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Originally posted by Free Thinking:
When someone loves you but you don't love them back the humane thing to do is not to see them. It really is that simple. I don't know why a few people still won't admit that. Noirin is playing the Big Brother game but really she (and Siavash) need to think in terms of just basic human decency.
How can you not see someone when you are all locked in the same house?
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
When someone loves you but you don't love them back the humane thing to do is not to see them. It really is that simple. I don't know why a few people still won't admit that. Noirin is playing the Big Brother game but really she (and Siavash) need to think in terms of just basic human decency.
How can you not see someone when you are all locked in the same house?

Marcus was avoiding her well enough. There's others you can speak to.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
When someone loves you but you don't love them back the humane thing to do is not to see them. It really is that simple. I don't know why a few people still won't admit that. Noirin is playing the Big Brother game but really she (and Siavash) need to think in terms of just basic human decency.

But the BB house is a hothouse of emotions where everything is blown out of proportion. There is no escape in a walk, telly, friends, papers etc. They are still strangers of a few weeks.
I have to say though, as far as control freaks go, he is pretty inept.. because a true control freak and manipulator would have Noirin on a 'leash' and she isn't is she. If he were, she wouldn't have gone within spitting distance of Siavash. She would have done what she was told.. even when he was away from her and in jail.

She is not the little hostage you think she is.

Well my sister wasn't on a leash when her OH beat her black and blue..or pulled out a knife when she had been out shopping because she dared to leave the house..
Originally posted by slimfern:
Well my sister wasn't on a leash when her OH beat her black and blue..or pulled out a knife when she had been out shopping because she dared to leave the house..

I'm sorry to hear that.. but that is slightly different from someone behaving like a scorned teenager on a TV show. It is difficult to equate that behaviour with that of Marcus.. because they are not the same. And it would be very wrong, not to mention libelous to say or imply they are.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by slimfern:
Well my sister wasn't on a leash when her OH beat her black and blue..or pulled out a knife when she had been out shopping because she dared to leave the house..

I'm sorry to hear that.. but that is slightly different from someone behaving like a scorned teenager on a TV show. It is difficult to equate that behaviour with that of Marcus.. because they are not the same. And it would be very wrong, not to mention libelous to say or imply they are.

I don't think it's libelous to state that Marcus can be violent.

He wanted both Kris and Charlie to let him punch them in the stomach. He's threatened to punch Tom. Yes, I think it's safe to say that Marcus has violent tendancies.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by slimfern:
Well my sister wasn't on a leash when her OH beat her black and blue..or pulled out a knife when she had been out shopping because she dared to leave the house..

I'm sorry to hear that.. but that is slightly different from someone behaving like a scorned teenager on a TV show. It is difficult to equate that behaviour with that of Marcus.. because they are not the same. And it would be very wrong, not to mention libelous to say or imply they are.

Libelous for what..commenting on how his behaviour reminds me of a controlling abuser.
let's not forget that he is not a teenager and I'm sure he would take umbrage with anyone who said he was just as he did when Tom said he was and idiot (in so many words)for his behaviour towards Noirin..if I remember rightly he went inside and maligned and threatened to show Tom the meaning of the word pain...
Originally posted by MysTerry:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by slimfern:
Well my sister wasn't on a leash when her OH beat her black and blue..or pulled out a knife when she had been out shopping because she dared to leave the house..

I'm sorry to hear that.. but that is slightly different from someone behaving like a scorned teenager on a TV show. It is difficult to equate that behaviour with that of Marcus.. because they are not the same. And it would be very wrong, not to mention libelous to say or imply they are.

I don't think it's libelous to state that Marcus can be violent.

He wanted both Kris and Charlie to let him punch them in the stomach. He's threatened to punch Tom. Yes, I think it's safe to say that Marcus has violent tendancies.

Ok then. That is your perogative if you wish to state on a public forum that Marcus can be violent. Having not seen him physically attack anyone, I'd prefer not to enter into a discussion with analogy that doesn't mirror what is in the public domain.

Because chest puffing witterings about wanting to lamp someone are a little different from actually attacking someone. If he had, then that may be different.. but he hasn't. Unless we are discussing his assault on the board in the DR.
Originally posted by slimfern:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by slimfern:
Well my sister wasn't on a leash when her OH beat her black and blue..or pulled out a knife when she had been out shopping because she dared to leave the house..

