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Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
I'm not even watching it, and I'm scared


you will be, i can't see the wolve anywhere Eeker


but I've heard he is in the Diary Room


he came out of diary room last seen in a chair brushing hair

ages ago

*switches on telly to check Marcus' whereabouts*
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
woohoo I go away for an hour to shoot things on the pS3 n its all changed first thing I see is that "perv" in bed with 2 women and he was staring at Noirin arse, he ant been in there for 2 days,....OH sorry....hes "fit" therefore he NOT a perv, Big Grin

i've never said he was a perv OHG Shake Head we are justing keeping a watch Laugh Hug

wasnt aimed at you hun, I have a bit of a "thing" going on with SOME posters, who keep throwing that word around,
I am NOT a huge fan of Marcus I think he is a TIT as far as Noirin is concerned and has only himself to blame,
but he aint as bad as some people make him out to be,
its mainly because of his looks that he is getting the "label" of "perv"....and that was the point I was trying to make,. Thumbs Up
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Roxi:
Marcus is a perve. All the footage proves it

Marcus, has NEVER been arested OR CHARGED with child molestation ONCE let alone twice,, on one hand we have one man who has NEVER had this charge leveled at him by the police and the state,
and on the other hand we have a multi millionare who could afford the best legal TEAM in the country, who HAS been charged TWICE with such a crime...I am NOT saying he was guitly indeed he was found NOT guitly in a court of law,...let me put it to the members of the forum...who would YOU think deserves being called such a name from these two people? Cool

I've not called Marcus a perv, I just don't like his crude language - don't like it from anyone but that's me - and his seeming obsession with trying to get Noirin to talk about what he wants to talk about.

Another personal opinion is I never thought Michael was guilty, and that's not just because I liked his music, but with that issue people made their minds up for whatever reason or belief and I doubt many have or will change them
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by fz:

No...this did really happen though.... had been raining, the hm's had to walk across the garden, her pj bottoms were getting wet, marcus said let me carry you so you dont get wet, he carried her into the bedroom, gave her a goodnight peck and they fell asleep in their respective beds....but dont let the truth get in the way of a good bitch fest eh?

Or, he actually picked her up inside the house, carried her into the bedroom and they gave each other a kiss.

This was following a discussion about Tom and how he was trying to 'play' Noirin.
Marcus saw his opportunity to use this to his advantage and told Noirin that they should up the physical contact, to make it clear to Tom that it wouldn't work.

Noirin, the thick bint, thought this was great idea!

"No one 'plays' me", she said, while simultaneously being played like a fiddle by Marcus! Glance

I couldn't hear the convo clearly but wasn't Sophie talking to Noirin about Tom and suggesting he liked her and Noirin said she was quite attracted to him - something like that. I wondered if Sophie was trying to hint she could do better than being with Marcus

and then sophie was telling tom that noirin liked him.....however she didnt tell noirin she'd had that convo with tom....personally I think they both like him and sophie was testing the water to see if he liked herself or noirin before making a move....then they spent a couple of hours slating the guy....both protesting a tad tooo much... Wink
Originally posted by Carlos the Hackle:
Originally posted by Roxi:
Michael Jackson has NOTHING to do with Big Brother stop bring him into it. Respect the dead

Marcus is shown to be pervy and its disturbing

How about respecting the living too? I must say, I find it remarkable that you could have 'RIP Michael Jackson' as your sig - while your words above it take delight in caling someone a pervert. You are aware I assume, that MJ was accused of (and charged with) being a paedophile. Indeed, he openly admitted sleeping with children on a regular basis.

Now, how would you feel if people threw aroud the 'pervert' label at MJ? Yet you do so with Marcus.

Weve actually seen and heard Marcus with our own eyes/ears thats why. Then he has the audacity to call Tom for the same behaviour - which wasnt true BTW.
What a massive hypocrite.
Reality Junkie

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