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Marcus to Siavash

''Is it George Lamb or Alan Lamb. Alan Lamb is that cricket bastard, isn't he''.

"Wouldn't it be great if we had mouth's all around our bodies...."

"I could be thumbing a semi into a supermodel by Saturday."

Marcus: 'Bea?' 'yes?' 'fack off!',then maniacal laughter; 'dont dare use my toothbrush,you scabbiest of runts!' 'Bea is for besmircher,coz thats all you fackin do!

Marcus: Bea..
Bea: Yes?
Marcus: Have you ever had a sexually transmitted desease?
Marcus: Bloody hell I thought you would have with amount of blokes you've piled through

PMSL Laugh Laugh Laugh
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Marcus asks Bea to rate his crudeness in the future as he is bringing out the "top guns" now.

Marcus says it would be great if you had mouths all over your body, including on your elbow, so you could lean in someone's food and eat it. Bea ignores him so he adds: "Yes it would, Marcus. Shut up, Marcus."


Their banter almost makes me want Bea to stay (almost) Big Grin
From the BB Magazine, Marcus being interviewed by Rodrigo:

“I am the belle of the ball, I am the life and soul everyone wants to hang around with me, everyone wants to ride my incredible coat tails.”

What has been your favourite moment in the house so far?

“I think my favourite moment in the BB house so far has not yet happened. I am sure my favourite moment will be the time when I walk out of the door and I don’t get to see anyone ever again.”

Big Grin
darloboy (Play The Game!)
BB: "if you could fire one of your magazine staff who would it be?"
M: "you"

In DR talking about role as editor...

" I think I should have some pencils to snap when I get flustered."
Bea "Marcus, we've got magazines ... with things about us. There's an article about Freddie. "Something something something Bonkers Bea"!"
Marcus "Ahahahaha!" (pointing at her)
Bea "Bonkers Bea??"
Marcus "Bastard Bea!"
Bea "I'm not bloody bonkers!"
Marcus "Bastard, bloody mingebag, arsehole, f**kin arsehole Bea!"
Bea "Bonkers!"
Marcus "I think you got off pretty lightly, girl!"

David "I do miss my internet tho Marcus, more than I thought I would!"
Marcus "I'm not looking forward to going through all my f**kin emails when I get out. I bet I've got about seven hundred million billion!"

Brill Laugh.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
"What do you mean I need angler management. I don't even like fishing!"

"I've got an awful sick feeling in my stomach Bea... I think you might stay"

"I water plants"
"Grotesque muscularity"

Sophie: "oh my god you swear so much"
Marcus: "FACK OFF!"

BB...`Marcus, who do you think will be evicted?`

`I don`t give a f*ck`

''Two girls left and ones a lezzer and the others pregnant''

`If I`m evicted, this show will go from 5 star to half a star in 10 seconds`

BB...`What do you bring to the house?`

`Wit, humour, rugged good looks, excellent fashion sense, athleticism, grotesque muscularity, does the washing up, benevolent, sideburns and lovely long hair`

BB..`Anything else`?
`Plenty of other things, but you haven`t got time to listen to them all, hell no, no, not neither...I am the ultimate Z-list celebrity`

ROFL Laugh Laugh Laugh
darloboy (Play The Game!)
They are in the bedroom packing.

Marcus "I'm taking my f**kin chocolate with me!"
Bea "You're taking your chocolate with you?"
Marcus "Yeah I am!"
Bea "You greedy bastard!"
Marcus "F**K OFF!"
Bea "Would you not leave it for people??"
Marcus "No - I want it!"
Bea "you can get plenty outside!"
Marcus "But I want that one!"
Bea "What's that one?"


Marcus "You're not going to begrudge me that are you Bea?!"
Bea "Well you shouldn't even have those!"
Marcus "Yeah because that was the one for me - there wasn't a communial one cause everyone else had ... DONT tell me whats what Bea!"
Bea "I still think its tight as a f**kin fish's arse that you're just gonna take ..."
Marcus "No - it's because there's something there and you want it and you cant have it so now you're pissing and moaning. As usual. F**kin Bea. Bloody bonkers Bea. Shut your f**kin cakehole bonkers Bea for once in yer life!!"
Bea "He's smuggling out his chocolate instead of leaving it for the people left behind."
Marcus "I'm not smuggling nothing out. I'm taking it out because I like it."
Bea "I think thats absolutely disgusting. Completely f**king in character!"
Marcus "half a bar of f**kin chocolate - I ask you whats the f**kin world coming to?"

