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LOL... i'm not worried Brisket, cos JJ1 won't be able to go much longer without  having a go at someone, and that will take the heat off And I would rather someone ;locked themselves in the loo, not doing any harm to anyone, than JJ or Dave with their nastiness... or Steve with his creepiness, or Andrew with his snideyness, or Rachel with her loudness.....
LOL... i'm not worried Brisket, cos JJ1 won't be able to go much longer without having a go at someone, and that will take the heat off And I would rather someone ;locked themselves in the loo, not doing any harm to anyone, than JJ or Dave with their nastiness... or Steve with his creepiness, or Andrew with his snideyness, or Rachel with her loudness.....
Agreed, Baz
Good morning everyone.
Brisket, I've noticed in a few threads, you have mentioned your interest in BB is on the wane. I have to say, I feel the same. I haven't watched any of the HL shows over the weekend, and if things don't pick up soon, I can see me switching off completely.
I have just said the same in your thread Brisket. He is really putting pressure on Ben not to pick him, and we all know he nomm'd Ben.... it is not doing himself any favours. Hi there `Brisket, and Mario's
Hi Baz and Brisket.
I was surprised at Mario putting pressure on Ben not to choose him - when he had chosen to nominate Ben this week.
Late night chat - John James, Josie, Dave.
It seems Mario may be their next target, as well as Ben and Andrew.
My! How quickly things can change at this stage of the competition.
John James still likes Mario but wishes he was not so passionate about BB.
While Dave is obviously trying to turn John James against Mario.
Last edited by brisket
Hi Yogi and Baz  
More nasty revelations about Dave.
During the night John James said he  liked Mario a lot, but wishes Mario (and Corin) were not quite so passionate about BB.
But today Dave passes on (to Ben and probably others later) quite a different version of that story.
He has changed the facts to suit himself. I trhink Dave will be targetting Mario now.
But he blatantly lied when repeating last night's chat.

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