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I know "I could honestly kill him with my eyebrow"

An Stuff like that !!!

I am THE Irrepressible Dark Horse.

Its a natterjack toad, don't you watch Terry Nutkins?

"I drink puddle water"

"It was in The Diary of Adrian Mole

"bla bla bla bla"

"you dicksplash"

"Sophie's a titbird

I eat cat biscuits

There's definitely food banditry going on

"I found a little interesting thing which I stuck to another interesting thing, to make a bigger interesting thing".

Tigers don't mate anymore, because they're bored".

The Irrepressible Dark Horse is a way of life. It's the spirit of not being repressed, restrained or controlled by anyone. That is me.

"They're f*ckin' delicious. it depends what flavour you like.

"Noirin, I actually am upset about Michael Jackson ".

I can pull trucks with my bellend

Do you want cherryade all over your diary room chair?

When the task requirement was for a strongman...

I was put in this house as a bit of meat.

It annoys me when girlfriends can buy what clothes they like in the sales at discounted prices and I have to buy everything full price or have it custom made.

''you ain't all that and a bag of potato chips''.

I wonder how much tea would you have to drink to become tea? Because surely if you drink enough of it, it must permeate every fibre of your being. If you just keep drinking it. It would eventually just seep through all your stomach lining and your organs until you would actually become tea.

"I bet this is the shittest Big Brother ever. They're not putting any money or effort into the tasks so we're all sitting around bored all the time. People aren't going to want to turn on their televisions and see us lot sitting around all depressed. It's probably already been cancelled and we're still in here because they forgot to tell us when they f*cked off home"

"That's easy, I could pull that with my bell end"

"Don't start flapping your gums at me"

"He was just being a cockblocker"

Marcus: Noirin
Noirin: Yeah
[long pause]
Marcus: I like you

"Noirin.... I'm actually really upset about Michael Jackson"

"Karly's just a little ball of hate"

"I was put in this house as a piece of meat"

"You ain't all that and a bag of potato chips!"

"Never chase buses or women but in here Norin can't get away"

Sree in ice cream task: Marcus, what was the order again?
Marcus: How the f**k should I know? You didn't say anything!

(wtte) Pandering to these f**king namby-pamby PC morons..... what a total load of wank!

"The ultimate karate test is I beat 100 men which took 4 hours and my hands and feet were blistered down to the bone."

"Cat biscuits? Disgusting? I eat cat biscuits all the time!"

"and my f***ing tea's now gone cold"

"I could honestly kill him with my eyebrow"

BB: Marcus, you've just forfeited the 3 tokens
Marcus: You w*nker!

"I am the irrepressible dark horse. Film it, listen to it, love it!".

I am Captain Cool as F**k"

PMSL Laugh Laugh Laugh Big Grin Big Grin.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sree: What's 13 13's?
Marcus: What's it like having sex with a woman?.

If they start having sex in the middle of the night, I will creep up with a spoon and whack him in the ball bag. Talking about Noirin and Isaac.

Everything about this house, the second you walk in.... you go into the Matrix.

To Sree: Shut up you girl!

When asked if he'd shave his eyebrow off, he said:

I'd rather do something like... set fire to ourselves

BB: You have just forfeited your 3 tokens

Marcus: Oh dont be a *****

Captain Cool does not suffer from jangly nerves

Noirin reckons she doesnt have any good storylines coming up, yeah, like shes seen the f*cking radio times?.

About Sree:

Oh yeah and f**king Slumdog Millionare 2 over there

When Sree messed up the ice cream task all you could see was the plant, blanket and his feet as he surmised the situation:

F**king idiot!

Big Brother: In a conversation with Noirin, you said, I will show him the meaning of pain

Marcus: yeah thats from a film
BB: how are you feeling about being up for nomination?

Marcus: am I allowed to swear?

BB: if you need to

Marcus: I couldnt really give a **** to be honest.

Don't forget...