PMSL Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Laugh.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Marcus (cheerily) "Hi Bea - how are you?"
Bea "I'm good thanks, how are you?"
Marcus "Something smells in here Bea!"
Bea "Is it you?!"

They walk into the bathroom

Marcus "Can you get out my way please, I want to pass piss out my cock end!"
Bea "Completely repulsive! Where's my .. where's my toothbrush gone?"
Marcus (knocks on loo door) "Was I in there a long time?"
Bea (disinterested) "Yeah!"
Marcus (gleeful) "Guess who I was talking to?"
Bea "Oh f**k off!"
Marcus "Mr man. He f**kin loves me! He really likes me Bea! I think me and him might be an itm when we get out!"
Bea "Good. Right well ...." (searches around bathroom)
Marcus "I just told him I've been trying to turn the crudness and vulgarity levels up to maximum and dizzying new heights, but people aren't responding to it!"
Bea (still searching, still disinterested) "Yep, yep! Thats not my brush!"


Marcus "Bea?"
Bea "yep?"
Marcus "F**k off" and walks into the toilet laughing evily

Big Grin Laugh
darloboy (Play The Game!)
A few minutes later as they are both brushing their teeth.

Marcus "...... you know why? Cause it gets hot thats why! When you stare at my arse, it glows red."

(Indecypherable from both due to tooth brushing!)

Marcus ".... talk about riding my incredible coat tails!" (brushes) "You'll never be as cool as me! Do you know why?? Cause it's impossible!" (brushes) "I've got 2 toothbrushes!! MEH!" (holds them up to her!) "Count them!" (she bashes them away with her brush!) "Only YOU would do that! Spiteful, malicious, malignant, scruffulous, scabulous runt, you are! Leave my f**king toothbrush alone! No you may NOT use my mouthwash, you f**kin bastard (na - only a little bit!)"

Laugh Laugh
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Still in the bathroom and THE IDH is reading his mouthwash bottle as she is taking out her contacts.

Marcus "Mouth ulcers or oral thrush! Continue to use for two days after ....... Oral thush??? Does that mean if you, you know, work south of the border then go north of the border? Is that how you get oral thrush? Can it spread like that?"
Bea "I've never heard of oral thrush"
Marcus "Have you ever had thrush?"
Bea "No!"
Marcus "What sexually transmitted diseases have you ever had? I've never had any!"
Bea "I've never had any either!"
Marcus "What - not a single one??!"
Bea "No!"
Marcus "What - the amount of blokes you pile through??!"
Bea "Yep!"
Marcus "F**kin hell!"


Bea "What sexually transmitted diseases have you had?"
Marcus "None, never"
Bea "Is that because you're a virgin?!"
Marcus "Nah!" (both laugh)
Bea "Are you sure?!"
Marcus "Yeah!"
Bea "Plastic women dont count Marcus!"
Marcus "Oh right yeah I am a virgin! What about latex women??!"

They chat about clearing up

Marcus "Bea - can you stay up and chat to me about latex women?"
Bea "No - I'm tired!"
Marcus "I might as well go to bed then if you wont stay up and chat about latex women!"

PMSL Laugh Big Grin Laugh.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
BB - Hello Marcus, how are you?

Marcus - Not bad, thank you for asking. How are you today?

BB - Marcus, who do you think will be evicted tonight?

Marcus - "Could not give a f**k. That is who I think will be evicted."

BB - If you were to be evicted do you think the house would be lacking anything next week?

Marcus - "Obviously. The Irrepressible f***ing Dark Horse. This program will go to sh*t. It'll go from five stars to half a star in a matter of ten seconds, because as soon as I've done my bloody interview with Davina McCall people will have no further reason to switch on their television set to Channel 4 at nine o'clock."

BB - Could you elaborate on what the IDH brings to the house?

Marcus - "He brings wit, humour, rugged good looks, athleticism, grotesque muscularity, he waters plants, he changes bins, he does washing up, he sleeps in the corner, he whistles, he makes crude and ill witted jokes, he has a superior fashion sense, beautiful sideburns and lovely long hair, he's generous, benevolent, heroic, macho...."

BB - Anything else?

Marcus - "Plenty of other things but you don't not got the time to listen to them all, oh hell no not neither.... (pause)....The Irrepressible Dark Horse. The Hundred Percent Man. The Ultimate Z-list celebrity."

