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Originally posted by vodka jellyfish:
no, i'm talking more generally...i'm not advocating the use of derogatory words against a member of a particular group; i'm saying that it's difficult to voice any sort of opinion outside of the pc party-line without the argument being dismissed as offensive, even if it's not intended that way

You'd think that if things were generally that prescriptive then we'd quite easily be able to define a set of shared values and themes and the like that make up the British cultural identity. I've never met anyone who can do that on a forum or in real life, and I've never even heard a politician be able to do it.
we're all to pc for our own good
youre frightened to offend anyone these days for fear of a bloody law suit
if we wasnt all so touchy, we'd be a lot better off
but unfortunately, theres a lot of money to be made by the lawyers when it comes to shit like this
so while we're all wailing in the streets about our hurt feelings
them fatcat basatrd lawyers are raking it in

only one winner here
Originally posted by hal:
Originally posted by fracas:
Originally posted by Rekaf:
your motives are good and in the examples ...problems to very well when in the seminar for company unity and its good in some instances but sometimes not so good in the real world. political correctness must be challenged like everything else...

Fabulous post Clapping

The road to hell is paved with good intentions Nod

Yes I thought so, but didn't voice my opinion earlier on. Nod

Funny that, innit Hal? Sometimes it's better to keep schtum because the pat reply seems to imply some sort of prejudice('closet racist' here it seems Roll Eyes) and that sort of attitude can often lead to a blindness to common sense and actually, I think , is very narrow minded in itself. Doesn't 'embracing diversity' include us all? I think that a lot of the richness of every day experience can be legislated, suffocated and preached out of existence.

And that's coming from someone who is actually in real life quite right on, hates racism, loves the multicultural city she lives in and deals with disabled people daily.

Originally posted by Rekaf:
your motives are good and in the examples ...problems to very well when in the seminar for company unity and its good in some instances but sometimes not so good in the real world. political correctness must be challenged like everything else....nothing can be absolute or it ends up corrupted absolutely....we do have nonsensical ba black sheep, manhole covers, blackboards, whitewash, flying certain flags....i realise that a lot of the negatives get a lot more publicity than the positives but it points out what may happen if its unrestrained, and without pc this country, like most of western europe has managed to have democratic governments, social security, welfare systems, old age pensions and everything else that goes with it.....

I don't think you'll find many liberals like me saying that political correctness or anything else shouldn't be challenged. Quite the opposite, really. The trouble with 'political correctness' is mostly that it's been hijacked, satired, co-opted by the left, satired again, co-opted by the right, mis-used, misunderstood, and that the satire has been taken as truth at times. It's almost meaningless, really, except as an insult.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Rekaf:
your motives are good and in the examples ...problems to very well when in the seminar for company unity and its good in some instances but sometimes not so good in the real world. political correctness must be challenged like everything else....nothing can be absolute or it ends up corrupted absolutely....we do have nonsensical ba black sheep, manhole covers, blackboards, whitewash, flying certain flags....i realise that a lot of the negatives get a lot more publicity than the positives but it points out what may happen if its unrestrained, and without pc this country, like most of western europe has managed to have democratic governments, social security, welfare systems, old age pensions and everything else that goes with it.....

I don't think you'll find many liberals like me saying that political correctness or anything else shouldn't be challenged. Quite the opposite, really. The trouble with 'political correctness' is mostly that it's been hijacked, satired, co-opted by the left, satired again, co-opted by the right, mis-used, misunderstood, and that the satire has been taken as truth at times. It's almost meaningless, really, except as an insult.

This discussion keeps coming up every year, and the basic fact as described above by Daniel remains unchanged: The term "Politically Correct" no longer has any meaning in a positive sense, and is only ever used now in the negative.

True "PC" is simply about avoiding undue offense to others, and (getting back to the original point of this thread), I saw nothing in Marcus's comments last night that the truly PC would actually disagree with - his point was not that we should be allowed to mock others, but that everyone should be treated equally.

BTW: I'm not sure about all the examples quoted by Rekaf, but the banning of "Ba ba black sheep" and "blackboard" are actually myths created by the right-wing press... Wink
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by fracas:
Sometimes it's better to keep schtum because the pat reply seems to imply some sort of prejudice

Ironic, really, given the pat reply was to the pat label PC Brigade.

It's in the thread title, and Suzi asked what it meant. You replied saying it was a phrase used by people, usually racists. Check your post. I quoted it.

Anyway Dan, what kind of arrogance is it of anyone to tell people how to think? I knew the word 'P*ki' was horrible in the 70s and had the intelligence and judgement not to use it. Some of us great unwashed can tell right from wrong ourselves! Imagine! A lot of the resentment towards the thought police (a term you 'gratefully' accepted yourself) is based on the mistaken assumption that grown-ups need telling how to think. Your posts smack of an exasperated parent trying to get through to a child. Doesn't the reaction of many people to Marcus's 'up yours' to BB tell you something?