"I have absolutely nothing to gain from slapping around a little pissant like him"

Marcus has a Siamese cat who he describes as "a bit of a b**tard" as he steals money and sabotages plants. People who dislike his hair offend him.

Upon Sree returning from the Diary Room at 4 in the morning after an ice-cream order

"F*cking Useless"

darloboy (Play The Game!)
BB "you aided and abetted Kenneth's escape"

Marcus "well it's not Colditz!"

To Bea "do you know about the mudskipper".

"'I'm Cool. I can add some of his cool to my cool, then I'll just be ultra cool.

BB: On a scale of 1-10 how cool are you?

MA: Ten. That's a pathetic question that you should already know the answer too. More than ten. You can't rate me. I am the yardstick by which all others are measured. You can't get no cooler. I was born to be the man, it's a done deal, done and dusted. Set in stone.

Whatever I do is cool. I just am cool. I breathe cool, sleep cool, shit cool. I just am cool, Captain cool as F!ck, that's me. You can't beat me, can't beat Captain cool as F!ck, can't be done."

Big Grin Laugh Laugh.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I know "I could honestly kill him with my eyebrow"

An Stuff like that !!!

I am THE Irrepressible Dark Horse.

Its a natterjack toad, don't you watch Terry Nutkins?

"I drink puddle water"

"It was in The Diary of Adrian Mole

"bla bla bla bla"

"you dicksplash"

"Sophie's a titbird

I eat cat biscuits

There's definitely food banditry going on

"I found a little interesting thing which I stuck to another interesting thing, to make a bigger interesting thing".

Tigers don't mate anymore, because they're bored".

The Irrepressible Dark Horse is a way of life. It's the spirit of not being repressed, restrained or controlled by anyone. That is me.

"They're f*ckin' delicious. it depends what flavour you like.

"Noirin, I actually am upset about Michael Jackson ".

I can pull trucks with my bellend

Do you want cherryade all over your diary room chair?

When the task requirement was for a strongman...

I was put in this house as a bit of meat.

It annoys me when girlfriends can buy what clothes they like in the sales at discounted prices and I have to buy everything full price or have it custom made.

''you ain't all that and a bag of potato chips''.

I wonder how much tea would you have to drink to become tea? Because surely if you drink enough of it, it must permeate every fibre of your being. If you just keep drinking it. It would eventually just seep through all your stomach lining and your organs until you would actually become tea.

"I bet this is the shittest Big Brother ever. They're not putting any money or effort into the tasks so we're all sitting around bored all the time. People aren't going to want to turn on their televisions and see us lot sitting around all depressed. It's probably already been cancelled and we're still in here because they forgot to tell us when they f*cked off home"

"That's easy, I could pull that with my bell end"

"Don't start flapping your gums at me"

"He was just being a cockblocker"

Marcus: Noirin
Noirin: Yeah
[long pause]
Marcus: I like you

"Noirin.... I'm actually really upset about Michael Jackson"

"Karly's just a little ball of hate"

"I was put in this house as a piece of meat"

"You ain't all that and a bag of potato chips!"

"Never chase buses or women but in here Norin can't get away"

Sree in ice cream task: Marcus, what was the order again?
Marcus: How the f**k should I know? You didn't say anything!

(wtte) Pandering to these f**king namby-pamby PC morons..... what a total load of wank!

"The ultimate karate test is I beat 100 men which took 4 hours and my hands and feet were blistered down to the bone."

"Cat biscuits? Disgusting? I eat cat biscuits all the time!"

"and my f***ing tea's now gone cold"

"I could honestly kill him with my eyebrow"

BB: Marcus, you've just forfeited the 3 tokens
Marcus: You w*nker!

"I am the irrepressible dark horse. Film it, listen to it, love it!".

I am Captain Cool as F**k"

PMSL Laugh Laugh Laugh Big Grin Big Grin.