Full transcript Ninja Laugh.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
BB "How does it feels that your best wasn't good enough?"
Marcus "It wasn't that my best wasn't good enough, being a 100% man. Siavash just wanted to sit in the middle of the pool and do nothing, so I decided to initiate some action but obviously if you do that you're more vulnerable and it didn't pay off this time, but at least I did try to do something instead of just sitting around like a boring bastard!"
BB "Big Brother detects sour grapes there, Marcus!"
Marcus "Big Brother is wrong! I'm not too worried about a poxy oil wrestling match! What did you win at the end of it? A little child's plastic belt! Erm ... THE Irrepressible Dark Horse was not defeated today otherwise THE Irrepressible Dark Horse would have wrestled. The Meaty F**ker wrestled."
BB "Is THE Irrepressible Dark Horse always the runner up?"
Marcus "No, but the very nature of THE Irrepressible Dark Horse is that he doesn't come first every time because then he wouldn't be a dark horse, would he? He'd just be, like, the champion. It's that he's always in the running. There's only one Dark Horse!"

Big Grin Big Grin Laugh Laugh
darloboy (Play The Game!)
From LF Sat night / Sun am :

Charlie and Marcus in the kitchen! Charlie is making "tuna wraps" and Marcus is rummaging in the cupboard after eating his "f**kin carrot"!

Marcus "There's loads of fanny things in here!"
Charlie "What?!"
Marcus "There's only 2 girls - look at all the fanny things in here!"

Conversation about fake blood and what Charlie could do with it (put it in Rodrigo's bed!)

Marcus "Look at that! There's only 2 fannies in the house. As if they need all of that!!

sound dip

Marcus "No one is using the little hand gel things"

Discussion about washing hands - Charlie only after a poo but Marcus does every time he goes into the bathroom.

Marcus "Whats this??" (pause) "Premium cocoa body butter. Whys that in there?"
Charlie "I dunno!"
Marcus (reads label - cant make out) "Is that .... thats not a thing from the thing! Some bastard's hid that, haven't they?! Thats from the hamper!"
Charlie "Oooh - I've been looking for that all over the place and the first ....."
Marcus "Thievin' f**kin bastards!"
Charlie "... was there! I remember. Actually, I remember that, yes I do! I remember it 100%. I remember smelling it. Smell it - it's the most absolutely lush. Watch - have a smell" (smells it then lets Marcus smell it)
Marcus "After sun stuff"
Charlie "Smell it - see? Ooh there's a mark in it!"
Marcus "Thats where you put my f**kin nose!"
Charlie "Ha do you think! See thats what I was saying - I KNEW this here somewhere! Now I searched high and low for it!"
Marcus "It's all hidden in the fanny cupboard!"
Charlie "But you found it Marcus - well done!"
Marcus "I found it in the fanny cupboard!"

Lol Laugh Laugh
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
From LF Sat night / Sun am :

Charlie and Marcus in the kitchen! Charlie is making "tuna wraps" and Marcus is rummaging in the cupboard after eating his "f**kin carrot"!

Marcus "There's loads of fanny things in here!"
Charlie "What?!"
Marcus "There's only 2 girls - look at all the fanny things in here!"

Conversation about fake blood and what Charlie could do with it (put it in Rodrigo's bed!)

Marcus "Look at that! There's only 2 fannies in the house. As if they need all of that!!

sound dip

Marcus "No one is using the little hand gel things"

Discussion about washing hands - Charlie only after a poo but Marcus does every time he goes into the bathroom.

Marcus "Whats this??" (pause) "Premium cocoa body butter. Whys that in there?"
Charlie "I dunno!"
Marcus (reads label - cant make out) "Is that .... thats not a thing from the thing! Some bastard's hid that, haven't they?! Thats from the hamper!"
Charlie "Oooh - I've been looking for that all over the place and the first ....."
Marcus "Thievin' f**kin bastards!"
Charlie "... was there! I remember. Actually, I remember that, yes I do! I remember it 100%. I remember smelling it. Smell it - it's the most absolutely lush. Watch - have a smell" (smells it then lets Marcus smell it)
Marcus "After sun stuff"
Charlie "Smell it - see? Ooh there's a mark in it!"
Marcus "Thats where you put my f**kin nose!"
Charlie "Ha do you think! See thats what I was saying - I KNEW this here somewhere! Now I searched high and low for it!"
Marcus "It's all hidden in the fanny cupboard!"
Charlie "But you found it Marcus - well done!"
Marcus "I found it in the fanny cupboard!"

Lol Laugh Laugh

lmao Darlo - that's hilarious Laugh

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