@Amythist posted:Yes just had a Quick Look, and an Autism charity has dropped him
Good !
@Amythist posted:Yes just had a Quick Look, and an Autism charity has dropped him
Good !
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:bliddy hope so
Me too
@Kaytee posted:Telly comment confirmed that he had never had a diagnosis
He has a son who is
@Baz posted:ðĪĢðĪĢ
I watched the NZ one recently,,,,,weird how different nations play ðĪĢâĪïļâĪïļ
this guy would be as nice winner
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:this guy would be as nice winner
@Amythist posted:He has a son who is
Does he?,,,,,,,,doesn't mean he has though
looking like he could win this
George is looking good for the win
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:looking like he could win this
@Amythist posted:George is looking good for the win
@Kaytee posted:Does he?,,,,,,,,doesn't mean he has though
No, heâs clutching at straws
@Baz posted:Sheâs defo not won
Dan is lovely but George I think has the edge
Yuck that beef is so raw
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:Dan is lovely but George I think has the edge
Either of the blokes for the winâĶ..going to be a tight result
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:Dan is lovely but George I think has the edge
Yes âĶ.neither of the guys have had any criticism
@Kaytee posted:Either of the blokes for the winâĶ..going to be a tight result
Yes ððŧððŧððŧ
@Kaytee posted:Either of the blokes for the winâĶ..going to be a tight result
very kaytee - dont mind either
awwww pleased for him
Dan . He deserved it
well done Dan
night all and thanks for the company
@Baz posted:Yayyyyyy well done Dan ððŧððŧððŧððŧBut shame for George
agree but love this guys humility
Oh well, another series ended thanks for the company everyone night night
brilliant result night
Well done Dan
You remember that a BBC spokesman said that this series would not be pulled as it was life changing for the chefs. That was the clue that Dan would be the champion as of all the contestants, it's been the most life changing for him. A nervous self doubting person at the beginning slowly becoming more confident, and now the champion.
@El Loro posted:Well done Dan
You remember that a BBC spokesman said that this series would not be pulled as it was life changing for the chefs. That was the clue that Dan would be the champion as of all the contestants, it's been the most life changing for him. A nervous self doubting person at the beginning slowly becoming more confident, and now the champion.
Good thinking El
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