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towards women whatsoever, put the Noirin problem aside as she has told him many many times she is not interested in that way, but still he does not listen and register the fact. I am on about his crudeness and way with words, ie:- the box last night, tell him to spit and piss in the boxes. This man is truly disgusting and also leering at Michelle bass gesturing to get her boobs out, yes I know she has, and does, but he is just Sick

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Originally posted by Free Thinking:
To say 'no social etiquette' is obviously a big exaggeration, also to some extent social etiquette can differ according to who you are with as well. I think he was just remembering BB6 where the HMs I think put a toilet brush or something like that through one of the holes in the boxes. Not that I'm saying the comment was nice but I didn't even hear it clearly anyway. If he did say exactly what was said here it was no doubt a joke, and probably no different to what was probably said in BB6 during the task.

But my main point is I find funny the attitude towards Michelle here, she is hardly a prude herself having had sex on Big Brother and no doubt shown her breasts in quite a few magazines. She probably considers it a complement.
nope my first impression to me is a correct observation thanx Smiler
" No social etiquette" Laugh Blimey, lgs, youre being far too kind! He just has NO ETIQUETTE, whatsoever, social or otherwise, he picks his nose, he says revolting things to the girls, he thinks he is fit!!! OMG!! THATS the most worrying thing imo, coz I believe he is obviously not the full ticket, due to thinknig this!! UGH!! What a disgusting creature. Imagine going on a night out with him and John McCrirrick!! Eeker OMG the horror! Eeker
Little Miss Spurs

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