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Following Corin's discovery of her wigs, the chaps round the pool (especially Joe-John) were very quick to attempt to blame Mario for telling Corin.
Mario did not tell her, but JJ2 did not wish to believe that and wanted to blame him.
Of course Mario was not there; JJ2 finds it easier behind someone's back.
The guys in the pool were aware of the so-called "prank" and tried acting the innocent.
Their efforts to pass blame on to Mario will no doubt fail.
We know that Mario loves pranks. For him they are part and parcel of Big Brother.
However during this current spate of (mainly Sam) talking the possessions of other housemates, I do hope he will maintain a safe distance.
The competitiveness is so cut-throat that there will be no shortage of people wishing to do each other harm.
It would be wise of him to stay away from the present campaign of trying to upset other housemates. 

Part of Mario's efforts to fulfil today's "Unpredictability" task, has been to do one of his 'sit and stare without speaking' sessions. (It's his artistic streak you know. 
I'm not sure that any of them have truly grasped the nature of the task, or BBs intention.
Mario's strange behaviour will anger JJ2 that's for sure.
His eviction odds seem to be holding steady at 12/1.
We're in the final furlong . 

Indeed it was Baz.
I loved seeing their meeting.
One of the first things from Mario was an apology for his nomination of Ben.
And Ben with his usual good grace, reassured Mario and dismissed it as something you have to do in Big Brother.
I thought the greeting of each other was warming and smashing.
Importantly I felt it was sincere.
Indeed it was Baz. I loved seeing their meeting. One of the first things from Mario was an apology for his nomination of Ben. And Ben with his usual good grace, reassured Mario and dismissed it as something you have to do in Big Brother. I thought the greeting of each other was warming and smashing. Importantly I felt it was sincere.
Oh Brisket how lovely,that makes me feel so good, because I hated the whole eviction thing but its so nice to hear it's ended well. You never know, Mario could still win it. The way things are going in that horrendous house, I wouldn't be at all surprised if M or Corin take the crown.
Dave and Steve chatting in the kitchen.
Yet again talking of who may win and who may be in the final.
Steve thinks - and would like - Mario to be in the final night.
He described Mario as "a nice lad - a real nice lad."
And - surprise, surprise - Dave agreed.
I remain unconvinced by Dave of course because he speaks with forked tongue, but I was pleased by Steve's remarks.

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