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I was a Mario supporter, and still am to a certain extent.  He seems to be aligning himself with the wrong people at the moment and is struggling in the house.  I REALLY do like Mario and want him to go a lot further along the line but, for some reason, he does not seem to be doing himself any favours at the moment.  Any comments as to why this is happening???
Thanks Joyron and Yogi.
I agree he hasn't done himself any favours recently.
I think it is mainly because of the company he has been keeping. I think getting close to Ife was an error of judgment and now Caoimhe and JJ (although he has been fairly close to JJ throughout.)
I kept hoping it was deliberate on his part and some kind of thought-out tactic, but I'm not sure it is!.
In the early days he was able to be fairly well respected and accepted by everyone without belonging to any particular clique.
I think he often has troubles with his mood and emotion and tends to deal with them entirely alone much of the time. (The trouble is in the BB house you are never really alone.)
Agree that the best thing he can do at the moment is to be careful of getting in with bad company. 
Last edited by brisket
I would too Yogi.... if I thought either of them would actually end up getting evicted...... but I am afraid they won't... and therefore will be even more up themselves than they already are..... especially one of them!
I probably won't explain this very well but here goes.
Josie and JJ are quite popular but there are also a lot of people who dislike them. Since the JJ/Josie voters would have to split their votes between the two other nominated HMs, there may be a chance for the anti-JJJ voters to get JJ or josie out.
LOL... OK... I get it..... and you have a point..... in which case...... I wil keep all my fingers and toes crossed... although I have to admit Josie doesn't get to me anywhere near as much as JJ does.... Dave is poking fun at Ben yet again......... he really is a horrid little man.
This is the first year I have so many HMs that I really dislike.
I can't stand Dave either, he really is no friend to Ben.

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