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Originally posted by WILDER X:
He always thinks he's in the right.
He should maybe choose his words more carefully.
As the words he did choose did sound threatening. Even if he didn't mean it that way.

Well said mate, but not a lot of people will agree with you. I hate Marcus's constant aggressive stance, and his dreadful vulgar and coarse language. Clapping
Senora Reyes
Sree has made more derogatory comments about Marcus. What about when he said he would be eating dogfood. Also the other week he made a remark about Marcus being like one of his servants. Sree is a manipulative, arrogant horrible little man. He is bullying people in a different way by playing the victim and having other housemates pandering to him and whining on about respect. He is so full of it.
Sree has made more derogatory comments about Marcus. What about when he said he would be eating dogfood. Also the other week he made a remark about Marcus being like one of his servants. Sree is a manipulative, arrogant horrible little man. He is bullying people in a different way by playing the victim and having other housemates pandering to him and whining on about respect. He is so full of it.

Can't stand sree and not sticking up for him.
But marcus was well out order because he can't control his temper.
Admittedly, I would have had more respect for Marcus had he admitted "say it to me outside" was threatening language. However, the first part of his argument was sound. Sree is an annoying little barsteward. And he would be an annoying little barsteward were he Irish, Scottish, Geordie or fabulously rich. Thus mimicking him is unavoidable when he's in your face, doing your head in. I would imagine
Selina K
Can't stand sree and not sticking up for him.
But marcus was well out order because he can't control his temper.

I don't believe he was out of order. Sree is sly and manipulative and knows what he's doing. Marcus did not physically go over to him. If its ok for Sree to give it then he should be able to take it as well instead of playing the victim.
don't believe he was out of order. Sree is sly and manipulative and knows what he's doing. Marcus did not physically go over to him. If its ok for Sree to give it then he should be able to take it as well instead of playing the victim.

Marcus not that good as he lets sree get to him.
Marcus should hold his temper and think before he speaks.
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
But as soon as BB brought race into it, they were screwed.

Marcus has exposed the double standards and hypocracy deep within the PC brigade and all that pander to them.
BB knew they were screwed regarding the Race issue, that's why they put so much emphasis on the "threat/words " Marcus used in the garden s the reason for the warning.a

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