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Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Marcus apparently told a coughing cameraman this morning that he should go and get some cough medicine (Tixylix).

from DS:

He was in the bathroom before bed and about to brush his teeth. The cameraman started coughing and Marcus looks at the dual mirror and shouts: "Why don't you **** off and take some Tixylix?"
Originally posted by Domino:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Marcus apparently told a coughing cameraman this morning that he should go and get some cough medicine (Tixylix).

from DS:

He was in the bathroom before bed and about to brush his teeth. The cameraman started coughing and Marcus looks at the dual mirror and shouts: "Why don't you **** off and take some Tixylix?"

Laugh Laughclassic
Originally posted by Domino:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Marcus apparently told a coughing cameraman this morning that he should go and get some cough medicine (Tixylix).

from DS:

He was in the bathroom before bed and about to brush his teeth. The cameraman started coughing and Marcus looks at the dual mirror and shouts: "Why don't you **** off and take some Tixylix?"

Some don't seem sure of the exact quote which I why I didn't specify exactly what was said.

Others have said that he said:
"Not you again, get some ****ing Tixylix, yeah?"
Free Thinking
Marcus in the DR nominating Bea "It's got to the stage where I can say mingebag mingebag mingebag"

"Hodreeeegor Lorrrpezzzzzzzzz"

Marcus to Bea- Its a crane fly.
Bea to Marcus- Whats it doing on my foot?
Marcus to Bea- Maybe it was masturbating lol

BB: This is big brother would Marcus come to the diary room.
Marcus: *After a thoughtful pause* "Yea why the F*** not!"

"Oh they don't like you do they?!" Marcus to Bea about BB

PMSL Laugh Laugh
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Everyone has had video messages and Bea's mum didn't leave her one so she was upset.
"Everybody's getting really supportive messages," she sniffed. "I just feel really disappointed."
"You got a coffee machine," Marcus reminded her. Helpful.


I couldn't stop laughing when he said that.....I bet Bea felt like throttling him Big Grin
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Bea was trying to 'guilt - trip' Marcus by the pool discussing about nominations..

Bea: "I dont know what to do?"
Marcus: "Do what you think is right."
Bea: "I dont know whats right"

Marcus: "The conflict of the human heart is to do the wrong thing when it know what is right."

"Minge Bagery"

Marcus "Im going to be an arse model after the show"

Big Grin Laugh

The "Minge Bagery" was yet ANOTHER 'spit my drink out' moment, and needs the FULL quote,
Marcus is explaining to Mingebag why he nominated her,

MARCUS: "I nominated you cause I said I would if you didn't nominate me,
nothing at all to do with the mingebagery or anything like that"
another great one from the quip myster,
old hippy guy
Marcus, the Headless Horseman, has come to the Diary Room. When asked by Big Brother how he is, Marcus replies that he has 'been better'. He then proceeds to tell Big Brother that he doesn't like his costume as it is a 'cheap and nasty, crappy mannequin head' with a 'crap Velcro moustache and wig'. He tells BB that he has nicknamed the head 'Alfonso'.

Laugh, can't wait to see this tonight Big Grin.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
"I think I'll call him Alfonse. He looks like an Alfonse to me."

"Hello - my name is Alfonse - I'm a frickin idiot - hahahaha!"

BB "Marcus - do you think any of your fellow HMs suit their roles?"

"Yeah - Bea looks like a zombie anyway with her zombie eyes and her zombie hands and her noise. Lisa can do good animal noises so I think she ideally suited as a werewolf. Charlie has an evil laugh so I think he quite suits the mad scientist type chappy . Rodrigo bears a striking resemblance to Christopher Lee so yeah I think there are a few good choices!"

Laugh Laugh Laugh
darloboy (Play The Game!)
'pull yourself together' whilst holding his head during yesterdays task

Bea chose sexual frustration as her air-time theme for the night.

B: It's alright for you, you can go to the loo and have a w*nk.

M: <serious> That's not why I do it ... it's to prevent seepage in bed.

