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That bloke has some serious mental insecurity issues that need addressing quickly, he is worrying to watch. I sense stalker mentality and hwe needs to be monitored, especially after the show finishes, for Noirins sake. The whole masculin ape mentality and slagging off anyone that shows any interest in her is very worrying, he worries me, I wouldn't be suprised if we end up reading about him in the papers in a few months on serious charges.

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Originally posted by Poolshark:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Poolshark:
That bloke has some serious mental insecurity issues that need addressing quickly, he is worrying to watch. I sense stalker mentality and hwe needs to be monitored, especially after the show finishes, for Noirins sake. The whole masculin ape mentality and slagging off anyone that shows any interest in her is very worrying, he worries me, I wouldn't be suprised if we end up reading about him in the papers in a few months on serious charges.

I feel pretty much the same but refrained from posting my thoughts on it. He's certainlt not 'normal' is he?

He slagged off Frederico when he was doing his horse riding task with her, now he is slagging of Tom, basically no one is allowed near his prize, believe me somethinig is not right with that bloke, I've met people like him before.

I agree he will cause her problems unless she cuts herself off from him just now. Its no use telling him they are only friends then cuddling up to him, he is not going to accept it thinking there is a chance for him. The longer she keeps it going the worse it is going to get, she must know its not normal.
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Is Noirin secure and sane? She says to one person Marcus is a good friend, to someone else she says he is slimey, she uses another HM to undermine him and then goes running back to him later.
I agree, Noirin confuses me,she should dd as she pleases and if Marcus can't handle it so be it.
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by WILDER X:
don't think Marcus is abnormal at all, and is one of the few people in the house who is open and honest about his real feelings. OK, you might not like his attitudes, but at least he's not being two-faced, and his feelings are genuine. And remember how everyone applauded him when he took on BB about the political correctness issues.

He's abnormal when it comes to woman.

Well I'm glad someone sees it like me. As for his PC tirade - yes I applaud him for it - he was 100% correct but ...........looking back - he did take it two or three steps too far didn't he. He made his point and then went on and on and on.

agree again Soozy (makes a change for us eh?? lol). His PC tirade in the DR seemed to me to have been a well rehearsed speech that he had prepared earlier.

TBH if I was in his situ I would have said pretty much the same, because what he was saying was true enough - but he went ON and ON and ON because he hadnt finished his 'prepared' lecture Roll Eyes

OMG!!!!!!!!! I thought exactly the same ...he's such a sad sack I think he spent time working on a number of speeches for different situations to make himself the hero. I didn't feel confident to post that before but you've said it now.

And yes it makes a refreshing change to have common ground Thumbs Up We have to have at least some things to agree on. Wink

I sat there watching it Sooz when he was harping on thinking 'yeah blah blah I know what ur next sentence will be' lol Thumbs Up I didnt dare post at the time because everyone else was bigging him up for it Big Grin
Said weeks ago Noirin is playing a very dangerous game with Marcus.

She is so desperate for fame, to me she no longer has a soul. Noirin has used Marcus to do her bidding, fight her battles and generally been her protector from Sree, and then Lisa, when Noirin decided to defect from Team Lisa.

Noirin has used Marcus.

Marcus has misread every contact he's had with Noirin when she sat with him, laughed with him, flirted with him, Marcus read that as Noirin having a soft spot for him, The sad thing is that Marcus sees Noirin as a friend he cares about her, whilst Noirin only cares about Noirin.

The issue I have with Marcus is the way he objectifies women, he's crude, lewd, and has terrible social skills, watch Marcus when the newbies came in, he looked pitiful.

Marcus at root has low self esteem, this manifest in jealousy,aggression, malice and delusional ideas about himself and how he views himself.

Well Said.
Originally posted by Soozy woo:

Absoloutely 100% incorrect IMO .........he sees her as a sex object .........she has unfortunately given him the time of day and he thinks he has the right to speak down to her and control her. No way does he see her as a friend.

He certainly doesn't want her as a friend..he wants more, much more from her. He wants total control of her and will use what he can to gain that control.

He's manipulative and arrogant. His DR rant showed proved it. He doesn't see anything that he does as being wrong.

He is the one that has poisoned the orignal HM's minds (apart from Rod) about Tom. He called him a stalker (!!!!) and possibly a mole.. Crazy
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
Originally posted by fz:
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
has Marcus actually got any friends in R/L???? Surely if he did - male OR female they would give him a few hints, re the hair/burns/general dress sense/vulgarity Confused

has he got ANY friends u reckon??

I'd imagine he feels let down by people very quickly and finds friendships difficult to maintain.

He can't handle anyone with a conflicting opinion to his own...many times he has said to Noirin.." No, I dont believe you think that...."

In real life he couldnt get away with that for long, people would walk away, stop returning his calls or land one on him. The house is safe for him. Proximity is acceptance in his eyes.

would you not stop and question yourself WHY tho at 35???
I have a small but close group of friends who will quite happily tell me if I look like a bag of shite and I will take their views on board, then I also have a wider not so close group who will tell me I look great when my close friends have said I look like shit...

surely he must have SOMEONE he trusts to tell him whats what - unless that SOMEONE is just like him???

I dont think he ever questions himself. I genuinely believe he thinks he operates on a far higher plane than mere mortals, and the fact he spends so much time alone probably only re-enforces his belief.

Only his opinions ever have counted in the house. The thought that someone else's may be valid is an alien concept. It is maybe his subconscious defence mechanism.
he does show some distubing behaviour, but not threatening in anyway like a stalker would be, but then he is being monitered in the house. I agree at the end of last nights programme he regressed into childlike behaviour, and wasn't talking about the house when on about Tom pissing on his territory, he was clearly on about Noirin.
Originally posted by Princess Gollum:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
What did Noirin mean tonight in the HLs show when she moved out of the bed where she was happily chatting (and flirting) with Tom and Sophie. Her words were 'I better leave here or I will get into trouble'.

Into trouble with whom? She seems afraid to upset Marcus for some reason!

She means her gameplan will get into trouble.

Here, have a mirror; it may help with your free thinking.

Yet another troll trying to post about a FM instead of a HM.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Roxi:
Originally posted by fabienne:
Noirin is Marcus's chief source of entertainment in the house: he has freely admitted that. But when he gets out, he will not pursue her in that way. There will be plenty of other girls out there.

I think your wrong he will chase after Noirin on the outside and wont leave her alone til he gets what he wants

how on earth (song) do you know that?

if i were you i'd get myself down to the nearest copshop and file a report on something that hasnt happened
let us know how long it takes before the police stop laughing Thumbs Up

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