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I'm just off to get a cooked chicken from sainsburys and some prepared veg and cauliflour cheese....lazy is good sometimes
Tell me about it,  after a zillion years of raising a million kids, and cooking the same amount of sunday lunches,  it's great to just shove somet frozen in the oven you really fancy  
Now I'm stuffed with gorgonzola gnocchi and crusty bread
Enjoy your chicken & cauli cheese
Tell me about it, after a zillion years of raising a million kids, and cooking the same amount of sunday lunches, it's great to just shove somet frozen in the oven you really fancy Now I'm stuffed with gorgonzola gnocchi and crusty bread Enjoy your chicken & cauli cheese
See what youve done now!! I just got the chicken home and now I want gnocchi and crusty bread!  Damn you woman!
I was talking about carotino. I`ve no idea what you`re talking about from where you`re sitting. I`m really not interested.
No, I doubt that you are interested in anything resembling the truth or the facts.  Cinds and her husband have been the target of attack for over a week now.  Who instigated it all?  Carotino.

I really can't be bothered with you or your "friends" anymore.  It's really pathetic.
I wasnt aware we'd fell out? I was simply replying to you calling my reply nonsensical...
We haven`t. I did think your reply was nonsensical. My reply is allowed whether you agree with it or not...simply.
I`m leaving this thread now. I could argue all day but I prefer the positive to the negative.
Some people obviously thrive on negativity..I don`t. Carry on. This not aimed at you`s a general observation. Watch the page count increase.
Reference: Suzi Q
No, I doubt that you are interested in anything resembling the truth or the facts. Cinds and her husband have been the target of attack for over a week now. Who instigated it all? Carotino. I really can't be bothered with you or your "friends" anymore. It's really pathetic.
I intended to leave this thread until I saw this.
I couldn`t give a shit about cinds and her "husband"  If any of Cinds "friends" had started the same threads as carotino did, it would be taken as humour...just as he intended. But oh no the mob comes out and takes it purposefully wrong. That`s how they thrive..they love it..trouble.
Now THAT`S pathetic!

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