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Big Brother likes to test the housemates resolve with difficult Tasks, but Big Brother also likes to set silly Tasks to lighten the atmosphere in the House – like a guessing game. So, housemates were called into the Diary Room to answer questions on a 50/50 basis to win stuff for the party.

Lisa had to look at a series of pictures and decide whether they showed a frog, or a toad. Answering five questions correctly, Lisa won chocolate and nougat bars, red shoe laces, flying saucers, chewy sweets and cola bottles for the party

Hira's pictures were of stoats and weasels and she only managed to answer two correctly, winning the tracks ‘Nellie the Elephant’ and ‘Hungry Like the Wolf’ for the party.

Bea was shown some pictures of animals that were either alive, or stuffed and she managed to answer six correctly, winning a selection of take-away treats for the party.

When Halfwit's turn came, he had to identify whether a series of animal sounds were made by a human, or an animal. Getting four questions right ensured that the housemates would have Champagne, beer and alcopops for the party.

And then it was Marcus's turn. Assuming his usual 'petulant child' position in the Diary Room, Big Brother should've guessed that trouble was coming and boy did it come.

Big Brother explained that Marcus's Task was to identify whether housemates had been using percentages properly. "It's called mathematical sense, or mathematical nonsense," Big Brother told him.

"You ******," sneered Marcus.

Big Brother would probably have overlooked Marcus's indiscretion, except when he'd answered all the questions, he broke the stand the question boards had been mounted on.

"Do I get this one as well yeah?" Marcus crowed as he sat back in the Chair.

But Marcus was in for a shock.

"Marcus, you've just forfeited the three bonus Tokens," announced Big Brother.

"Don't be a *****," laughed Marcus

But Big Brother wasn't laughing.

"And Marcus," continued Big Brother, "because you called Big brother a ****** and a *****, you are forfeiting that Token as well."

And like a spoilt child, Marcus still couldn't keep his mouth shut. "You're a ******* ******** as well," he shouted as he threw the Token on the floor.

"Marcus, Big Brother will deal with you later. You may now leave the Diary Room."

Ooh, you in big trouble boy…

What a complete and utter loser this little man is.Shake Head

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Amythist:
Hes been hurt so hes biting back

serious repercussions for calling BB a **** three times tho!

Carry on like that and the GBP would bite back if BB don't boot him out first.
Originally posted by ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ:
I hope they put him in jail for the duration of the party. It will give him time to reflect on his immaturity.

I wish BB would evict him. Don't normally vote but if he's up this week, I defintely would. I thought he was just playing a game at first but clearly he gets off on imtimdation.
Originally posted by MysTerry:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
...."Assuming his usual 'petulant child' position", could they be any more biased?

It describes him perfectly.

That's a matter of opinion and certainly isn't objective. It wouldn't surprise me if this was a complete set up.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Amythist:
I've got to admit I've been reduced to infantile behaviour when disappointed in love. Blush

but he's constantly like it. I said it from his opening speech on the first night .....he talked about how he's still best mates with his friends from school etc. Sounded like an episode of Just William.

I wonder if the new HM will be Violet Elizabeth?
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by *KG*:
I'm a kind of fan in terms of what he's brought to the show, but he's being a complete and utter wanker on so many levels Shake Head

Nod, he's being such a tool, not impressed by his behaviour at all but it is kind of entertaining to watch Ninja.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by 15:10:
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Idiot, like a three year old showing off because others were watching him.

Were the others watching? Laugh

They're all going to nominate him this week.

I think it was for our (the viewers') benefit. Marcus is very much aware of the premise of playing to the camera.
Perfect point and laugh HM in the style of Mario, but a Grade A plonker and knobhead.

It's funny seeing him in the house, posturing and trying to portray himself as some kind of Alpha male... when his RL is probably more reminiscent of the weird kid at school all grown up but still socially inept.

He's finally got himself a small pond he thinks he can be a big fish in.
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
The problem is that Endemol make up the rules as they go along. Why don't they punish the house every time Siavash swears, that would make him hugely unpopular. Big Grin

Siavash swears a lot, this is true. The difference is that when Siavash is swearing, it is not name calling.


Siavash: "I want a f***ing luxury budget this week".

Marcus: "BB you are a c***".
Originally posted by ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
The problem is that Endemol make up the rules as they go along. Why don't they punish the house every time Siavash swears, that would make him hugely unpopular. Big Grin

Siavash swears a lot, this is true. The difference is that when Siavash is swearing, it is not name calling.


Siavash: "I want a f***ing luxury budget this week".

Marcus: "BB you are a c***".

I bet he does name call alot, as do other HMs at times. This was obviously done to try and make Marcus more unpopular in the house before nominations.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by tupps:
Perfect point and laugh HM in the style of Mario, but a Grade A plonker and knobhead.

It's funny seeing him in the house, posturing and trying to portray himself as some kind of Alpha male... when his RL is probably more reminiscent of the weird kid at school all grown up but still socially inept.

He's finally got himself a small pond he thinks he can be a big fish in.

Nail on head Tupps.

That explains why Marcus tried his very best to turn the house against Tom, because Tom threatened Marcus's precious Alpha Male status.
Originally posted by ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ:
Originally posted by tupps:
Perfect point and laugh HM in the style of Mario, but a Grade A plonker and knobhead.

It's funny seeing him in the house, posturing and trying to portray himself as some kind of Alpha male... when his RL is probably more reminiscent of the weird kid at school all grown up but still socially inept.

He's finally got himself a small pond he thinks he can be a big fish in.

Nail on head Tupps.

That explains why Marcus tried his very best to turn the house against Tom, because Tom threatened Marcus's precious Alpha Male status.

Tom was put in to stir things up, he was sick of being used by Endemol as a puppet and that's why he left. Marcus was simply reacting as he was supposed to in the game.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ:
Originally posted by tupps:
Perfect point and laugh HM in the style of Mario, but a Grade A plonker and knobhead.

It's funny seeing him in the house, posturing and trying to portray himself as some kind of Alpha male... when his RL is probably more reminiscent of the weird kid at school all grown up but still socially inept.

He's finally got himself a small pond he thinks he can be a big fish in.

Nail on head Tupps.

That explains why Marcus tried his very best to turn the house against Tom, because Tom threatened Marcus's precious Alpha Male status.

I think so. Here he is strutting around his enclosure and they go and put in a bigger better specimen to threaten his self imposed 'hard man of the house' status and possibly run off with his 'mate'. It must have fried his noodle.

It's like watching Wildlife on 1.. Laugh
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
The problem is that Endemol make up the rules as they go along. Why don't they punish the house every time Siavash swears, that would make him hugely unpopular. Big Grin

Siavash swears a lot, this is true. The difference is that when Siavash is swearing, it is not name calling.


Siavash: "I want a f***ing luxury budget this week".

Marcus: "BB you are a c***".

I bet he does name call alot, as do other HMs at times. This was obviously done to try and make Marcus more unpopular in the house before nominations.

No one forced him to break BB equipment, and then rather than apologise, call them insulting names instead.

No one forced him to threaten to pour drink all over the Diary Room chair.

No one forced him to threaten to punch Tom in the face and teach him the meaning of pain.

No one forced him to talk threateningly to Sree.

Marcus is responsible for his own actions, his own aggressive behaviour, his own childishness. If he's giving BB material to work with then he only has himself to blame really.
Originally posted by TiGi:
He's such an idiot. Wonder how the housemates reacted to that.

Maybe a roll of the eyes, but I'd say they are all use to him by now. Certainly no amount of immaturity displayed by Marcus would suprise me anymore.

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