You coildn't make it up! Classic Marcusisms! Laugh
The other day Marcus explained to Big Brother, in no uncertain terms, that he was The Irrepressible Dark Horse. So in a chat about today's Task and Friday's Eviction survival, Big Brother took the opportunity to quiz Marcus further about his four-legged alter ego, and get him to explain, truly, what he meant.

"On the whole I'd rather have gone on Friday. I'm not in it to win it," said Marcus.

"Saying you want to leave doesn't sound like something The Irrepressible Dark Horse would say," interjected Big Brother.

"The Irrepressible Dark Horse does his best work in any situation," began Marcus, suddenly talking about himself in the third person. "I don't have to be here to be The Irrepressible Dark Horse. The Irrepressible Dark Horse is a way of life. It's the spirit of not being repressed, restrained or controlled by anyone. That is me."

Big Brother was silent for a moment. Possibly soaking in the whole zen-like ambience. "Could you explain more about the philosophy of The Irrepressible Dark Horse?"

"One: try harder," said Marcus immediately. "No matter what you do, always do one more. Do more and that will spread. Two: Always be yourself. And three, you know, try your hardest."

Isn't that the same as one?

"And don't be a tit," added Marcus. "Also the intangible aspects of The Irrepressible Dark Horse are intrinsinc to me. I'm born the way I am and I get stuff done. So that can't be taught. It's something you're born with."

"Why intangible?" asked Big Brother. "Could you explain more?"

"Unfortunately they broke the mould when they made me," said Marcus, confidently. "To explain this would go over people's heads. You have to see it, live it, and love it. And then you can respect and understand what it is to be the good old Irrepressible Dark Horse."

"You could try harder," suggested Big Brother.

"I could do," said Marcus, obviously forgetting the number one tenet of his philosophy. "But that would ruin the magic. You have to see it in the flesh."

Quick, someone get him a sugar lump

Big Grin Laugh.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
BB: What can you do make things feel better?

MA: Well.... I don't know, on my own, nothing, well I say nothing more than anyone else, of course I can do more than anyone else because I am the Irrepressible Dark Horse, but whether I am correctly motivated to do things I don't know.

BB: Marcus you say your an irrepresible dark horse...

MA: No. I am not AN irrepressible dark Horse, I am THE Irrepresible dark horse. I will not tolerate that mistake made again.

BB: You say you are the IDH. Can you elaborate for BB?

MA: There. I am elaborating. Film it. Listen to it. Live it and Love it. There is your elaboration.

BB Thanks for clearing that up.

MA: No worries

Marcus, when he heard George Lamb say him and Siavash were 'half sleeping' when he was in the camera run during BBLB:

"We're not f*cking sleping, you c*nt!"

darloboy (Play The Game!)
Rod "Go to bed Marcoos, go to bed."
Marcus "I'm gonna go .... how many you on now?"
Rod "What?"
Marcus "the number?"
Rod "which number?"
Marcus "you know for doing good work!"
Rod "Oh my god (laughs embarrassed). You're away to do good work?"
Marcus "I've done, I'm on 3!"
Rod :"me?"
Marcus "yeah"

"5?" Rod shakes head,
"6?" Rod nods as Marcus says,
"7?" Rod shakes head again
"6?" Rod smiles!

Marcus "thats a lot!"
Rod "I dont remember, I think it's more!"

"7?" - coy shrug
"8?" - Rod shakes head

Marcus "6 or 7 - wow!"
Rod "Wow! Go to bed ..... you have ALL day tomorrow to think, Marcoos - good night!"

Lol Big Grin Laugh.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I know "I could honestly kill him with my eyebrow"

An Stuff like that !!!

I am THE Irrepressible Dark Horse.

Its a natterjack toad, don't you watch Terry Nutkins?

"I drink puddle water"

"It was in The Diary of Adrian Mole

"bla bla bla bla"

"you dicksplash"

"Sophie's a titbird

I eat cat biscuits

There's definitely food banditry going on

"I found a little interesting thing which I stuck to another interesting thing, to make a bigger interesting thing".

