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I think he would be wise to distance himself from Ife anyway. That would be a good thing.
I don't see the changes in the Ben/Mario relationship as worrying.
I don't think they need to dislike each other. They have both discovered -after the initial flush - that first instincts were not necessarily the best ones.
Mario has explained why he had an initial crush on Ben and why that has now found a new level. Likewise Ben has explained the changes in his relationship with Mario.
I don't see it as alarming. Just a change.
Better be honest than pretend.
But I hope they don't now carp at each other (especially to others); that could be a mistake.
Surely admitting differences doesn't necessarily mean they have to become enemies.
I like both of them.
I was looking at the forum and thinking Ben has done nothing but bitch about Mario to everybody in there and  day in day out yet there are no threads about it cos tis Ben..

Don't get me wrong I can see some of Ben's points about Mario. .he's an annoing twerp but  cos Ben is doing the bitching nobody starts a thread. . well until now..

Ben is being very nasty in his micky taking and treatment of Mario..

Glad somebody braved the wrath of the somewhat blinkered forum [not all but a lot]  to make Ben's really nasty side feature in a thread too

Ben ain't god. .he's just a good HM to marmite on..   
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben has been bitching about Mario most of the day to Dave and saying some very personal things about him and his life outside the BB house , he also said to Dave the next time Mario has a pop at him Dave has to step in and defend him,so much for being a friend and every so often has the nerve to say he is not bitching sorry Ben you are
Reference: squiggle you think Mario spending so much time with Iffy has been really bad for him...
Yes I do squiggle.    I can't quite fathom Ife's motivation. And I like to think Mario is a big enough boy and a wise enough to boy to know what he is doing.

But I have a distinct mistrust of Ife's behaviour towards Mario. She's been very intrusive and clinging. Wish I knew her reasoning.

But I think Mario would be wise to try to remain impartial (which he has been quite good at most of the time) and not get too involved with Ife.
I wonder too if Mario has further pondered on his initial crush for Ben and is now feeling a bit embarrassed by his early instinctive behaviour.
But I don't feel this is a lost cause.
I think it is retrievable.
I don't think he minds befrinding geigh people, I just don't think he wants to be intimate with Mario.
That's what I mean - but Mario stirred up a huge crapstorm about how Ben was scared of it hurting his future prospects. Total cobblers. Ben just didn't want to play bumchums, Mario didn't like that and turned it into a veiled accusation of homophobia.
I have noticed got quite a shock when I saw this one
So did I

Have you noticed that some Ben  fans [edited to make it a bit more clearer ] ignore the posts of people who are nobody's fans and any points that are made . .or maybe it's just mine that are ignored....

Caoimhe just dropped her lets hate on Corin bomb and now the subject matter has changed to bash Corin..  
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
I don't think he minds befrinding geigh people, I just don't think he wants to be intimate with Mario.
I agree Fairfax Mario rather foolishly in my view took massive offence in Ben saying that if he was called upon to select new HM's he was not going to stand out there saying I want a really fit gay guy for the house!  Can't say I blame Ben for not wanting to say that.
Have you noticed that Ben's fans ignore the posts of people who are nobody's fans and any points that are made . .or maybe it's just mine thata re ignored....
I can only speak for myself but I find that so many FM's, especially the ones who really dislike Ben, keep saying so over and over.  I think we've got the message, you don't like Ben.  But on the other hand when someone who makes constant references to what a nasty person Ben is and they are supporting another HM I notice that most if not all Ben fans don't have loads of negative comments about their chosen HM's.  I tend to veer towards the more positive comments unless its someone like Scabby or Keeva who I really can't stand.  Hope you can see where I'm coming from here
ben is seriously unpleasant, he's bitchy and hides it as humour, he's rude and then apologises but goes on to explain why he shouldn't have to apologise, he's patronising,a liar and a stirrer. still a cracking hm, but i can't see why fm's think he's some kind of saint.
Don't forget he's a lazy swine as well, who expects special treatment as a member of the 'natural elite'. Twonk..
But he did later say that he over-reacted and his remarks were misjudged. One of the difficulties with BB is that some remarks and incidents are remembered by viewers, even if they are later retracted.
I know he did, but he kept the original nonsense going for more than 24 hours. The only reason (IMO) he finally came round was because he hadn't got the sympathy from the others that he expected, and realised it was working against him.
ben is seriously unpleasant, he's bitchy and hides it as humour, he's rude and then apologises  but goes on to explain why he shouldn't have to apologise, he's  patronising,a liar and a stirrer
Now if I were that way inclined I would say but but but they all bitch,XY or Z is ruder than Ben,Mario Corin and Dave are to blame for him stirring,they're a bad influence on Ben he needs to get away from them....I could but I won't .

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