B: I thought that only happened to 14 year-olds.

M: No, it can happen to anyone with sacs that work.
Marcus has revealed his belief that the majority of the housemates behave like "nodding dogs".

He and Bea were in the garden last night discussing their chances of surviving the coming eviction, for which both they and David are facing the public vote.

When Marcus remarked that he had no gut feeling about who would be leaving, Bea stated: "It's certainly between me and David."

When asked for the reasons behind her thinking, the bohemian told him: "That's my gut feeling."

She continued: "I think you'll definitely be in the final. I think the public don't like nodding dogs."

In response to this, Marcus told her that the majority of the housemates behaved as such, doing exactly what was expected of them by Big Brother.

"Apart from me," he said.

Bea disagreed, and named herself, Lisa, Charlie and Sophie as those that didn't behave in such a way.

In reference to Sophie, Marcus responded: "I would totally say that she is a nodding dog."

The pair dropped the conversation when Bea decided that she needed to go inside to bed.

Having asked the window fitter if he was coming too, he joked: "I'm not going to chase you around like a lost sheep all the time."

PMSL Laugh
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Marcus just came out of the diary room with Bea waiting to go in. Apparantly they didn't really converse with Bea, while talking to Marcus about dinosaurs. Now they're both sitting naming sharks. Well, debating about it.

"Mister man won't let you in unless you wanna talk about dinosaurs."

"You're not going to beat me at sharks. You will never win."

"[Relaying his conversation with BB] Alright then, if you won't give me plesiosaur [to play with in the pool] then give me a Baryonix. If you know what that is."

darloboy (Play The Game!)
We have a task..............Sree dont f*** it up

From the bus stop, Bea shouts to Marcus that she will give him a "blow job" when they leave the house in exchange for a can of alcohol. "I can get one for free!" is his quick response, "So I'll keep the can, thank you."

I thought it was hilarious on BBLB when his Mum was talking about how she didn't know he was going on Big Bro, he just came downstairs with a suitcase one day

Mum: "Are you going on holiday?"
Marcus: "Might be."
Mum: "Where are you going?"
Marcus: "Not sure yet."
Mum: "How long are you going for?"
Marcus: "A week or two maybe

Back in the garden, Bea asks Marcus what he'd do if she stole the can. Marcus shouts from the pool: "I'd piss on your head while you slept."

Bea "Camera, I wanted a camera going on the shopping list"

Marcus "We've already had cameras"

Bea "Yeah YOU might have, Selfish Sarah, but we haven't ALL had cameras! I want a camera."

Marcus (high pitched whiny voice) "Me. Memememe!"

ROFL Laugh Laugh Laugh
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Marcus "Bea - you have to squeeze the spot on my arse!"
Bea "I dont think so, sonny Jim!"
Marcus "No but you have to because of the cider that changed hands!"
Bea "I haven't drunk the cider!"
Marcus "It doesn't matter - there is still a deal done. There's still a pinky promise. You're going to go back on a pinky promise, are you Bea??"

Bea "I wanted to talk to them ....."

Marcus "you wanted to talk to the man about your fanny but he didn't want to know. Hahahaha!"

Laugh Big Grin Laugh
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Marcus to Bea:

Bea "If we were in the jungle and we were having to fend for ourselves ..."

Marcus "I think if we were in the jungle, and stuff like that, I think I'd have probably killed you and ate you by now. I think the bottom half of you would be quite appetising but the top half of you probably wouldn't get much meat out of, but the thighs would probably make a good meal."

She playfully kicks him.

"What??! Sometimes i look at my arm ......."

darloboy (Play The Game!)
Last edited {1}
Sitting at bus stop with Bea a few mins ago :

"Stop shivering to try to get attention. Trying to get votes to keep you in the house just because you are shivering! Who the f*** do you think you are?? Do you think those lovely glorious people indoors with their beautiful mobile phones are going to text, or vote, to keep YOU in just cause you're shivering?? Have you got shit between your ears?? WTF????"

darloboy (Play The Game!)

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