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I may be imagining this.
But do I sense a stronger inner determination in him?
Do I see that he may now have the strength to withstand intimidation and teasing and hassle from the small clique of 'you-know-who'?  I think I do.
We have reached the point where survival requires it.
It is as if he is all too aware of what he may have to face from certain others, and is quite prepared to tackle it.
(Or do I imagine this?)
Mario is unpopular among many people.
I think they wanted him to put up John James.
But I think that would have been a complete waste of time.
Having John James and Dave up together would have dissipated the anti-clique vote resulting in neither of them leaving. Sadly John James has to take his chances in a week or two.
Meanwhile Mario remains.
Haven't joined any fan clubs here but I don't have a prob with Mario like so many do. I just see him lately as missing those he felt a connection with, bored, and needing more creative stimulation as others have been given depending on their interest. Haven't seen the jj2/Mario scenario tonight but I find Mrio more ineteresting than jj2
Yellow Rose
Reference: Yellow Rose
I just see him lately as missing those he felt a connection with, bored, and needing more creative stimulation as others have been given depending on their interest
Thanks for your comments YR.
I like your insight. I can appreciate  that the 'lack of something' causes Mario a deal of frustration.
Your views are appreciated and respected.
Joe-John in particular was very angry with Mario - for laughing! He thought Mario was on a task, but he was angry because he was laughing. Most odd!
Morning Brisket.
What is wrong with these miserable HMs this year? We have JJ1 saying that Corin is fake because she is too happy, and now his sidekick JJ2 gets annoyed with Mario because he is laughing.

Eviction day and Mario is not going to be the focus today (unless he does something amazing or stupid of course   )
I dare say, though, that Dave will continue to call him Mole instead of Mario, and he may also continue to remind the house how unfair Mario has been to him.
I notice that Mario is more adept these days at not reacting to Dave's bait. and even using humour to deflate Dave's efforts.
"Steady as she goes Mario." 

So it all depends on the public vote now.
Are there 4 evictions next Friday?
I find it hard to predict if Mario will survive or not.
I have been massively wrong when predicting evictions so far this series - I mean Dave remaining in the house truly staggers me. He has simply conned his way through the series.
I'd love Mario to survive next week so that he can be there on the final night.

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