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Hello dear Mario people 
As Yogi said (above) I think our boy has enjoyed doing this task.
I was very annoyed with JJ talling a blatant lie about Mario last night.
He asked Mario if he would stop competing in a task if another competitor dropped out through injury. Mario said that he would only continue after checking the other competitor was alright.
But JJ went rather quickly to tell Dave and then Andrew that Mario had said he would continue the task if somebody else was hurt.
Not just devious of JJ, but a blatant lie - Mario did not say that!
I don't want our lad damaged by lies.
Hope you are all well.
Hello Baz and Mario's.
I don't mind Mario stripping off. But I'm aware that others do mind and I agree he'd be wise to tone it down. I suspect he thinks flashing the body has been a regular feature of BB over the years and does appeal to some viewers. But I agree it would be a good idea to cool it a little.
I wasn't able to watch must last night.
So far I know very little about Jo and Laura.I find JJ very posey (vain). His favourite conversation appears to be "me,me,me,me,me,.me,"
I don't know where he came from before moving to London but his "estuary/saaarf landan type accent gets my goat.
I find JJ very posey (vain). His favourite conversation appears to be "me,me,me,me,me,.me," I don't know where he came from before moving to London but his "estuary/saaarf landan type accent gets my goat.
 I actually think h improves the scene a bit But more than that, it's about time JJ1 had some might shut him up for a while!.
Mario became upset with David and John James as they continued to mock the people who did not volunteer during Andrew's 'Jack Bauer' task.

When Andrew requested five people to stand up and volunteer to potentially leave the house, Mario stayed on the ground along with Ben and most of the newest arrivals. David and John James then spent the afternoon mocking Ben for his failure to volunteer.

After saying that Ben would "grow some stones one day", David and John James laughed at the broadcaster and said that it was his flawed nature that had led him not to volunteer. Mario sat listening to their ridicule, and said: "I didn't stand up either you know."

Despite Ben being the main focus of their scorn, Mario became increasingly annoyed by the conversation. David announced: "There's people who stand and people who lie. People who can talk the talk and those who can walk the walk." Mario sarcastically responded: "Well done Dave, you stood up, good for you. There's a plate of milk and cookies for you to celebrate."

The 28-year-old aspiring fashion designer then left the bedroom to visit the Diary Room, and vented his frustrations to Jo. "They're going around with smug grins on their faces because they stood up and other people lay down," Mario blasted. "I've put up with it for half an hour and I can't listen to it any more."

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