@Amythist posted:Thanks for the warning
Or maybe they didn’t invite him 🤣🤞
@Kaytee posted:Or maybe they didn’t invite him 🤣🤞
He’s defo there …I saw him 🙄🙄
Read that Torode reported Wallace to the BBC several times but the BBC did nothing
yes Torode neither did you 🙄🤬
Oh I saw his blurred out face there…..pass the smelling salts 🤬🤬
@Kaytee posted:Read that Torode reported Wallace to the BBC several times but the BBC did nothing
yes Torode neither did you 🙄🤬
No surprise there then! 🙄🙄🙄
@Amythist posted:Fellow veggie 🥕
Well done Gaston 👏👏👏
@Kaytee posted:Oh I saw his blurred out face there…..pass the smelling salts 🤬🤬
Could someone poison his fish
@Amythist posted:Could someone poison his fish
@Baz posted:I don’t want bliddy pea for pudding !
Risky pea pudding but they seem to like it…..but not loving it
@Baz posted:She’s a bossy mare !
very confident
@Amythist posted:Risky pea pudding but they seem to like it…..but not loving it
Yes, and no…
@Baz posted:I think baldy won that round
@Baz posted:I think baldy won that round
They were very enthusiastic for the first three
oopsss here he is
hard to call who will go
Oh Gaston 🫨😱
two having a disaster
this woman is annoying and arrogant
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:two having a disaster
Yes 😨😱😳
frenchie didnt congratulate her - dont blame him
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