I'm sorry to hear that.. but that is slightly different from someone behaving like a scorned teenager on a TV show. It is difficult to equate that behaviour with that of Marcus.. because they are not the same. And it would be very wrong, not to mention libelous to say or imply they are.

Libelous for what..commenting on how his behaviour reminds me of a controlling abuser.
let's not forget that he is not a teenager and I'm sure he would take umbrage with anyone who said he was just as he did when Tom said he was and idiot (in so many words)for his behaviour towards Noirin..if I remember rightly he went inside and maligned and threatened to show Tom the meaning of the word pain...

Seriously.. and not because I am avoiding chewing the fat with you about DV.. I am not going to get into a discussion about whether Marcus is a controlling abuser. Dangerous water I'm afraid. That kind of 'diagnosis' usually takes a court case, and a whole load of psychometric testing... so I'm out.
Noirin needs to be evicted this week (and I like her...yes I do!) she can get away from Marcus.

As long as they are in the house together he will never let her go!

And Noirin needs to get away from the house to sort her head out, she only went to Siavash cos she wanted cuddles and kisses...who else was going to give her that apart from Tom!
Originally posted by captain marbles:
Too bloody late Noirin. he's already nominated you.

Exactly .........and she has nommed him. Surely that's proof enough that it's not all about nominations.

She feels bad because he's feeling bad. For some reason she's feeling guilty (can't think why). she snogged a guy and didn't tell her 'friend' until a few hours had elapsed - no real need for the mega strop in the first place Eeker
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by queenshaks:
Originally posted by suzybean:
She should have just left him to it.

Her conscience didn't let her.

Probs queenie....but she just doesn't know when to let it lie. I also don't think she is as bad as some others do, but she really has no sense when it comes to Marcus. She almost gives him the upper hand.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by slimfern:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by slimfern:
Well my sister wasn't on a leash when her OH beat her black and blue..or pulled out a knife when she had been out shopping because she dared to leave the house..

I'm sorry to hear that.. but that is slightly different from someone behaving like a scorned teenager on a TV show. It is difficult to equate that behaviour with that of Marcus.. because they are not the same. And it would be very wrong, not to mention libelous to say or imply they are.

Libelous for what..commenting on how his behaviour reminds me of a controlling abuser.
let's not forget that he is not a teenager and I'm sure he would take umbrage with anyone who said he was just as he did when Tom said he was and idiot (in so many words)for his behaviour towards Noirin..if I remember rightly he went inside and maligned and threatened to show Tom the meaning of the word pain...

Seriously.. and not because I am avoiding chewing the fat with you about DV.. I am not going to get into a discussion about whether Marcus is a controlling abuser. Dangerous water I'm afraid. That kind of 'diagnosis' usually takes a court case, and a whole load of psychometric testing... so I'm out.

Oh perlease...we all say what we see about the HMs as we see them, that is what the forum is for.Noirin is a slapper,Kris is a w***ker the fact that Marcus himself says the aggressive things that he does is to make peolple see him in a macho light..well I'm sorry I see him as controlling idiot with aggressive tendancies..not unlike the beginnings of an abuser..and I bet the psychologist would have an absolute field day with him..
Originally posted by suzybean:

Probs queenie....but she just doesn't know when to let it lie. I also don't think she is as bad as some others do, but she really has no sense when it comes to Marcus. She almost gives him the upper hand.

She probably doesn't like rejection Suzy and the way Marcus treated her after because of the Siavash/Tom thing was just to cut her off his friendship ate away at her.

She's not heartless as people make out to be here, she knows she doesn't fancy Marcus and has made that perfectly clear on many occasions, she just wanted to be friends.

It's him with the problems not her. But he has got into her mind hence why she has no sense when it comes to him. She probably hasn't met a character like him before in the real world because she hasn't had to, all the men that went after her were good looking. And Marcus isn't.
Originally posted by slimfern:
Oh perlease...we all say what we see about the HMs as we see them, that is what the forum is for.Noirin is a slapper,Kris is a w***ker the fact that Marcus himself says the aggressive things that he does is to make peolple see him in a macho light..well I'm sorry I see him as controlling idiot with aggressive tendancies..not unlike the beginnings of an abuser..and I bet the psychologist would have an absolute field day with him..

