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Originally posted by brisket:
Marcus tells Freddie and Siavash that he has had his hands on Noirin in an intimate place.
Why would he tell them this?
Do we believe it or is he boosting his own fantasies?

I believe it. Mainly because the whole discussion tonight seems to be quite objective, so no need to tell any porkies. Anyway, it's bound to come up and if it wasn't true, he'd look a right wally.
cologne 1
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by brisket:
Marcus tells Freddie and Siavash that he has had his hands on Noirin in an intimate place.
Why would he tell them this?
Do we believe it or is he boosting his own fantasies?

I believe it. Mainly because the whole discussion tonight seems to be quite objective, so no need to tell any porkies. Anyway, it's bound to come up and if it wasn't true, he'd look a right wally.

He looks a right wally anyway TBH. I honestly believe with him it's all schoolboy stuff .....the filthy mouth and unfunny anecdotes are purely symptomatic of the immature little boy that he is.
Soozy Woo
Marcus is a great HM. He is so insightful about so many things. He talks such sense at times and seems to get right to the heart of the matter, articulating and understanding situations that leave the rest of the HMs floundering like beached whales. Marcus is full of individuality and has great self-belief. He is the sort of man who I would feel protected by if he was my friend. He is loyal and true. Lord Acton coined a phrase for people like Marcus .. 'To be born an Englishman is like winning the first prize in the lottery of life'. Marcus automatically thinks he is superior without having to voice it. He is a typical British Bulldog, complete with the spirit and fight, and he probably looks on Churchill as one of his heroes. I admire him immensely.

Having said that, Marcus is immature in his approach to romance. Noirin has chosen Marcus to be her guard dog, her bulldog if you like, to protect her from the other HMs. She knows he is as steady as a rock and full of integrity and he will look after her no matter what. It is a shame that Marcus, because of his inexperience with women, cannot see that he is being led by his nose by a much more experienced player, and one who hasn't got an ounce of Marcus' integrity. Once again, Noirin has proved that some women will never break through the glass ceiling because she is the type who will always need a strong man to protect her, and to give her credibility. Marcus is being used, and he seems unable to differentiate between sexual ambiguity and friendship. Noirin, on the other hand, understands the difference completely.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
He has a point...the small of your back's a very intimate place....or is that just me?? Ninja

It's not just you Ninja

The wrist can be too, in the right circumstances Ninja Ninja

Handcuffs? Glance

I do like my victims lovers immobilised, it's true, but I usually just make sure all the doors and windows are locked Ninja
The Secretary
Originally posted by Jenstar:
Maybe his ideas of "an intimate place" are different? maybe the thinks brushing past someone means they are gonna get married? Laugh

If you watched last nights live feed he said it would have been so much easier to win over sophie as in the first few days she simply quivered when he brushed her back (me thinks shudders is the right word) ..........he claims that she'd have been putty in his hands but he prefers the challenge of Noirin (or words to that effect) can't remember word for word but surely to God it simply shows what a deluded knobhead he is doesn't it?
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Jenstar:
Maybe his ideas of "an intimate place" are different? maybe the thinks brushing past someone means they are gonna get married? Laugh

If you watched last nights live feed he said it would have been so much easier to win over sophie as in the first few days she simply quivered when he brushed her back (me thinks shudders is the right word) ..........he claims that she'd have been putty in his hands but he prefers the challenge of Noirin (or words to that effect) can't remember word for word but surely to God it simply shows what a deluded knobhead he is doesn't it?

Oh lordy! Sick
Originally posted by duchess:
I really wouldn't be surprised tbh where Noirin is concerned. I think she would let him do anything to keep him interested and her in imo

Why do you say that exactly? Because she's been nice/civil to some of the scum bags?

She has also incidentally made it abundantly clear that she's not romantically interested ...the fact that they refuse to hear it is hardly her problem.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by duchess:
I really wouldn't be surprised tbh where Noirin is concerned. I think she would let him do anything to keep him interested and her in imo

Why do you say that exactly? Because she's been nice/civil to some of the scum bags?

She has also incidentally made it abundantly clear that she's not romantically interested ...the fact that they refuse to hear it is hardly her problem.

Yes. I'm always telling fellas I'm not interested before unclipping my bra and inviting them to draw on my back for hours Ninja
The Secretary
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by duchess:
I really wouldn't be surprised tbh where Noirin is concerned. I think she would let him do anything to keep him interested and her in imo

Why do you say that exactly? Because she's been nice/civil to some of the scum bags?

She has also incidentally made it abundantly clear that she's not romantically interested ...the fact that they refuse to hear it is hardly her problem.

Yes. I'm always telling fellas I'm not interested before unclipping my bra and inviting them to draw on my back for hours Ninja

Well there's saying you're not interested and theres saying you're not interested.

It seems to me that she's saying all the right things to Marcus but not following it through, she knows he fancies her, she knows he's a man and a lot of men are ruled by their feelings (to put it nicely) So she's saying one thing with her words but saying another with her actions.

So I wouldn't be surprised if he had indeed touched her where he was implying! Because in my opinion she is a big flirt and she is leading him on.

This is entirely my opinion and my take on Noirin

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