Hootie McBoob1
Apparently, Deegs has set up a Hex-clusive Reg Smythe appreciation group on her page and the software has banned everyone on her blacklist.  It's some kind of glitch on the software programming or something that sends out an alert each time a group is set up to people on a person's blacklist.  This group was set up after Angel had set up her Giles Coren Appreciation society which then sent out notifications to people on her blacklist.  A bit of tit for tat.

I find it immensely humourous, but I would!   Especially as I had no idea who Reg Smythe is and have no desire to discuss him anyway.
Apparently, Deegs has set up a Hex-clusive Reg Smythe appreciation group on her page and the software has banned everyone on her blacklist. It's some kind of glitch on the software programming or something that sends out an alert each time a group is set up to people on a person's blacklist. This group was set up after Angel had set up her Giles Coren Appreciation society which then sent out notifications to people on her blacklist. A bit of tit for tat.

Not wholely accurate.  Those blacklisted were blacklisted specifically and manually.

And the G A S H blacklisting?  I did that.  
VIPs make groups
VIPs can blacklist from their groups.
LCs software automatically sends a message to the names on the blacklist telling them that they are banned from that group, regardless of whether they actually tried to join or not.
Some mentioned it lightheartedly, some were a bit more peeved about it.
Lori stepped in and explained that it was a glitch in the software and was being looked into. As a notification of being banned/excluded should, in reality, only happen if you try to join the group.
She then locked it and put it in the troll tank.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I still find it very, very funny!  Not knowing who Reg Smythe is, I wouldn't join anyway. 

I know I have a strange sense of humour, but I also find it very funny that certain comments were deleted from the original thread, and strangely enough, many of those comments were made by a specific person who apparently is not a favourite of the mods.

Oh, and what is G A S H and have I been banned from that too? 
Reg Smythe
He's the deceased creator of a comic strip about a man from the North East...with as many clichÃĐs about flat caps and pigeons as you can shake a stick at.

G A S H Is Giles Coren (of the fabby Supersizers show with Sue Perkins) he is also a restaurant critic for The Times.

His soon to be missus writes for The Mail but we overlook that

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