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"Tipping the filthy cement"

In a conversation with Freddie about wanking and headache cures.

''No I didn't wipe my c*ck on your was the cat".

marcus wants TO leave . when he does he will ....

- ''watch it on the tv, have fish and chips, watch terminator salvation, start arguments on the BB forum, have s*x, play with toys, get his birthday presents, and make a nuisance of himself ''.

Laugh Laugh Laugh
darloboy (Play The Game!)
To BB 'oh shut the **** up, no you didnt'.

Marcus doesn't sleep, he re-generates.

I disappear all over the place all the time

Marcus to BB in the Diary Room:
"You'll get my urine all over your camera!"

Yeah if a take a girl out I'll pay for a taxi, but not both ways, she can make her own way home... I mean, its not like she's in a wheelchair or anyfin.

Marcus saying to Sophie & Rodrigo

If I acted the same as you two

There wouldn't be any point in me being here

''I'm not going to apologise for a game show''

darloboy (Play The Game!)
Mutiny Special

BB-Big Brother will sound the alarm till all housemates get out of bed.
Marcus-I didnt sign up for that.

BB-Hello Marcus,Siavash,Freddie.

BB-The door is now open.

To Freddie and Siavash,in jail-"Just riding on my illustrious coat-tails,you two."

Leaving the jail-(Singing)"Tonight theres gonna be a jailbreak,Somewhere in this town!"

BB-This is Big Brother...
Marcus-Shut the F*** up,you dimwit!"

BB-This is Big Brother.Will Marcus,Freddie and Siavash come to the diary room.
Marcus-How about you lick my love-pump baby.

BB-Why are you continuing to break the rules.
Marcus-Because you talk an absolute pile of sh*t and your a hypocrite

BB-If the housemates continue there will be serious consequences.
Marcus-Serious consequences-there'l be my urine over your camera.

BB-As housemates continue to break the rules there will be consequences for everyone.
Marcus-What a load of old sh*t.Was that worth sitting at the table for.

Marcus(Feigning temporary amnesia)-Siavash turned the volume down in the diary room,Freddie told them to f*** off.I said nothing.

darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by Shizzlex:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Marcus on Bea.

She says 'I don't want people to paint me with a negative stereotype'. You're the only one with the paint brush round here'.

PMSL Laugh Laugh Laugh Big Grin.

hey Darlo Wave

he does my head in but i laughed at that in fact i would prefer him to stay instead of Fredster *runs*

I don't want either of them to go but Marcus has had enough and he wants to go so I hope he gets his wish, he's been so entertaining Smiler.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
think the silliness of his dressing gown is counteracted by the silliness of ur hat '

On Beas Hat [Siavashs hat on her head]: "makes your head look like a teapot"

On Bea Saying Marcus Is Part Of A Group: BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT, That Is Utter Poppycock

At Bea: You Got A Great Big Massive Head On Your Shoulders

If I do anything, someone will probably like it. Best to do nothing, no-one will like that".

Clapping Laugh.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Talking about Guns and Roses tours...

"They were dangerous, they were dicks, sometimes they didn't play and there were riots, loads of people died cos of their concerts, 20 people died around the world because of their gigs"

''It's not cool to nick things".

"Will you change your opinion if four million people tell you the same as I do?"

Marcus to Bea last night

Thumbs Up Big Grin
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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