Tigers don't mate anymore, because they're bored".

The Irrepressible Dark Horse is a way of life. It's the spirit of not being repressed, restrained or controlled by anyone. That is me.

"They're f*ckin' delicious. it depends what flavour you like.

"Noirin, I actually am upset about Michael Jackson ".

I can pull trucks with my bellend

Do you want cherryade all over your diary room chair?

When the task requirement was for a strongman...

I was put in this house as a bit of meat.

It annoys me when girlfriends can buy what clothes they like in the sales at discounted prices and I have to buy everything full price or have it custom made.

''you ain't all that and a bag of potato chips''.

I wonder how much tea would you have to drink to become tea? Because surely if you drink enough of it, it must permeate every fibre of your being. If you just keep drinking it. It would eventually just seep through all your stomach lining and your organs until you would actually become tea.

"I bet this is the shittest Big Brother ever. They're not putting any money or effort into the tasks so we're all sitting around bored all the time. People aren't going to want to turn on their televisions and see us lot sitting around all depressed. It's probably already been cancelled and we're still in here because they forgot to tell us when they f*cked off home"

"That's easy, I could pull that with my bell end"

"Don't start flapping your gums at me"

"He was just being a cockblocker"

Marcus: Noirin
Noirin: Yeah
[long pause]
Marcus: I like you

"Noirin.... I'm actually really upset about Michael Jackson"

"Karly's just a little ball of hate"

"I was put in this house as a piece of meat"

"You ain't all that and a bag of potato chips!"

"Never chase buses or women but in here Norin can't get away"

Sree in ice cream task: Marcus, what was the order again?
Marcus: How the f**k should I know? You didn't say anything!

(wtte) Pandering to these f**king namby-pamby PC morons..... what a total load of wank!

"The ultimate karate test is I beat 100 men which took 4 hours and my hands and feet were blistered down to the bone."

"Cat biscuits? Disgusting? I eat cat biscuits all the time!"

"and my f***ing tea's now gone cold"

"I could honestly kill him with my eyebrow"

BB: Marcus, you've just forfeited the 3 tokens
Marcus: You w*nker!

"I am the irrepressible dark horse. Film it, listen to it, love it!".

I am Captain Cool as F**k"

PMSL Laugh Laugh Laugh Big Grin Big Grin.
Marcus is BB 10 these quotes pretty much some up why i joined the MFK Thumbs Up
Originally posted by The Guru:
My personal fave and very David Brent...
Originally posted by darloboy07:

When the task requirement was for a strongman...

Can't remember the exact quote but in a chat about fights happening in night clubs he said he was bottled but didn't realise till he found the beer label in his hair-do later on.

''She's like a dog with no teeth"

In jail, speaking into his mic:

"Big Brother w*nkers. Take me to America, please. I shall be ready to leave in a few moments. Thank you!".

"Can you put down the shutters and get the elves to sweep up out there - there's mud everywhere after the task!"

BB "BB will not be doing any further cleaning up"

Marcus comes out of DR - "lazy effin w**k**s!"

It's going to be a very argumentative week in the house, I think ... and to be honest, I'm looking forward to it! There hasn't been enough arguments.

Marcus brushes his teeth. Bea marvels at his shiny dentures. He explains the secret it to chew bark in the woods.

To Noirin: "Oh, my heart's not in jeopardy."

''Would you be offended if blood rushed to my penis"

''F*cking poppycock!"

I'm looking at your dimples Noirin

Big Grin Laugh
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I bet this is the shittest Big Brother ever. They're not putting any money or effort into the tasks so we're all sitting around bored all the time. People aren't going to want to turn on their televisions and see us lot sitting around all depressed. It's probably already been cancelled and we're still in here because they forgot to tell us when they f*cked off home

This is the best quote ever Laugh
The puddle snippet -- quote from scottish sue

Freddie : "Its gone, it's gone!" (as the food from their kebab haul is put into the storeroom)

Bea : "Honestly you guys would not believe the crap that I eat and I'm all the better for it. People are far too conscious of health and hygiene".

