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I can't vote on this one because I agree with Marcus's first half - the racist mimic thing - and disagree with his second half - the defensive _ my mind was not on beating him up therefore "say it to me outside" doesn't count as an obvious cliched threat comment. However, Sree, entertaining as he is to us viewers, I'm sure could drive the most mild mannered patient of people to murderous intent, so on the whole, I'm with Marcus
Selina K
Originally posted by erinp:
Marcus ,I was absolutely gobsmacked when he tore into BB,even Siavash could see that Sree is the type who give the rest a bad name playing the victim/race/foreign card.

Yep - he was spot on, and Siavash's comment was very telling. I never even think about the fact that he and Rodrigo are foreign.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
BB for me.

He was threatening, he lied about Sree coming towards him in an aggressive manner, and he ridiculed his accent in a demeaning manner.

He picked the fight, by belittling Sree and telling him he was too slow doing the maths. Constant bullying. Shake Head

On the otherhand...sree ridiculed marcus weeks ago by belittling him in front of the whole house ,talking about his B.O and teeth.

All of team nasty mimic freddie when they are arguing...lisa and karly mostly.

Sree mocked freddies maths and dyslexia the other night in their garlic-gate row.

What comes around.....
Originally posted by fz:
On the otherhand...sree ridiculed marcus weeks ago by belittling him in front of the whole house ,talking about his B.O and teeth.

All of team nasty mimic freddie when they are arguing...lisa and karly mostly.

Sree mocked freddies maths and dyslexia the other night in their garlic-gate row.

What comes around.....

That was after another argument, after Marcus ridiculed Sree before the task had even begun. I don't blame Sree for standing up for himself!

And yes, Freddie's accent is ridiculed by the nasty crew. Maybe BB would pull them up on that, if Freddie complained, but it hasn't quite got the same history as racial abuse in this country.

As was shown quite clearly tonight, Sree did not ridicule Freddie's dyslexia. He actually said that he appreciated the fact that he had dyslexia and managed to get into Oxford, but then tried to prove that at least he was better at maths than Freddie. He was stupid and completely wrong in that argument, but his intention was clearly not to ridicule his dyslexia.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
BB for me.

He was threatening, he lied about Sree coming towards him in an aggressive manner, and he ridiculed his accent in a demeaning manner.

He picked the fight, by belittling Sree and telling him he was too slow doing the maths. Constant bullying. Shake Head

I agree with you, Marcus has tried to buck BB from the very first night he was in the house.

As for the "Racist" comment, BB didn't even mention race or racism, it was Marcus that came up with it. BB only asked him if he could understand how his actions could be perceived by the person on the receiving end or the viewing public.

In my opinion Marcus went way O T T on this and he deserved his warning.

When will the idiot get it into his thick, hairy, ugly head that BB runs things and he will eventually succumb to BBs will.
Originally posted by fz:
Noirin spurned sree for marcus. Sree never got beyond that...he can't handle loss. Hence his childish outburst in the running races for example.

The panel tonight were quite good at not letting him get away with much. His ego was his downfall.

All true, but then Marcus has never got beyond Sree actually answering him back and standing up for himself.

When he first started abusing Sree, with his "Don't F it up" comments at every opportunity, he actually tried to convince Sree that he was over reacting and that he was telling him 'as a friend'.

Well, it certainly didn't sound friendly to me and obviously Sree did take offence to the constant belittling.

Marcus likes to be in control and sees himself as superior to those around him.

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