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Well you started it, and for the record the 'we' I was referring to was as in a forum we, it was a forum thread that this was referred to in, but then I suppose you would make this a boring old clique issue...
I started what? Get a grip Troll. The forum "we" doesn`t include everyone. They can speak for themselves..thanyou.   Forum cliques..I never mentioned did...funny that.
I started what? Get a grip Troll. The forum "we" doesn`t include everyone. They can speak for themselves..thanyou. Forum cliques..I never mentioned did...funny that.
Scotty I've spent 6 yrs in your company not getting wound up, so knock yourself out, cos I have no intention starting now I dont need to explain myself to you, you take what I say as you will....I aint arsed!

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