I didn't get arsey with you so I'd appreciate it if you'd wind your neck in with the attitude.

No, you can't just say what you like about people.. that's why people get nice big wedges from newspapers etc. However, you are free to post any opinion you like.. and take the consequences if it comes back to bite you on the arse. That is entirely your perogative. Just as it is mine not to continue such a discussion with you.
Originally posted by slimfern:

Oh perlease...we all say what we see about the HMs as we see them, that is what the forum is for.Noirin is a slapper,Kris is a w***ker the fact that Marcus himself says the aggressive things that he does is to make peolple see him in a macho light..well I'm sorry I see him as controlling idiot with aggressive tendancies..not unlike the beginnings of an abuser..and I bet the psychologist would have an absolute field day with him..

I've always said this to myself. If a psychologist was to analyze Marcus to Marcus, he is that arrogant he would dismiss anything said about him!
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by slimfern:
Oh perlease...we all say what we see about the HMs as we see them, that is what the forum is for.Noirin is a slapper,Kris is a w***ker the fact that Marcus himself says the aggressive things that he does is to make peolple see him in a macho light..well I'm sorry I see him as controlling idiot with aggressive tendancies..not unlike the beginnings of an abuser..and I bet the psychologist would have an absolute field day with him..

I didn't get arsey with you so I'd appreciate it if you'd wind your neck in with the attitude.

No, you can't just say what you like about people.. that's why people get nice big wedges from newspapers etc. However, you are free to post any opinion you like.. and take the consequences if it comes back to bite you on the arse. That is entirely your perogative. Just as it is mine not to continue such a discussion with you.

Not getting arsey at all..and as far as I'm aware I have said that he has the behaviour which reminds me of an controlling abuser nothing libelous about that..I know you are of the legal pursuasion but it doesn't always make you right ya know...but hey ho nice talking to you.. wavey
Originally posted by queenshaks:
Noirin needs to be evicted this week (and I like her...yes I do!) she can get away from Marcus.
As long as they are in the house together he will never let her go!
And Noirin needs to get away from the house to sort her head out, she only went to Siavash cos she wanted cuddles and kisses...who else was going to give her that apart from Tom!

Noirin has to stay, Bea is following Noirins' cast offs. Cuddles Marcus.. wants Siavash as BF.. there has to be some good viewing in that would-be drama. Big Grin
This reconciliation is one of mutual benefit to Noirin and Marcus. Noirin needs to keep her enemies close (like she said in her vt) and not cause ripples because this could jeopardise her chance of winning the show. Much the best thing to kiss and make up in Noirin-world. Marcus will benefit from knowing that Noirin cannot keep away, cannot accept that their friendship has been broken. He can say 'I told you so' when the doo da hits the fan with Siavash.

But before that, hopefully, Noirin will be booted out and the show can take on another form, which includes Marcus doing Marcus things without the fame-hungry, egotistical, narcissistic, machiavellian, attention-seeking, emotionally immature (yes, even more emotionally immature than Marcus), manipulative and shallow Noirin spoiling the show for him and, more importantly, for us.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
This reconciliation is one of mutual benefit to Noirin and Marcus. Noirin needs to keep her enemies close (like she said in her vt) and not cause ripples because this could jeopardise her chance of winning the show. Much the best thing to kiss and make up in Noirin-world. Marcus will benefit from knowing that Noirin cannot keep away, cannot accept that their friendship has been broken. He can say 'I told you so' when the doo da hits the fan with Siavash.

But before that, hopefully, Noirin will be booted out and the show can take on another form, which includes Marcus doing Marcus things without the fame-hungry, egotistical, narcissistic, machiavellian, attention-seeking, emotionally immature (yes, even more emotionally immature than Marcus), manipulative and shallow Noirin spoiling the show for him and, more importantly, for us.

Don't mince your words there Twee, Beas' one of those in waiting! Big Grin
Originally posted by tupps:
The best thing for Marcus is to keep distance from Noirin. Whatever he may have done wrong, she is continuing this pull you, push you thing and that is only gonna **** with his head some more.

