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Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
Shit guitar though - apparently

A poor workman always blames his tool - apparently. Wink

My hubby plays a guitar in a band, he said before Marcus played, what a crap guitar, worst on market, when Marcus played he said he sure can play, and to play like that with a crap guitar, he is good
Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
Shit guitar though - apparently

A poor workman always blames his tool - apparently. Wink

HA!! I predicted THAT comment, it WAS a shit guitar and an even shitter amp, he did VERY well with it under the circumstances, he is not a brilliant guitarist, but he IS a good one,
there are people in this thread who are well known for their dislike of Marcus and even THEY have "good grace" and decency to say he did well, (well done) sneering at EVERTHING he does only devalues any real arguments or points his detractors may have, and at least SOME of them understand that simple concept
old hippy guy
He IS a good guitarist! I have seen and heard him play on a clip. I just wish I had saved it to my favs. Does anyone have a link please?

Anyway, here's proof that he's good! One of my parrots has been off colour this week and he lost his voice. Tonight while Marcus was playing he started whistling along to him, bouncing up and down and head banging in time to the music and doing his Big Bird impression with his wings. Big Grin

My parrot was brought up on heavy metal in his former home for his first 15 years as his human dad was a big fan. Our Pepe knows good music when he hears it! He only reacts like this when the music really is good!Thumbs Up

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