General mumbles from Freddie, Siavash and Charlie.

Bea : "You need to build up a tolerance. The reason why, you know, people get so many colds and things is that they're just too damn careful with themselves.

Marcus "I drink puddle water!"

Bea : "Puddled water?"

Marcus : "Water from puddles when I'm thirsty because I've always ..."

Laughter in the background.

Bea : "What you just squat down and start lapping it up?"

Marcus : "Yeah honestly, I'm not joking. I'm not joking and thats why I never get ill when I eat food. Thats why I never ... I mean I don't know if you have ever seen me eat, I hardly ever chew - I just swallow everything whole as my whole life I've just built up such an awesome stomach acid and ...... I eat absolutely anything."

Bea : "I grew up on my grandma's modgies(?) which would basically be (laughs) a collection of old yoghurts that she'd find in the back of the fridge".

and then you down for the snake massage

F**king W*nkers! to BB

'I'm sure the box said I would have an 'experience'..

"marcus has just destroyed something in the diary room everybody goes yay its good television"

Marcus ponders how Hira could react to being up for eviction:

"She might flip out and turn into a nutter"

after getting out of jail last night ,marcus went to the DR and said the house was dull and wanted new tasks like alligator wrestling, and he also said the house was all sizzle and no steak.

Laugh Big Grin
darloboy (Play The Game!)
"I bet this is the shittest Big Brother ever. They're not putting any money or effort into the tasks so we're all sitting around bored all the time. People aren't going to want to turn on their televisions and see us lot sitting around all depressed. It's probably already been cancelled and we're still in here because they forgot to tell us when they f*cked off home"

Ha ha haaaaaaaaaaa! That was a good one! Laugh
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by darloboy07:
The puddle snippet -- quote from scottish sue

Freddie : "Its gone, it's gone!" (as the food from their kebab haul is put into the storeroom)

Bea : "Honestly you guys would not believe the crap that I eat and I'm all the better for it. People are far too conscious of health and hygiene".

General mumbles from Freddie, Siavash and Charlie.

Bea : "You need to build up a tolerance. The reason why, you know, people get so many colds and things is that they're just too damn careful with themselves.

Marcus "I drink puddle water!"

Bea : "Puddled water?"

Marcus : "Water from puddles when I'm thirsty because I've always ..."

Laughter in the background.

Bea : "What you just squat down and start lapping it up?"

Marcus : "Yeah honestly, I'm not joking. I'm not joking and thats why I never get ill when I eat food. Thats why I never ... I mean I don't know if you have ever seen me eat, I hardly ever chew - I just swallow everything whole as my whole life I've just built up such an awesome stomach acid and ...... I eat absolutely anything."

Bea : "I grew up on my grandma's modgies(?) which would basically be (laughs) a collection of old yoghurts that she'd find in the back of the fridge".

I'm almost crying with laughter at this! I'd love to see him just squat down and start lapping up a puddle..and the 'old yoghurts' thing Laugh Laugh
Originally posted by darloboy07:
BB "you aided and abetted Kenneth's escape"

Marcus "well it's not Colditz!"

To Bea "do you know about the mudskipper".

"'I'm Cool. I can add some of his cool to my cool, then I'll just be ultra cool.

BB: On a scale of 1-10 how cool are you?

MA: Ten. That's a pathetic question that you should already know the answer too. More than ten. You can't rate me. I am the yardstick by which all others are measured. You can't get no cooler. I was born to be the man, it's a done deal, done and dusted. Set in stone.

Whatever I do is cool. I just am cool. I breathe cool, sleep cool, shit cool. I just am cool, Captain cool as F!ck, that's me. You can't beat me, can't beat Captain cool as F!ck, can't be done."

Big Grin Laugh Laugh.

Hahahahaha Thank you Darlo.....I've now got the giggles Laugh Laugh Thumbs Up

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