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Yup the Big Bro tease finally got wot she wanted last night on Live Feed at around 4.30am

Both Marcus + noirin were under bedcovers whispering ...

"You know i think your stunningly beautiful ... i don't want to step on anyone's toes whilst we're in the house .... but i dunno wots gonna happen with me and you wen we get out of the house .... you know i love you".

Noirin allowed this fawning to continue for many minutes then announced...,

"I still have feelings for my ex and i need to see how he feels wen i get out"

Followed by the "hug" just to string Marcus along a tad longer.

She knows exactly wot she is doing . . . tease of the highest repute

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I wouldn't say he was as bad as her as he has made it obvious he fancies the pants off her. She, on the other hand, is just playing a rather obvious game

Spot on ..... but I would have thought Marcus was bright enough to realise that in reality, he doesn't stand a chance with her ... not on the outside of the house anyway.
Originally posted by Poker Face:
I wouldn't say he was as bad as her as he has made it obvious he fancies the pants off her. She, on the other hand, is just playing a rather obvious game

Spot on ..... but I would have thought Marcus was bright enough to realise that in reality, he doesn't stand a chance with her ... not on the outside of the house anyway.

Oh No, not again! Why doesn't she just say, "Marcus, it's been handy having you as my mate in the house, you really helped me get rid of Sree whilst making sure people thought he was the baddie rather than me for stringing him along. It's been really helpful having you alongside, as I have been able to keep my foot in both camps. BUT have you looked in the mirror lately? I wouldn't fancy you if you were the last bloody man on earth."
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
you don't want to start a relationship coz you want to see how things are with your ex? Confused

Didn't she say she hadn't had sex for a bazillion years or something Confused

she probably broke up with him when she was ten coz he pulled her pigtails Big Grin
Originally posted by Poker Face:
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
as if she would go anywhere near him on the outside Red Face

Why not?



Ok I admit he is not my type, and I wouldn't. But, I don't like the thought that people here think she is too good for him because she is 'pretty'.
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
as if she would go anywhere near him on the outside Red Face

Exactly - she's a user.

There's no way she would give him the time of day on the outside. He's just the means to an end but she may well cool off him now that Sree has left the house.

She really only used Marcus to get Sree off her back.
Originally posted by Mentalist:

Ok I admit he is not my type, and I wouldn't. But, I don't like the thought that people here think she is too good for him because she is 'pretty'.

OMG I don't think she is too good for him 'cos she's pretty, I think her beauty goes no deeper than the epidermis. BUT she wouldn't give him a second look in the real world, do you really think she,(or anyone much else for that matter,) would Confused
Originally posted by Poker Face:
I wouldn't say he was as bad as her as he has made it obvious he fancies the pants off her. She, on the other hand, is just playing a rather obvious game

Spot on ..... but I would have thought Marcus was bright enough to realise that in reality, he doesn't stand a chance with her ... not on the outside of the house anyway.

Sadly enough Marcus is thinking with another part of his anatomy, not his brain Frowner
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I like Marcus and I always have. I think he is very naive when it comes to women and Noirin does play on that. On the other hand, when I watch them together she does seem quite relaxed with him, and him with her. As for anyone on the outside, I don't see why someone shouldn't like him. Believe me I've met far worse with much prettier faces.
Originally posted by Mentalist:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I like Marcus and I always have. I think he is very naive when it comes to women and Noirin does play on that. On the other hand, when I watch them together she does seem quite relaxed with him, and him with her. As for anyone on the outside, I don't see why someone shouldn't like him. Believe me I've met far worse with much prettier faces.

But could you? I mean really could you, with those burners and all Laugh
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Mentalist:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I like Marcus and I always have. I think he is very naive when it comes to women and Noirin does play on that. On the other hand, when I watch them together she does seem quite relaxed with him, and him with her. As for anyone on the outside, I don't see why someone shouldn't like him. Believe me I've met far worse with much prettier faces.

But could you? I mean really could you, with those burners and all Laugh

ok, ok, no not me personally, but still there are far worse people in the world. Laugh
I watched up until around 4am, and to be honest I found Marcus very disturbing as he was telling Noirin a lot of crap about Freddie and Siavash fancying her too and being jealous of thier relationship, he sounded as if he was planting seeds, and isolating her to stay with him all the time, rather than chat to other guys in the house, if you heard him last night, like me you would have found it very creepy and disturbing. People called Sree a stalker, but sorry he is nowhere in Marcus's league who is coming across as the real deal when it comes to stalking. As usual HL show will cut it to shreads, but a couple of us who talking last night thought it was very creepy.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I watched up until around 4am, and to be honest I found Marcus very disturbing as he was telling Noirin a lot of crap about Freddie and Siavash fancying her too and being jealous of thier relationship, he sounded as if he was planting seeds, and isolating her to stay with him all the time, rather than chat to other guys in the house, if you heard him last night, like me you would have found it very creepy and disturbing. People called Sree a stalker, but sorry he is nowhere in Marcus's league who is coming across as the real deal when it comes to stalking. As usual HL show will cut it to shreads, but a couple of us who talking last night thought it was very creepy.

Everyone seems to fancy Norion- why is completely beyond me. As for Marcus, he is soooo creepy and obvious in his pervy remarks about women. I really can't imagine he's ever had a proper gf?
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I watched up until around 4am, and to be honest I found Marcus very disturbing as he was telling Noirin a lot of crap about Freddie and Siavash fancying her too and being jealous of thier relationship, he sounded as if he was planting seeds, and isolating her to stay with him all the time, rather than chat to other guys in the house, if you heard him last night, like me you would have found it very creepy and disturbing. People called Sree a stalker, but sorry he is nowhere in Marcus's league who is coming across as the real deal when it comes to stalking. As usual HL show will cut it to shreads, but a couple of us who talking last night thought it was very creepy.

i saw it senora and i think she is every bit as bad as him he was pawing her all night and she let him
mrs d
Originally posted by mrs d:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I watched up until around 4am, and to be honest I found Marcus very disturbing as he was telling Noirin a lot of crap about Freddie and Siavash fancying her too and being jealous of thier relationship, he sounded as if he was planting seeds, and isolating her to stay with him all the time, rather than chat to other guys in the house, if you heard him last night, like me you would have found it very creepy and disturbing. People called Sree a stalker, but sorry he is nowhere in Marcus's league who is coming across as the real deal when it comes to stalking. As usual HL show will cut it to shreads, but a couple of us who talking last night thought it was very creepy.

i saw it senora and i think she is every bit as bad as him he was pawing her all night and she let him

She's worse as she is stringing him along, it could turn nasty.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
I wouldn't say he was as bad as her as he has made it obvious he fancies the pants off her. She, on the other hand, is just playing a rather obvious game to all except her victims Nod

He's no fool, LL. He probably already knows this......but, hey, he'll take it any way he can! Laugh It's better than a kick in the teeth.

Even a very brief "showmance" with her is bound to up his street cred when he gets out.

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