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Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
I think B should engineer a date with Tom and Noirin this week ... and put it on the plasma without their knowledge - see what she says about Wancus and that situation..see if they have a cheeky snog... with Wancus watching the whole thing.....

OMG MAZ i love you - that is brilliant ! ! ! !
Originally posted by fz:
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
I've noticed for the past week or so Noirin looks miserable when she's with Marcus. I reckon she's trying to keep the peace and not abandon the sexually immature, controlling moron.

She daren't have fun with him...because it'll be leading him on. She daren't ditch him...because she'll be a user. They are stuck with each other....but real life is only around the corner.

That's how I see it too. Very frustrating really.
Lord Lucan
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
I think B should engineer a date with Tom and Noirin this week ... and put it on the plasma without their knowledge - see what she says about Wancus and that situation..see if they have a cheeky snog... with Wancus watching the whole thing.....

Oh lord this place would go into meltdown with the I told you so's...The girl has been called a tart a slut whore and basically a prostitute I can imagine those who see her as such rubbing their hands with glee. Nod
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
I think B should engineer a date with Tom and Noirin this week ... and put it on the plasma without their knowledge - see what she says about Wancus and that situation..see if they have a cheeky snog... with Wancus watching the whole thing.....

Oh lord this place would go into meltdown with the I told you so's...The girl has been called a tart a slut whore and basically a prostitute I can imagine those who see her as such rubbing their hands with glee. Nod

No...people who use those kind of names to a woman on a game show can't rub their hands plays havoc with the stigmata. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Sweet mother of jaysus - this man is getting more and more deluded by the day! If Tom and Noirin get together i am predicting the first BB attempted murder... Ninja

Noirin tried to make someone who is supposedly her best friend in there look an idiot by jumping into bed with a new HM. Smiling and laughing about it while knowing exactly what effect it would have. Noirin is willing to stick the knife into anyone.

ConfusedReally?....My TV must be transmitting a different BB as I could have sworn Noirin chatted to Sophie about how it may come across to Chris among other things.
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
I think B should engineer a date with Tom and Noirin this week ... and put it on the plasma without their knowledge - see what she says about Wancus and that situation..see if they have a cheeky snog... with Wancus watching the whole thing.....

Laugh Laugh Laugh

See, I am not buying the deluded Wancus. I think he is quite clever and knows exactly what he is doing. He reminds me of Jason (BB5) in many ways.

Now, ths snogability test Tom or Marcus....let me see,,,,,Has to be....................Tom!!!
Originally posted by RENTON:
I don't mean to defnd any male action towards her at all

She seems to encourage their attention whilst also protesting - thats my point

None of the oothers receive this attention

she can flirt all she likes......she has told marcus that's what it's friendship nothing more.....if he chooses to refuse to see what's been told to him that's his fault....not hers.....

jesus christ....i flirt with my male friends and them with me.....still i guess if one of them decided he wanted a bit of action it'd be my fault for encouraging him would it? dare i flirt....must mean i'm begging for it.
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
love the way it's assumed it's all noirin's fault.......marcus is a grown man responsible for his own actions is he not?......i don't see noirin with her hand up his back working his mouth to say...'give me a cuddle'....'give me a kiss'.....etc etc etc....

he's been told that there's no chance....christ even charlie told him the other night that was the score....

yes the arguement is noirin could tone it down with him and not do as he asks.....but he has her at the point where she believes he is her only friend in there...and that she can't do without him....

she's damned either way....if she told him to do one and spent her time with tom....she'd be a user.....if she continues her friendship with marcus she's gameplaying.....

She'll always keep going back to Marcus because he is her strength in the house, that's how she uses him. I think she just used Sree for airtime, the whole Tom thing was probably that too.

h/mates form in effect then they're all using each other....the nature of the game is to avoid nomination....she does see him as her 'strength'...she said she admired his honesty and how he tells her things.....marcus is a very observant character....except when it comes to himself

marcus and sree are similar in the fact neither of them has a clue how to deal with women....and they both read a bit of flirting as a green light and then interpret that flirting as 'she's interested in me'....

both sexes flirt with each other in and out of the doesn't mean it's all going to end up as a take it as it is.....flirting....nothing more....

i'd be more inclined to think noirin was leading him on if she hadn't told him that it's friendship only....she has...countless times...and charlie,lisa and sophie have also told him.

so his behaviour is down to him...and him only....if he still chooses to believe a hug is a green light to something more that's his choice.

Excellent posts, totally agree.

I feel really sorry for Noirin. She was thrown into confusion by the whole rabbit thing and it shook her self belief to the core. She lost her confidence and was feeling low and Marcus stepped in and took on the supportive best friend role.

She's stuck now because she does value his friendship but doesn't want a romantic relationship which she has made COMPLETELY clear. She makes compromises when he pushes the boundaries so as not to hurt him and also to keep his friendship and support but she is clearly uncomfortable doing it.

Hopefully as she becomes friendlier with other housemates she'll be able to break away a bit but then she'll still be tarred as a user unfortunately.

It's a no win situation for her.

Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by RENTON:
I think its cos Noirin acts in a way that says "yes" whilst the others don't

What?....Mother of god am I reading this right?....Perhaps you'd best edit that post {B]you think she acts in a way that says yes[/b]...How often has that been used as a defence for terrible things being done to females. Frowner

my thoughts exactly lee......

Ditto! Shake Head

Frowner I actually feel sick to my stomach....Sick that such a mindset seems to be alike and kicking ....So much for progress eh.

Agreed. It worries me how many times I've had this argument with forum members just in relation to BB alone.

For weeks Noirin has claimed "we are just friends" to Marcus

The other day she allowed him to put his hand under the covers and feel her up
She was in no rush to remove his hand

Wud ANY OF YOU allow your friends to do that??

Like i sed Noirin is a player, sends out mixed messages, gives out the message that Marcus can whilst protesting that he can't

She is a horrible woman

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