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Oh and the moment when Joe outsang George Michael.
Sorry but this lot are no way as talented as these three - Matt just does not have a strong voice. He could no way do this song - with or without a throat infection.
The show needs to go - it is not about talent anymore. It is about gimmick.

I have finished ranting now

Loved all those clips, Issy. 

Stacey made me laugh, when she introduced the Buble.
I thought she said, "The tallest man I ever met", instead of the 'coolest'! 

Anyway, I love Rebecca's voice, and Matt's too, but there is something about Rebecca's that I feel has a special quality and I could listen to it all day.

Her voice does remind me of Billie Holiday's - not perfect, just something about it.

The thing is Blizzie, there has been a lot of talk about this being a music competiton not a personality competition, However I do not think you can have one without the other.
What Rebecca lacks ( IMO) is depth and soul. She just sings -there is nothing else there.
And for that reason I do not think she could ever be compared to Nina Simone or Billie Holiday - she is a "Stars in their Eyes" poor imitation.
She has been packaged to be that. I have no doubt that she will be successful but she has nothing truly original.

As for Matt - I absolutely am not getting the Matt love - he just has a mediocre voice at the best and the last few weeks has been truly dreadful - IMO.
Those clips I have posted, just showed to me how low the standard has become this year.

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