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Actually I was surprised how many people dislike her on my Josie poll thread but I honestly don't remember seeing too many threads about her. I thought people hated the nomance more than they hated her but I was wrong about that too

I made that point yesterday Prom. Some see the romance as false and Josie is being called all sorts of horrible names.  You would think she's the only one in there that ever eats or lies down.
Some see the romance as false and Josie is being called all sorts of horrible names
The romance is completely false in my view Tayto, but I don't see any reason to shoot her down in flames for that. Loads of people have done it on BB. I do however resent the fact this particular showmance has almost single-handedly ruined this BB because they show so much of it.

I tried last night to care 0.000000000000000001 percent about the JJ/Josie showmance, and failed.
When he was telling Rachel what a great start she made in the S and R task and to keep up the pace I was seriously LOL
Me too! That was one of the funniest moments of the series for me!

I really wish he's been there from the start.....what were the producers thinking? Fancy picking Steve over Sam.

Mind you.... he'd have been gone by now for sure.
Darlo & I are also Josie fans but it's hostile territory here and very hard to post against it.
It is...... you can feel like you'e the only one sometimes.

It's not so much the hostility though..... but more that you just look stupid if you keep repeating yourself   You can have the "opposition" posting the same thing over and over again...and it's ok because it's different people posting the same comment.....and there you are..... one post and what more can you say? You just get drowned out in the end.

We need to get ourselves organised and be on here at the same time. A Tweenie Army!
I'm off now but please be honest was rather personal and challenging wasn't it?. I don't think I'm being over sensitive here I will take note to try and not disagree with you in future.
It was neither personal or challenging I was hoping you would explain why you're always fighting with everyone. You are being over sensitive and disagree with me as much as you like, it doesn't phase me at all.

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