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Tricky situation that one.
If every housemate spoilt a prank or intervened to reveal one in the Big Brother house it would be bedlam.
I am sure Mario would have intervened if he felt things were going too far.
Mario and many housemates in all BBs have been pranksters.
Anyone who spoils that fun runs a big risk of becoming rapidly unpopular.
I think in this case if Mario had spoken out it would definitely not have put an end to it.
The campaign to target Corin had gone too far for that.
I think a watchful eye was probably best.
But this is not a new thing.
Always been pranksters, always will be. But if they were always sabotaged we would be disappointed.
As we know Mario likes pranks, but this is one he didn't want to be hands on
In real life it's often much more clear cut.
But in the BB house?   It's different. It is virtually programmed for pranks, right from the production team down to each housemate.
Big Brother will have pranks.
I would guess that almost every housemate has been aware of pranks planned on another housemate.
This is not just Mario; it is all housemates.
I can see how he thought it was a prank at first, (which then went too far.) I can also see how he might have felt intimidated to stand up to them when he knew it had gone too far. BUT I think that the very least he should have done was own up to Corin, (who is supposed to be his friend,) that he did know about it, but thought it was a prank, then apologise. Corin certainly won't be buzzing when she finds out!

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