I like you Deej, don't get me wrong, but just think, maybe, political correctness (for want of a better phrase) has its detractors for a reason?
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by fracas:
I knew the word 'P*ki' was horrible in the 70s and had the intelligence and judgement not to use it. Some of us great unwashed can tell right from wrong ourselves!

Well, it's still being used out there and now mocking Asian accents is back in vogue, it seems! Wink

Get out the house once in a while, seriously.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by fracas:
Get out the house once in a while, seriously.

Laugh Laugh

*hands Blizz the vaseline and offers to hold her coat*

OMG, what sort of club are we going to? Eeker

vaseline for the face Blizz.. Red Face so you don't get any scratches on your snout.. Hug

elebentyith rule of fight club.. Ninja
can we not argue
cos i'll be honest, i get offended, i mean deeply offended when someone sticks up for me because of my background, colour, whatever
and that person has probably never stepped foot on a ferry to jersey out of england
not EVERY brown, yellow, black face takes offence to things
in fact me and my mates (not all, but most) can find it funny
life is for living, not argueing (sp)
so dont stick up for us
chill out and join us-its more fun Nod
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
True "PC" is simply about avoiding undue offense to others, and (getting back to the original point of this thread), I saw nothing in Marcus's comments last night that the truly PC would actually disagree with - his point was not that we should be allowed to mock others, but that everyone should be treated equally.

Well put. Clapping It's BB's inconsistency that I objected to, not the fact that they wanted to criticise Marcus's behaviour.
Originally posted by fracas:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by fracas:
Sometimes it's better to keep schtum because the pat reply seems to imply some sort of prejudice

Ironic, really, given the pat reply was to the pat label PC Brigade.

It's in the thread title, and Suzi asked what it meant. You replied saying it was a phrase used by people, usually racists. Check your post. I quoted it.

Anyway Dan, what kind of arrogance is it of anyone to tell people how to think? I knew the word 'P*ki' was horrible in the 70s and had the intelligence and judgement not to use it. Some of us great unwashed can tell right from wrong ourselves! Imagine! A lot of the resentment towards the thought police (a term you 'gratefully' accepted yourself) is based on the mistaken assumption that grown-ups need telling how to think. Your posts smack of an exasperated parent trying to get through to a child. Doesn't the reaction of many people to Marcus's 'up yours' to BB tell you something?

I like you Deej, don't get me wrong, but just think, maybe, political correctness (for want of a better phrase) has its detractors for a reason?

You didn't quote it, you highlighted a term. Here's what I actually said, all very carefully worded and qualified:

"It's a term often used by closet or unconscious racists who regret that they can't speak their mind openly in polite society anymore, in my experience anyway."

That doesn't say people who use the term PC Brigade are closet or unconscious racists. Venn diagram stuff, innit. Also, I didn't accept the label Thought Police, I pointed out that I was part of the PC Brigade for the purposes of sticking a middle finger up to. A wry comment, see.

PC Brigade is just a pat label. A laziness, really. It's a convenient label for people to hang their frustrations on. It's not actually about political correctness in the true sense. It's about PC Gone Mad, and PC Gone Mad is about the apocryphal Baa Baa Black Sheep and Winterval stories. Mostly nonsense, in other words.
From what I have been able to garner from this thread, the PC Brigade are they people who expect us to go "tut, tut" with every perceived slight.

I suppose it has to do with the fact that I'm old tree hugger, hippy type. I just want everyone to get along and be accepted for who they are, no matter their religious beliefs, cultures, ethnic origins, etc.

If I like someone and get along with someone, it's not because they are from the same ethnic background as I am. I get along with them because they have the characteristics that I like - no matter what.

I have black friends, white friends, muslim friends, christian friends, disabled friends, etc. There are people I dislike that are all of the above too. I tend to treat people as I would want to be treated. *shrugs*

I am not so naive to think that others think the way I do. The fact that the BNP is beoming more and more popular is a testimony to that.

I see where Marcus is coming from. He is entitled to dislike Sree for being a total arse - and that has nothing to do with his ethnic origin.

Sorry, I'm waffling on . . .
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
From what I have been able to garner from this thread, the PC Brigade are they people who expect us to go "tut, tut" with every perceived slight.

I suppose it has to do with the fact that I'm old tree hugger, hippy type. I just want everyone to get along and be accepted for who they are, no matter their religious beliefs, cultures, ethnic origins, etc.

If I like someone and get along with someone, it's not because they are from the same ethnic background as I am. I get along with them because they have the characteristics that I like - no matter what.

