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I can only speak for myself but I find that so many FM's, especially the ones who really dislike Ben, keep saying so over and over. I think we've got the message, you don't like Ben. But on the other hand when someone who makes constant references to what a nasty person Ben is and they are supporting another HM I notice that most if not all Ben fans don't have loads of negative comments about their chosen HM's. I tend to veer towards the more positive comments unless its someone like Scabby or Keeva who I really can't stand. Hope you can see where I'm coming from here
I have never said I dislike Ben. .I dislike a lot about him and the things he does but I think he's a cracking HM and he cracks me up as much as he makes my blood boil.. but I hate that when  he does bad   barely a thread is started about that..

I can see both sides of him. . good and bad.. I am not blinkered...  and I don't spend all day in every thread dissing any of them.. 

I LUT a lot of the time and then I join in the odd threads here and there.. and I don't get annoyed or stop posting or LUTting' if people write what I don;t want to hear if tis the facts that are being written ..

I don't blindly follow any HM. .I follow the show.. and if the house is in an uproar and emotions are flying they affect the watchers as well and some of that may come over in my  LUT or comments but  it's the show I support and tis the facts that  I LUT or  talk about when I join a thread..

 I watch the people from the beginning   and lsiten to them and learn about them as the show goes on...  and thru doing so I get a rounder picture of all the HM's. .I am a BB saddo that has no life
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I hear what you say Olly and I know that many will like one HM and many will like another and I can see that you like to take a balanced view of the show as a whole.  Obviously I am a fan of Ben but I can certainly understand why many people would be extremely irritated by him.  He is most certainly not to everyone's taste but I find him very amusing and entertaining.  He has taken a load of flak in there and I haven't once seen him lose it. 

I believe he will probably not stay the distance, I think he will walk before the end but while he stays I think the house is a more interesting place with him in it.  The one thing about Ben is that he didn't apply for the show and in fact I have heard that the producers were still trying to persuade him to go in the night before.  I think that this BB would not have been the same if he had decided it wasn't for him.

And all I can say now is I am just going to lie down for a little while with cotton wool pads on my eyes
he lost it with Jj on shabbygate night, squiggle he shouted  a lot. . 

thing is people make presumptions about me and how I watch the show and the  assumed  allegiances I have  with HM's or dislikes I have ...  which is a mile away from what I actually do as I explained on the previous page..  I comment on a situation that occurs and that includes  all that leads up to it, not   just that particular  moment in time.. 

there are obviously some HM's that tend to grate more and don't have that many good sides to even up their bad sides.. but if a good side surfaces and it amuses me I am happy to acknowledge that as well. .

am still waiting for Caoimhe's good side to show tho

I agree, I think Ben will go eventually of his own accord he has been paving the way over the past week in little asides he has said here and there . and it will be a great loss as would Nathan or Jj going because they too  have a good sense of humour  in amongst all their bad points ..   Dave and Josie make me laugh also...  .

I'd rather the negative HM's go first above the rest of them  .but it won',t happen
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I read somewhere that someone in the house commented on his ever changing accent....I noiced this a while ago....

I think though that all HMs bitch or are bitched about at some point cos there's bugger all else to chat about a lot of the time..coupled with the fact that they have little else in common apart from each other and their house experience....and I can't see any of them having a talk about quantum physics or anything vaguely intelligent any time soon.
Just in my opinion, I think because Ben was targeted by Endermol to be in BB, he thinks he can please himself regarding the tasks.He didn't apply or so he told Shabby, Endermol called his agent, I don't think Ben seriously knows what BB is about and assumes (wrongly) that if he doesn't like something he wont do it. 
I didn't like it this afternoon when he asked Dave to stick up for him, he needs to be a part of the team or take the consequences of not doing the tasks.

He does bitch, and he thinks he's very knowledgeable on reading the other housemates, how wrong is he about Keeva and JJ   
Saying that, I go on and off him on a daily basis, but I prefer his bitching to the venom I have listened to over the last day or so. I still find him funny and hope he stays and doesn't walk (which I have my doubts about) for a while yet.
Ben was definitely having a bit of a bitch about Mario this afternoon, and I can't pretend he wasn't...
Semantics it may be but I would say Ben was having a really good grumble about Mario whereas Mario has been saying some quite nasty things about Ben.  I suppose my definition is do you say it with a sneer in your voice or not.  Just my opinion.
I think because Ben was targeted by Endermol to be in BB, he thinks he can please himself regarding the tasks
Marguerita IMO it has nothing to do with Ben being targeted by Endemol.  You don't 'get' Ben so you won't see that that is Ben.  That is who he is, he won't be told what to do and I know that outrages some people but that is who he is and he has never pretended otherwise.  I think I prefer that to the fake team when we really know they are all in competition with each other.
Semantics it may be but I would say Ben was having a really good grumble about Mario whereas Mario has been saying some quite nasty things about Ben.  I suppose my definition is do you say it with a sneer in your voice or not.  Just my opinion.
I am not saying Mario hasn't been equally bitchy Squiggle....just that Ben was doing it too this afternoon.... But like I also said, it was pretty mild given what the likes of JJ, Keeva and Josie have been up too.....and it was generated by a six of one and half a dozen of the other situation. ... and I still support him, cos flaws and all he is way above most of the others in there....IMO 
Reference: squiggle
That is who he is, he won't be told what to do and I know that outrages some people but that is who he is and he has never pretended otherwise. I think I prefer that to the fake team when we really know they are all in competition with each other.
Part of BB is working for the whole house and part of it is in competition with each other.

Nor caring that others will be punished, is not some great principle.

I get the impression that if Ben was in a Sophie's Choice situation, he'd probably say, "Oh, take them both!"
i think you mean dame anne?
Thanks jackson, I am afraid this seems to be par for the course for me since I lost my husband.  I shall be so glad when I have my brain back.  You would have laughed though at one instance of my 'losing my thinking head'.  I went in for petrol to a manned petrol station and drove to the wrong side of the pump for my filler cap.  The attendant said the filler cap is on the other side, so I said righto I will go around the other side, and you guessed it I drove around the other side and he said you've done it again!!

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