Did you just read the report? He's the one pushing and pulling.

Why the need to go under the duvet to chat? Why can't he just chat out in the open? Why did he need to pull apart her personality again? Or the fact she likes Vash? Then he starts on the other hm's again What has her friendship with him got to do with slagging off the others? Once again with Marcus, it's all about control. She's socialising with the others instead of hiding away in a different room with him.

Then the 'I wish you fancied me' because if she did she might listen to and do what he says?

<shudder> That is not a friendship.
The Guru
Originally posted by felix:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
This reconciliation is one of mutual benefit to Noirin and Marcus. Noirin needs to keep her enemies close (like she said in her vt) and not cause ripples because this could jeopardise her chance of winning the show. Much the best thing to kiss and make up in Noirin-world. Marcus will benefit from knowing that Noirin cannot keep away, cannot accept that their friendship has been broken. He can say 'I told you so' when the doo da hits the fan with Siavash.

But before that, hopefully, Noirin will be booted out and the show can take on another form, which includes Marcus doing Marcus things without the fame-hungry, egotistical, narcissistic, machiavellian, attention-seeking, emotionally immature (yes, even more emotionally immature than Marcus), manipulative and shallow Noirin spoiling the show for him and, more importantly, for us.

Don't mince your words there Twee, Beas' one of those in waiting! Big Grin

Bea is already one of those felix. That's why Noirin and Bea don't quarrel, well not yet anyway Wink. It's the keep the enemy close syndrome at play with these two very similar ladies.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
"It felt nice holding you. Do you feel safe around me?" he asked.

OMG Eeker Run Norin - run - the guy creeps me out. Who says things like that? all this silly talk of Noirin using him - didn't take him long to start ripping her apart again did it?
I know! If anyone is using anyone, he's using her! He isn't her true friend, he only wants to bang her!
He rips her apart verbally and then asks why they can't be together!
What a complete dick!!!
ŨŸŅ”āļĢāļĒāļĢāđāļ āļ„Ï‚Ņ’āđŨ§Ũ§Ņ”Ðģ
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by tupps:
The best thing for Marcus is to keep distance from Noirin. Whatever he may have done wrong, she is continuing this pull you, push you thing and that is only gonna **** with his head some more.

Did you just read the report? He's the one pushing and pulling.

Why the need to go under the duvet to chat? Why can't he just chat out in the open? Why did he need to pull apart her personality again? Or the fact she likes Vash? Then he starts on the other hm's again What has her friendship with him got to do with slagging off the others? Once again with Marcus, it's all about control. She's socialising with the others instead of hiding away in a different room with him.

Then the 'I wish you fancied me' because if she did she might listen to and do what he says?

<shudder> That is not a friendship.

Yes. I read the report. I've also seen him keep away from her and her approach him. Sunday night he even went to the DR to get away from the 'beg be friends'. I'm assuming you haven't been watching.. ?

I wonder what part of

Marcus was sprawled across the chairs in the Garden, covered with a duvet, and Noirin came over to join him.

is him pushing or pulling? Or what part of him saying he doesn't want to be friends, he doesn't want to talk about it and generallly keeping away is him doing the 'push me, pull me'?

I am not a Marcus fan, but lets be fair here.. he has not reacted in the explosive way some non-fans would like to have seen.. so he keeps away (wise move on his part) and she chases him around to 'patch things up' and that's even his fault. Lordy..

As for your other comments.. if you want my opinion, I think it is quite clearly stated in previous posts in this thread.. I'm not going to recreate them here.
Originally posted by Jâ‚ŽÅĄÂĩ§ Ã˜Ãą à ÂĐhÃķÞÃūÊÂŪ:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
"It felt nice holding you. Do you feel safe around me?" he asked.

OMG Eeker Run Norin - run - the guy creeps me out. Who says things like that? all this silly talk of Noirin using him - didn't take him long to start ripping her apart again did it?
I know! If anyone is using anyone, he's using her! He isn't her true friend, he only wants to bang her!
He rips her apart verbally and then asks why they can't be together!
What a complete dick!!!

That's how I see it too, but I wish she'd just realise that it would be more tactful to leave him alone.

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