I have black friends, white friends, muslim friends, christian friends, disabled friends, etc. There are people I dislike that are all of the above too. I tend to treat people as I would want to be treated. *shrugs*

I am not so naive to think that others think the way I do. The fact that the BNP is beoming more and more popular is a testimony to that.

I see where Marcus is coming from. He is entitled to dislike Sree for being a total arse - and that has nothing to do with his ethnic origin.

Sorry, I'm waffling on . . .

Best post on the thread, 1,000 per cent agree with you.
Thumbs Up
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by china:
can we not argue
cos i'll be honest, i get offended, i mean deeply offended when someone sticks up for me because of my background, colour, whatever
and that person has probably never stepped foot on a ferry to jersey out of england
not EVERY brown, yellow, black face takes offence to things
in fact me and my mates (not all, but most) can find it funny
life is for living, not argueing (sp)
so dont stick up for us
chill out and join us-its more fun Nod

Aww, china, that's all very well, but when you watch a documentary about an Asian lady running a village shop, with secret cameras recording countless 'locals' of all ages, shouting P*ki through the door, all through the day, or coming in and treating her like dirt, it makes you want to change things.

If I'm now allowed to mock Mr Patel's accent, the next time he gets my newspaper bill wrong and gets a bit arsey with me, then we're moving backwards, IMO.

I'll bet that half the people clapping Marcus's stand, will also be first in line to demand immigrants learn English pretty sharpish on arrival, or before they arrive. Do they also expect complete eradication of the accent too? Glance
Originally posted by Daniel J*:

You didn't quote it, you highlighted a term. Here's what I actually said, all very carefully worded and qualified:

"It's a term often used by closet or unconscious racists who regret that they can't speak their mind openly in polite society anymore, in my experience anyway."

Oh well, that's completely different then Razzer

That doesn't say people who use the term PC Brigade are closet or unconscious racists. Venn diagram stuff, innit.

Clearly Disappointed

Also, I didn't accept the label Thought Police, I pointed out that I was part of the PC Brigade for the purposes of sticking a middle finger up to. A wry comment, see.

I know, I'm not daft, that's why I put 'gratefully' in inverted commas. To acknowledge that.

PC Brigade is just a pat label. A laziness, really. It's a convenient label for people to hang their frustrations on. It's not actually about political correctness in the true sense. .

I did say 'for want of a better phrase' Dan...'PC brigade' was in the title, and Suzi asked, which is what started all this off.

I do, however, think that sometimes the whole thing, whatever you call it, goes too far, and that has been shown in BB after the whole OFCOM thing. That's what the thread was about, and I am totally with Marcus on this one Nod

It's about PC Gone Mad, and PC Gone Mad is about the apocryphal Baa Baa Black Sheep and Winterval stories. Mostly nonsense, in other words

Couldn't agree more. There is propaganda and untruth in any extreme opinion.

Originally posted by Blizzie:

I'll bet that half the people clapping Marcus's stand, will also be first in line to demand immigrants learn English pretty sharpish on arrival, or before they arrive. Do they also expect complete eradication of the accent too? Glance

Blimey, move over Derren Brown, there's a new mind reader in town.

Seriously though Blizzie, that's a hell of an assumption Eeker and a pat response Big Grin

Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by china:
can we not argue
cos i'll be honest, i get offended, i mean deeply offended when someone sticks up for me because of my background, colour, whatever
and that person has probably never stepped foot on a ferry to jersey out of england
not EVERY brown, yellow, black face takes offence to things
in fact me and my mates (not all, but most) can find it funny
life is for living, not argueing (sp)
so dont stick up for us
chill out and join us-its more fun Nod

Aww, china, that's all very well, but when you watch a documentary about an Asian lady running a village shop, with secret cameras recording countless 'locals' of all ages, shouting P*ki through the door, all through the day, or coming in and treating her like dirt, it makes you want to change things.

If I'm now allowed to mock Mr Patel's accent, the next time he gets my newspaper bill wrong and gets a bit arsey with me, then we're moving backwards, IMO.

I'll bet that half the people clapping Marcus's stand, will also be first in line to demand immigrants learn English pretty sharpish on arrival, or before they arrive. Do they also expect complete eradication of the accent too? Glance

we've all had to face shit at sometime
be it 'fatty' 'lanky' 'n*gger' 'p*ki' even susan boyle 'simple susan' 'ginger' etc..

come on we cant keep going mad over it-if I did i'd be in the blue brick
its a fact of life-people are not going to get on-eg..BB house
sad but true
i object-and so do many others of my 'ilk' to people thinking they know whats good for me-they bloody do not Big Grin
the more fuss they make
the more it gets in the news
the worse our situation gets
cos people think its US and its not Laugh

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