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Originally posted by fz:
He is staying up until early morning and now spending hours alone floating in shite.

Anything to avoid real people. Mattel should make him a new housemate.

Marcus seems anti-social. He stays up half the night when everyone is in bed, mooching around the kitchen. He probably does this sort of thing at home, gameing alone till all hours of the night. And he does seem to avoid real people, doesn't he, by isolating himself all the time. It seems he is inside his own little bubble, or Mattel box Big Grin
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Kelloggs:
I was hoping he'd prune beyond help Eeker

I bet he looked a bit wrinkly when he got out after two hours in the water. Laugh

Maybe the wrinkles would be an improvement lol, nah what am I talking about, there is no room for improvement there, either physically or mentally Nod
Originally posted by pussycatj:
I know it was said that he spoke with a psychiatrist a couple of days ago, but seriously I think this 'experience' is going to seriously damage the guy. Don't you think that he should be pulled out by BB, or is it just the money for BB? Shake Head

On the cotrary .....he's just doing what he does's the others I worry about.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by pussycatj:
I know it was said that he spoke with a psychiatrist a couple of days ago, but seriously I think this 'experience' is going to seriously damage the guy. Don't you think that he should be pulled out by BB, or is it just the money for BB? Shake Head

Hi Hun, long time no see!! I agree think they should pull him for his own wellbeing especially thinking about when he has to return to reality Nod
Originally posted by tupps:
I am not a fan of Marcus. I think he is having issues in that house and he is a pillock.

But, to call him unhinged and various other slights which question his mental health.. without the benefit of a consultation with him let alone a passing knowledge of psychiatry.. is a bit much don't you think Disappointed

Nod but bet his finger tips were all wrinkly after tho..... Wink
Originally posted by Syd:
Originally posted by tupps:
I am not a fan of Marcus. I think he is having issues in that house and he is a pillock.

But, to call him unhinged and various other slights which question his mental health.. without the benefit of a consultation with him let alone a passing knowledge of psychiatry.. is a bit much don't you think Disappointed

Nod but bet his finger tips were all wrinkly after tho..... Wink

probably everything from his nose down.. Ninja
Originally posted by tupps:
I am not a fan of Marcus. I think he is having issues in that house and he is a pillock.

But, to call him unhinged and various other slights which question his mental health.. without the benefit of a consultation with him let alone a passing knowledge of psychiatry.. is a bit much don't you think Disappointed

Actually I would steer clear of someone like that in RL ..............maybe I'm a bit judgemental ...or mix with 'normal' people but .....he dont seem quite right to me TBH.

Perhaps I've lead a sheltered life ....if so ........THANK GOD!
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Kelloggs:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
I know it was said that he spoke with a psychiatrist a couple of days ago, but seriously I think this 'experience' is going to seriously damage the guy. Don't you think that he should be pulled out by BB, or is it just the money for BB? Shake Head

Hi Hun, long time no see!! I agree think they should pull him for his own wellbeing especially thinking about when he has to return to reality Nod

Hi stranger Valentine I agree, we have all seen the change in him and seen his bizarre behaviour, i.e. cutting himself off, spending so much time on his own, comments we have heard him say recently. I think it's really sad and seems to have affected him more than the other hm's. I think he will find it very difficult to integrate back into society. That to me is taking a 'reality game show' a bit too far imo.
Originally posted by fz:
This is probably the most integrated in society he has been for a long while....and being close to people is what he can't handle.

He'll be fine when it's just him, the toys and mother. Ninja

what I don't understand fz is that if he was showing anti-social tendancies before he went in, why did they let him go in?
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by Kelloggs:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
I know it was said that he spoke with a psychiatrist a couple of days ago, but seriously I think this 'experience' is going to seriously damage the guy. Don't you think that he should be pulled out by BB, or is it just the money for BB? Shake Head

Hi Hun, long time no see!! I agree think they should pull him for his own wellbeing especially thinking about when he has to return to reality Nod

Hi stranger Valentine I agree, we have all seen the change in him and seen his bizarre behaviour, i.e. cutting himself off, spending so much time on his own, comments we have heard him say recently. I think it's really sad and seems to have affected him more than the other hm's. I think he will find it very difficult to integrate back into society. That to me is taking a 'reality game show' a bit too far imo.

Totally agree hun, BB shouldn't put vulnerable peeps like him in, good for their ratings, but where does that leave Marcus after the show has gone, I don't care for him at all, but I personally wouldn't put peeps like him in the house in the first place, just my opinion

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