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I've not joined any fan clubs here this year but I hope Mario makes the Final I've not seen him be nasty towards anyone and he's a good listener to those who need someone. I've thought it a bit off BB never gave him a task where he could be creative, like a fashion show maybe. Totally understand his feelings of boredom and not needing to speak with some hm's. Loved his reunion with Ben personally I'd swap Ben for a few other hm's lol

Yellow Rose
Good luck tonight Brisket, as you know I was upset with Mario over the whole Ben nomination, but as they resolved things and appear to be genuinely fond of each other, I am wishing him and you all the best, you have been a staunch and loyal supporter (whilst I have been all over the place)
I honestly hope that Mario or Corin take the crown on Tuesday. (At a push, even Sam )
Thank you both for your very nice words.
It is most thoughtful of you to look in here and comment. It is certainly appreciated.
We are only a small group but (what is it they say?) ...perfectly formed.
Yes Fairfex I think Mario and Ben are now genuinely fond of each other, even with their differences.
And Marguerita I like that Mario has shown warts and all. Makes him a more rounded person probably.  I too think his heart is in the right place.
Thanks both of you.  
A very big "thank you" to all you lovely people who have visited our fan club to offer support and good wishes.
And now big thanks to all you lovely people who have visited to offer congratulations on Mario's passage to the final.
It is very kind of you all and much appreciated by our small but perfectly formed fan club.
Thanks ever so much.  
Nite nite Baz and Marios      indeed we did it. 

It won't be smooth sailing. I don't think JJ likes Mario very much (plus he is regretful of his idol John James being eliminated.) So he may be an obstacle.
Then there's Dave of course, who I am fairly sure will continue to make digs and snide remarks just as he has always done.
On the plus side Mario has a very nice relationship with Andrew; friendship even.
I have smiled at their lovely session in the bathroom a little while ago.
They were quite open with each other, to the extent that they can banter without fear.
There is genuine liking there I believe. I like Andrew.

I am thrilled about tonight. I had thought a place in the final would be smashing.
But now.......while there is still hope.
I note erinp's encouragement to drum up support.
Off to bed now to sleep on it.
See what tomorrow brings.
Thanks all of you for sharing our pleasure this evening.
ther forums are going for a Mario win ,just to pi** the tweenie vote,they will put all their votes to Josie,they cant do anything but,it's vote Josie all the way..This time with a vote to win we too can get behind a HM (Mario) and vote collectively all Ben/Corin/Sam/ anti Josie vote Mario.
Yes I am joining the Mario to win Campaign too, for the above reasons, plus he seems to be an awfully nice young chappie

Please accept this piccie as my entrance fee

Good morning to all Mario fans. I'm pleased he is through to the final. Now he must win. I liked Mario at the start but went off of him because of his treatment of Ben. However seeing them together this week it is obvious Ben holds no grudges, so neither will I!! I will be supporting Mario to win.
Good Morning to you too Joyron, I feel exactly the same. MARIO to WIN
Hi Baz       I agree on all points.
The naked thing - It doesn't bother me, but I don't think Mario realises it could lose him some support - he thinks it may help him.  He's so passionate about BB that he has it in his head that nudity is part of the house entertainment.  I agree with you it is unhelpful - especially at this stage.
 However I am willing him to use common sense and good judgment. 

** must remember to get more cushions and crockery as Baz requested**

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