I would LOVE him to win, but that would take a MAJOR shift, in the GBPs "mindset" and it aint gonna happen, hes not pretty, he swears, he has long hair, he doesnt have a tan, ALL the superficial stuff that is NEEDED to be a "winner" just aint there, and the FACT that he is a quite decent bloke wont be enough,
I totaly got what he was saying to Lisa about his "language" and his "crudness" last night,
he said "I know I swear alot but I do it cause I LIKE swearing I think its FUNNY" I SO get that,
and on being "crude"
he said "the people I hang around with have a strange sense of humour, 2 of my best friends are gorgeous girls, and they LOVE it when I say something shocking...problem is they are used to me now...so I have to keep trying to get more and more outrageous, AND WHEN I AM they are like, OH MARCUS how CAN you say that?, but at the same time roaring their heads off laughing, and that kind of thing becomes a habbit so much that I sometimes forget I am doing it"
totaly get where he is coming from, it aint the actualy WORDS people use but the WAY in which its intended that matters.
IMO,<---------- apparently I HAVE to put IMO after every post now otherwise I get accused of being arrogant and thinking I am speaking for EVERYONE here,