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Originally posted by Princess Gollum:
Originally posted by Cinds:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by Cinds:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
You people seem to be taking this way too seriously but I suppose that's what suits you.

I'm the one who's laughing, you are the people scowling.

That made me laugh even more!

Careful Cinds; couyld be Marcus' brother/sister/pet and then you WOULD know the meaning of pain.

Marcus's mum.Glance
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
OK, so an update on the BB website suggests he was rebelling because the food on offer at the party would have been Indian food, and Marcus doesn't like Indian food. :-/

Oh well then.. reason enough to deprive the other HMs of Indian food.

What a spoon..
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
OK, so an update on the BB website suggests he was rebelling because the food on offer at the party would have been Indian food, and Marcus doesn't like Indian food. :-/

Oh well then.. reason enough to deprive the other HMs of Indian food.

What a spoon..

Selfish to the core. Disappointed
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
OK, so an update on the BB website suggests he was rebelling because the food on offer at the party would have been Indian food, and Marcus doesn't like Indian food. :-/
and he's upset about michael jackson...

Well he needs to mourn...He's 2 brains to deal with..... Double the grief. Laugh
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally posted by faerykelstar:
So, did he lose 3 tokens that everyone else had won - or just the tokens that he would've won?

It was the tokens he won.
All the other HMs were competing for different things: Bea won the food, Freddie competed for alcohol and Marcus competed for tokens.

Ahh OK. What would he have won then? Sorry I'm a bit slow on the updates today! Big Grin
Originally posted by faerykelstar:
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally posted by faerykelstar:
So, did he lose 3 tokens that everyone else had won - or just the tokens that he would've won?

It was the tokens he won.
All the other HMs were competing for different things: Bea won the food, Freddie competed for alcohol and Marcus competed for tokens.

Ahh OK. What would he have won then? Sorry I'm a bit slow on the updates today! Big Grin

A third brain to add to his collection.
Originally posted by faerykelstar:
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally posted by faerykelstar:
So, did he lose 3 tokens that everyone else had won - or just the tokens that he would've won?

It was the tokens he won.
All the other HMs were competing for different things: Bea won the food, Freddie competed for alcohol and Marcus competed for tokens.

Ahh OK. What would he have won then? Sorry I'm a bit slow on the updates today! Big Grin

Spare tokens. I'm assuming they're the "usual" ones that HMs can exchange for house extras.
He was also given a personal token, but that was taken away too...
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
The problem is that Endemol make up the rules as they go along. Why don't they punish the house every time Siavash swears, that would make him hugely unpopular. Big Grin

Siavash swears a lot, this is true. The difference is that when Siavash is swearing, it is not name calling.


Siavash: "I want a f***ing luxury budget this week".

Marcus: "BB you are a c***".

I bet he does name call alot, as do other HMs at times. This was obviously done to try and make Marcus more unpopular in the house before nominations.

Marcus is responsible for his own behaviour. Nobody told him to swear and be an ass. I wont be a hypocrite and swear myself Razzer
Reality Junkie
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by tupps:
Perfect point and laugh HM in the style of Mario, but a Grade A plonker and knobhead.

It's funny seeing him in the house, posturing and trying to portray himself as some kind of Alpha male... when his RL is probably more reminiscent of the weird kid at school all grown up but still socially inept.

He's finally got himself a small pond he thinks he can be a big fish in.

Nail on head Tupps.

That explains why Marcus tried his very best to turn the house against Tom, because Tom threatened Marcus's precious Alpha Male status.

That Wolf man said he was a Beta male. [the one who carries out the heavy stuff} Tom was Alpha as he would have taken charge - pity he went. Feel let down by him going far more than Kenny
Reality Junkie
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Marcus sits in the DR, he never looks straight at the camera, he is defiant and insubordinate, he awaits a reaction to his bad behaviour, he swears like a trooper to elicit a response, he attention-seeks to a massive degree, and then he sits back and awaits the punishment.

I think there is a name for people like Marcus, but it is usually applied to difficult hard-to-manage children. And there are 'naughty steps' involved too. It seems that Marcus has not progressed from the naughty step stage, and this behaviour he is displaying is all part and parcel of the immature overgrown-schoolboy Marcus we are witnessing.

Seriously, I want to know his background and when and where he had to bring himself up and now why he is still with his mother. There is certainly a story to be told.
And an anger management course to take too.
Reality Junkie
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Marcus sits in the DR, he never looks straight at the camera, he is defiant and insubordinate,

I don't like weak people who just suck up to authority anyway. They aren't very interesting TV either.

I suppose alot of people here are Rodrigo goody two shoes people, or rather pretend to be.

You suppose a lot of things and get it wrong everytime.
Originally posted by Reality Junkie:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Marcus sits in the DR, he never looks straight at the camera, he is defiant and insubordinate, he awaits a reaction to his bad behaviour, he swears like a trooper to elicit a response, he attention-seeks to a massive degree, and then he sits back and awaits the punishment.

I think there is a name for people like Marcus, but it is usually applied to difficult hard-to-manage children. And there are 'naughty steps' involved too. It seems that Marcus has not progressed from the naughty step stage, and this behaviour he is displaying is all part and parcel of the immature overgrown-schoolboy Marcus we are witnessing.

Seriously, I want to know his background and when and where he had to bring himself up and now why he is still with his mother. There is certainly a story to be told.
And an anger management course to take too.

There is a part of me that feels sorry for Marcus also. He has a lot of good qualities and he is quite kind and caring sometimes. He is a staunch friend but that can be a burden because he may want to own his friends, rather than be just a friend. He is also, I think, quite a solitary man, with solitary pursuits and hobbies .. gameing, staying up late, etc. Where he lets himself down is in his childish attitude to women, and his inability to divorce himself from gameing, and come into reality. And all his present behaviour in the house stems from those two things imo.
Twee Surgeon

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